Types of content in B2B segment

Types of content in B2B segment

Here are a few types of content that B2B- specificmarketers can leverage to creatively establish credibility:

  1. White Papers/eBooks

White papers, while extremely labor intensive, serve a plethora of beneficial purposes for a B2B marketer. First and foremost, white papers are a tool for lead generation. Given how in-depth a white paper can be, and how much information it provides to the reader, people are more willing to give their personal details to access it. Lead generation is the most important goal for B2B marketers, so the man hours required to write them are more than worth it.

  1. Case Studies

According to a case studies are the most effective tool for lead generation. They also prove to your target market that your product or service is an effective choice for them. It helps if the case study focuses on a companythat is well known.

  1. Webinars

Webinars are a great example of how content marketing now encompasses a wide array of media, not just blog posts. Creating a webinar not only serves the immediate goal of getting people to sign up, therefore getting their information for continued nurturing until they are ready to go to sales, they also give you an amazing amount of content to repurpose. When recorded, webinars can be sliced and diced to create tons of different pieces of content. The content of a webinar can be used for multiple blog posts, podcasts, and even case studies.

  1. One Pagers

The line between sales and marketing is not as clear as it used to be. One example of this is the materials sent to prospects to help them get a better idea of your product or service. One pagers generally give an easily digestible overview of the benefits and features of what your company offers. For best results, make sure your one pager is visually pleasing; using bullet points is also more effective than long paragraphs.

  1. Infographics

Some think of infographics as a B2C tactic versus B2B. On the contrary,infographics can actually be more beneficial to B2B companies. B2Bs tend to have a wealth of data and analytics that can be put into graphical form. Using internal data to create an awesome infographic is a powerful tool to get media coverage. There is nothing a blogger likes more than a well done infographic. Conclusion 

By utilizing a , such as MarkiTech, it is now possible to see the direct link between social posting and lead generation. We offer retainer and commission based sales and marketing for B2B segment especially focused on technology products and services.

What are your thoughts on the differences between social media marketing for B2B and B2C? Leave a comment below and let us know!





