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Duc Anh Tran
TABP | Looking for Product Director, Talent Acquisition, SAM, Senior BD for Affiliate, Direct Brand, KOL/KOC Management (Philippines)
As I mention before in a post, I just got enlighten by a new idea of being an employee. So, I wanna share my viewpoint to you.
In order to convey the message in a proper way, I'd prefer to use character A for this news.
Context: A is working at a Technology company as Frontend Developer
A took part in a conversation with his team about reviewing whole team's performance in the last month. A missed the targets & had it covered by the phrase: " I will do better next time".
Right after, team leader said that: "In here, we do not accept so-called heroic employee in work-which mean this time I miss, I will try, try harder to get it done, I have superpower so that next time I will.... We need you to become a delivery man. "
A's reaction: What a nonsense! Since when a random employee need to serve as a delivery man??? I said I would do better next time.
Breakout 1:
When you get saturated into office life, you somehow definitely bump into this kind of employee. He/she does not finish the deadline, the target, the OKR set before due to some reasons, maybe realistic or not.
But the way they judge their own failure is optimistic. They cannot define the root to lean on, set the follow-up actions to do and beat around the bush with impractical answer: Better next time. However, other people need the answer for the question: HOW? Sounded familiar ??
Breakout 2:
In common, we used to go through this awkward moment. I mean not being able to control your ego and get overheated when talking over your expertise. Right?
But in this situation, what is the point trying to mention a gesture: Delivery Man. Could it have any connection with punctuality, fast pace, talkative man?
But no, team leader really wanted to transfer this meanings:
?? You commit to the Hiring Manager, you deliver
?? You confirm your deadline, you deliver
?? You take ownership of your tasks, see them through, you deliver
Oops! The team leader did not require A anything hard to satisfy, to complete. He needed A to acquire a new vision to approach the problem that A cannot handle.
Success here is about being reliable, accountable, and getting the job done, not by grand gestures.
A failed the performance, however, A could only improve by:
Third, I leave it for audiences to fill in the box: ......