Types and Causes of Wrinkles & Fine Lines
Beauty woman checking for wrinkles on her face

Types and Causes of Wrinkles & Fine Lines

Wrinkles are lines or creases in your skin. That is a normal part of aging. Wrinkles that appear prematurely could be caused by sun exposure or smoking. You do not need to treat wrinkles unless you want to change the appearance of your skin by using over-the-counter products, outpatient procedures, or surgery to remove layers of your skin.

At what age did you start to get wrinkles on your face and body? As your body ages, you will see fine lines start to appear on your face. This can begin after the age of 25. The most common age group for women seeking wrinkle treatment is between the ages of 40 and 55. Wrinkles become more prominent after the age of 65 years.

Everyone who ages experiences wrinkles. You may be more at risk of wrinkles early in life if: You have damaged skin from frequent sun exposure, smoking, or your body has lost collagen, which gives your skin elasticity and support.

What do wrinkles look like? If you look at the palm of your hand, there are lines on your skin. As you age, lines like those on your palms will form on other parts of your body's skin.

- Loose or dropping skin.

- Lines, folds or creases on your skin.

Wrinkles are obvious when you are resting, but they are more visible when you move your facial muscles by smiling or frowning.

What causes wrinkles?

Slow skin cell production, thinning of the skin layer and lack of collagen protein cause the formation of wrinkles on your skin.

Collagen is a protein in the human body that provides structure to your skin. Provides flexibility or elasticity so that you can move easily. Your skin is similar to a rubber band. If the rubber bands stretch or move too much, they will become loose and lose their ability to return to their normal size and shape. When the body's cells age, their ability to produce protein slows down. This makes it more difficult for your rubber band to return to its original shape, thereby causing wrinkles.

There are several factors that cause your skin to wrinkle. Aging, facial muscle contractions, sun damage, smoking, environmental factors.

If you don't remove your makeup, your pores can become clogged, limiting your body's ability to produce collagen protein. This can cause premature aging and wrinkles if you never remove your makeup. It is important to remove makeup at the end of the day with cleanser to ensure your pores are clean and prevent wrinkles. If you forget to take off your make-up a few times before going to bed, that's okay, but the habit of leaving your make-up on can damage your skin by clogging pores.

Surprising Ways to Reduce and Prevent Wrinkles


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