Types of Forging:
Trinity India Forgetech Pvt. Ltd. is the closed die forging company. We believe in Excellence through Perseverance.
Open?Die?Forging?process?entail?production?of?like?Rings,?Discs,?Sleeves,?Single?end?hubs,?double?end?hubs,?upset Blocks, Square or Rectangular Bars and round bars. These forgings aid the manufacture of machinery in industries like cement, sugar, steel, pumps, and material handling like cranes, windmill and heavy engines. Closed Die forgings:?Two dies are brought together and the work piece undergoes plastic deformation until its enlarged sides touch the sidewalls of the die. On squeezing the die cavity get completely filled and excess material comes out around the periphery of the die as flash, which is later trimmed.??
Closed?die?forging?is?undertaken?either?through?hammer?or?press?forging?as?shown?in?Fig?1?and?Fig?2,?below.?Hammer forging is carried out by a succession of die impressions using repeated blows. Being a semi-automatic operation, the economy, efficiency and productivity of die depends on the tooling and skill of the operator.?
Press Forging:?In a press, the stock is usually hit only once in each die impression, and the design of each impression becomes more?important?while?operator?skill?is?less?critical.?Press?forging?use?a?slow?squeezing?action?of?a?press,?to?transfer?a?great?amount?of?compressive?force?to?the?work?piece.?Unlike?an?open-die?forging?where?multiple?blows transfer the compressive energy to the outside of the product, press forging transfers the force uniformly to the bulk of the material. This results in uniform material properties and is necessary for large weight forgings. Parts made with this process can be quite large as much as 125 kg (260 lb) and 3m (10 feet) long. Press forging has multiple advantages:??There is a savings of wastage of excess material in forging process ?Press?forging?entails?use?of?induction?heating?thereby?considerably?reducing?the?scale?loss?as?compared to oil fired heating.??There is a 4 to 5 times increase in the die life. As compared to hammer forging, this increases the productivity?and?decreases?cost?of?downtime,?loading-reloading?and?remaking?of?die.?This?ultimately reduces product costs and increases savings.?Upset Forging: Closed Die Forging is carried out on a horizontal forging machine called an upsetter. In upsetting, stock is held between a fixed and moving die while a horizontal ram provides the pressure to forge the stock. After each ram stroke, the multiple-impression dies can open to permit transfer of stock from one cavity to another. There is a reduction in wastage and reduced flash line. It allows horizontal products such as axle shafts, bull shaft etc. to be manufactured.