Types of Motor Control Centers
The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) defines standards used in?North America for various grades of electrical enclosures?typically used in industrial applications. Each is rated to protect against personal access to hazardous parts, and additional type-dependent designated environmental conditions.
According to NEMA standards publication ICS-18-2001, a motor control center is a floor-mounted assembly with the following characteristics.
·??????One or more enclosed vertical sections
·??????Horizontal and vertical buses for distributing power
·??????Principally contains combination motor control units
The NEMA definition for a motor control center is consistent with the definitions found in UL 845 and the NEC?.
In general, a Motor Control Center (MCC) is an assembly to control some or all electric motors in a central location. It consists of multiple enclosed sections having a common power bus and with each section containing a combination starter, which in turn consists of?motor starter, fuses or circuit breaker, and power disconnect. Depending on the design ambient temperature, the MCC vertical sections may also be fitted with space heaters to avoid condensation within these compartments.
An MCC is made up of a steel structure that contains the combination motor control units, wireways, internal wiring, and bus bars.
One vertical section may stand alone as a complete MCC, or several sections may be bolted and bussed together. Vertical sections are generally 20” wide by 90” high, special section are available however and sometimes used by vendors based on the project requirement. The height of the vertical sections is suited to operator ease of reach for operations and maintenance.
The MCCs are built in sections called “shipping splits” to allow for ease of transportation and final installation on site. The main bus bars running the length of the MCC are bolted together at these shipping splits. The MCC is generally bolted to custom-designed structural foundations, which are then welded to the superstructure at locations that allow for ease of installation.
The MCC in terms of the voltage supplied and based on the type of motor operation can be catagorized as follows:?
1. Based on the voltage supplied:?
·??????Low voltage MCC, the maximum voltage supplied is 600V
·??????Medium?voltage MCC, the maximum voltage supplied is 7.2kV
2. Based on the type of operation:?
Combination starter motor:
In the process of controlling the motor, this type is supported by several main pieces of equipment, namely?molded?case circuit breaker (MCCB) or motor circuit protector (MCP), magnetic contactor, over interference safety relay (relay overload), and control transformer.?
Manual operation:
This type is generally used to control a motor that has a maximum horsepower (HP) of 10HP. The manual operation of the starter is only a manually operated on-off starter where the tool also functions as a safety device for overload interference.?
The advantage of this type is when the voltage source is lost while the switch is still, and upon resumption of source voltage, the motor will return to working automatically. This is usually the case for safety critical motors, such as fire pumps, where resumption of service is required during an emergency.
Adjustable speed controller:
There are several types of motors of which applications require changes in rotational speed in serving loads; this system allows the motor operating speed to change according to the wishes of the motor operation process by changing the voltage frequency on the motor. Due to the amount of switching that occurs, these controllers introduce harmonics into the system that must be accounted for during the design of the MCC and the power system.
3. Based on module division:
Fixed type:
This MCC module is where the component starter primarily consists of?MCCB, contactor, Thermal overload, and others are integrated with the frame.
Semi-draw out type:
This type is better than the fixed type because, for the voltage source section to the busbar, it can be separated from the plugin system so if there is interference or damage to one module, that module can be removed and not interfere with the other systems.?
?Fully draw out type(drawers):?
This type is the most reliable compared to the other types because all components in the module can be completely?removed,?so if there is a component that is damaged or faulty, the module can be removed and repaired outside the panel without disturbing the operation of the other modules
MCCs have been designed to meet the specific need of several industries, including:
·??????Oil and Gas (Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream)
·??????Mining, Metals, and Minerals
·??????Commercial Construction
·??????Food and Beverage
·??????Industrial Construction
·??????Pulp and Paper
While codes serve as recommended industry best practice guidelines for safe and efficient operation of the MCC, standards provide the details on the products, practices, methods or operations to meet these guidelines. MCCs are certified through design validation and testing, some common standards for MCC design adopted across the industry are:
·??????NEMA ICS 18
·??????UL 845 Listed
·??????Seismic Compliance to IBC 2009 and CBC 2010
·??????ABS Certified for non-propulsion loads
·??????CSA 22.2 No. 0.22-11 Arc Resistant
·??????C37.20.7 Guidelines
Manufacturers build the MCCs to comply with relevant codes and standards and subject to type testing. A type test assures the end user that the MCC has been satisfactorily tested for temperature rise limits, dielectric properties, short-circuit resistance, effectiveness of the protective circuit, clearances and creepage distances, mechanical operation and degree of protection.?
?A certified third-party inspector would carry out the tests at the manufacturer’s facility on a prototype and issue the TYPE TEST certificate that allows the manufacturer to replicate similar designs based on the approved type tested design.
·??????Molded case and air circuit breaker mains
·??????Bimetallic and solid-state overloads
·??????Adjustable frequency drives (6-pulse) up to 400 hpVT
·??????IEEE 519 clean power drives (18-pulse) up to 500 hpVT
·??????Reduced voltage soft starts (RVSS) up to 1,000A
·??????Panel boards/transformers/ATS
·??????Metering/SPDs/feeder breakers
·??????MCPs/fused switch disconnects
·??????Draw out NEMA Size 1 to 5
·??????Fixed NEMA 6 and higher
DRAKKEN's engineering team engages with the end user based on available process data (P&ID, layouts, etc.,) in developing a load list which then becomes basis to design the MCC while considering installation thresholds which can be further optimized through detailed interfaces with the MCC manufacturer. The load list would also apprise the end user to ensure that the available power generation would be sufficient and recommend any changes within the generation system to allow for seamless integration of the new MCC. This would assure the end user that the final product not only meets the standards and design codes but also tailor made to the requirement of the project.
We have designed, supplied and commissioned numerous MCC projects over the past 10 years and pride ourselves at the ability to provide efficient and fast track solutions for these systems.
Sr. Design Engineer - LV at PGL, Chennai
2 年We have a requirement of UL 845 MCC Enclosures for US market and North America market. If you are welling to give the UL enclosures please share the details my mail id [email protected]