Two years of implementing Vantaan Valo’s strategy – where are we now?

Two years of implementing Vantaan Valo’s strategy – where are we now?

Vantaan Valo’s strategy was established in 2022, and we have accomplished a great deal in the past two years. For example, the completion of the “Entist? Jumbompaa” -redevelopment project and the positive decision on the Vantaa Light Rail Line have been big steps towards achieving our goals. The strategy will steer development until 2028, so there is a great deal of work still to be done.

The strategy of Vantaan Valo contributes to the development of Jumbo Shopping Centre. Our goal is to make Jumbo the most important shopping, service and entertainment centre in Finland – a shopping centre for the whole of Finland.

To achieve this, we must evolve and respond to the need for change. We are developing the customer experience as well as the shopping centre’s atmosphere, brand, ways of working and sustainability in line with the strategy.

Our strategy is divided into five streams, which we have promoted actively over the past two years.

Sharpening the commercial concept and brand

Jumbo’s brand was revamped in November 2024, when the name was shortened from Jumbo-Flamingo Shopping Centre to Kauppakeskus Jumbo . In the future, the shopping centre will be marketed as a uniform brand.

Simultaneously with the brand reform, we completed the “Entist? Jumbompaa” -redevelopment project, which started in summer 2023. As part of the project, the shopping centre’s facades of shops were made more visible and the overall atmosphere became more attractive and comfortable.

In line with the strategy, we also carried out an extensive customer segmentation survey to steer the shopping centre’s commercial concept systematically and develop our ways of working further.

Developing a coherent centre, space and environment

The shopping centre was developed a harmonised theme as part of the “Entist? Jumbompaa” -project. The new indoor surfaces, such as the floors, fronts, signs and lights, create a coherent atmosphere for Jumbo. The shop fronts were given a facelift to improve visibility and enable more unique displays.

Customer access and navigation were made easier by renovating the entrances and improving the signs, for example. Parking was made clearer, and car park lighting was improved. The redevelopment also provided more comfortable uncommercial hangout, seating and rest areas as well as greenery. One of our greatest achievement was the new seating area built in the central hall of Jumbo, where customers can rest and watch the hustle and bustle of the shopping centre.

Developing and deploying a coherent approach throughout the centre

Nearly all our service provider contracts were renewed in 2022 and 2023. The objective was to merge Jumbo and Flamingo into a functionally coherent unit, supported by the uniform brand.? Centralised service production has brought about synergy gains, improved the quality of maintenance and made management easier.

We have introduced energy management process with the aim of substantial energy savings and improved conditions.

We also improved knowledge-based management by building an extensive information system solution for the shopping centre. To support our future investments in B2B sales, we developed a new CRM system. The development of B2B sales is one of our focus areas in the action plan for 2025.

Developing sustainability and responsibility

In 2022, we prepared comprehensive responsibility programmes for Vantaan Valo and Jumbo. The programme for Jumbo sets objectives and indicators for our responsibility work, which we are actively monitoring. We hired a Sustainability Manager for Jumbo, who makes sure that our activities are managed according to the objectives of the responsibility programme.

Our aim is to become a CO2 neutral shopping centre in 2025. We have already taken huge steps towards this goal: the electricity we use, and our heating system are emission-free. In future, we will add in our responsibility and sustainability objectives in all our service contracts.?

The development of Jumbo into a major shopping and entertainment centre

The decision to build the Vantaan ratikka -Vantaa Light Rail Line- is a major development for Jumbo. In 2029, when the Light Rail Line is completed, Jumbo will be more accessible by public transport to customers from a wider area. In addition, new residential buildings and jobs will emerge along the Light Rail Line, making Jumbo a major shopping, service and entertainment centre for a larger number of potential customers.

Jumbo is preparing for the Light Rail Line by planning new entrances and smooth routes to the shopping centre and between the new public transport stops. The Light Rail Line will also impact Jumbo’s outdoor areas. The Light Rail Line and Vantaan kaupunki - Vanda stad - City of Vantaa ’s new master plan enable the development and densification of the entire Jumbo and Pakkala area.

By adding new services to our shop selection, we aim to make Jumbo an even more versatile shopping and entertainment centre for the local residents. Finnish Red Cross - Suomen Punainen Risti ’ Blood Service and the coworking space are great examples of such services. We are also planning on opening a library in Jumbo with the City of Vantaa during the strategy period.

What next?

We will continue to enforce the Vantaan Valo strategy based on what we have already accomplished and a polished operational model.

In future, we will focus on listening to our customers and tenants more closely than before. Our customers’ needs and expectations for the shopping centre are changing. Jumbo aims to evolve as a shopping centre to continue to offer its customers the best services and experiences also in the future. The relationship between shopping centres and tenants is also changing, and we will strive to help our tenants to achieve the greatest possible success with their businesses.

Jumbo will continue to be an integral part of and an active player in the development of the area. The area of Aviapolis will change in the future following the construction of the Light Rail Line and local development, and we will play a key role in this process.

Despite the fluctuations in the shopping centre market, Vantaan Valo’s long-term objective has remained unchanged.

In future, Jumbo will be developed and managed as a single uniform unit while taking into account the special characteristics of all our shops and different customer segments. Our commercial concept is kept up to date with our customers and their ever-changing needs at the centre. Jumbo continues to be a responsible operator and develop with Aviapolis, Vantaa, the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and Finland.? As a shopping centre, Jumbo is a good and desirable place to work, where the businesses are thriving.

By attaining its long-term strategic objectives, Jumbo will continue to be a good and profitable long-term investment for its owners.

Finnish pension insurance companies Varma and Elo own shares in Jumbo through Vantaan Valo Ky. The shopping centre’s hypermarket premises are owned by Kesko and HOK-Elanto. A shopping centre management organisation Colliers Finland Oy is responsible for Jumbo’s operational management.

Located in Vantaa, Jumbo is the largest shopping centre in Finland by sales. The shopping centre’s total leasable floor area is over 140,000 square metres. Jumbo has 170 shops, restaurants, cafés, entertainment services, two hypermarkets, and 5,500 parking spaces. In addition, Jumbo has one of the Finland’s largest hotel by number of rooms and a spa for the whole family. In 2024, the shopping centre’s sales were MEUR 496,4 with 12,1 million customers.

More info:

Jukka Vakula CEO, Vantaan Valo


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