Types of A.I-
AI is broadly categorized into two types:
Capability-Based Types of Artificial Intelligence
Based on how they learn and how far they can apply their knowledge, all AI can be broken down into three capability types: Narrow AI, general AI and super AI. Here’s what to know about each.
Though still a work in progress, the groundwork of artificial general intelligence could be built from technologies such as supercomputers, quantum hardware and generative AI models like ChatGPT.?
ASI would act as the backbone technology of completely self-aware AI and other individualistic robots. Its concept is also what fuels the popular media trope of “AI takeovers.” But at this point, it’s all speculation.
2.Functionality-Based Types of Artificial Intelligence
Functionality concerns how an AI applies its learning capabilities to process data, respond to stimuli and interact with its environment. As such, AI can be sorted by four functionality types.
In practice, reactive machines are useful for performing basic autonomous functions, such as filtering spam from your email inbox or recommending items based on your shopping history. But beyond that, reactive AI can’t build upon previous knowledge or perform more complex tasks.
IBM Deep Blue: IBM’s reactive AI machine Deep Blue was able to read real-time cues in order to beat Russian chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov in a 1997 chess match.?
Netflix Recommendation Engine: Media platforms like Netflix often utilize AI-powered recommendation engines, which process data from a user’s watch history to determine and suggest what they would be most likely to watch next.
Today, the limited memory model represents the majority of AI applications. It can be applied in a broad range of scenarios, from smaller scale applications, such as chatbots, to self-driving cars and other advanced use cases.
Self-aware AI describes artificial intelligence that possesses self-awareness. Referred to as the AI point of singularity, self-aware AI is the stage beyond theory of mind and is one of the ultimate goals in AI development. It’s thought that once self-aware AI is reached, AI machines will be beyond our control, because they’ll not only be able to sense the feelings of others, but will have a sense of self as well.?Perhaps one of the most famous of these is Sophia, a robot developed by robotics company Hanson Robotics.