Types of Leadership: Are You the Right Type of Leader?
I came across this article that lists Types of Leadership: Are You the Right Type of Leader? It’s pretty long so here are a few snippets that you might find interesting:
Different situations call for different types of leadership. A good leader can switch between those leadership types when they need to. What types of leadership are the best? Here are 10 of them to help you decide what type of leader you want to be:
Autocratic leadership (sometimes called authoritarian) is an aggressive leadership style that’s based on control. This style of strong-willed leadership only leaves room for one person in charge. A person with an autocratic leadership style expects promptness and perfection from the people around them.
Democratic leadership is a participative style of leading that involves a team of people who collaborate with a leader to make critical decisions. This gives you a range of ideas to choose from, and a team to consult when making your decision. A democratic approach to leadership is definitely one of the better-liked types of leadership in business.
Don’t like to micro-manage people? Laissez-faire leadership takes the opposite approach. This type of leadership is a hands-off style, where delegating tasks is a regular occurrence. A laissez-faire leader lets people work how they need to, with little to no interference. Leaders who use this style often lead people who are skilled enough to not need constant supervision – which leaves the door open for creative ideas and new ways of doing things.
A coaching style of leadership is a bit of a cross between democratic and laissez-fare leadership styles. It’s not micromanaging (but not totally hands-off, either) and actions are often decided with multiple inputs to consider. This leadership helps prepare people for the future by building long-term strengths. Much like the coach of a sports team, a coach-style leader can quickly identify the strengths, weaknesses, and motivations of each team member. A coach then helps people set the best goals to work towards, and gives them the regular feedback they need to be successful.
Want to know more? Head on over to the full article here for more ideas and perspective. Afterwards, why not drop me an email to share your thoughts at [email protected]; or call me on 0467 749 378.