The Tym Before ...
Nathan Gregory
Veteran Technologist & Networking Pioneer | Cybersecurity and Crypto Enthusiast | Digital Identity Self-Ownership | Ham Radio Operator | Author of Seven Published Books, Two on Networking & Computing History, five Sci-Fi
The Cloud! It sounds fluffy and soft. Amorphous, remote, floating above the world. Run it in the Cloud, we say. A modern metaphor, but we once had another name, a more descriptive name for using someone else’s computer. The Tym Before ...
We called it time-sharing.
Today we mix the idea of using someone else’s with the concept of a network and call the combination The Cloud, imagining we have invented something new.
But it isn’t so new after all. Beginning in the 1960s, a company created a successful business making remote computer services available inexpensively to anyone via a network built for that purpose. In doing so, they created the first cloud. They called it Tymnet, and the company was Tymshare. The Tym Before ...