Two words that only a leader can speak
They have been spoken by great men and women of the past in every area of our lives. From Jesus to Gandhi, from Hitler to Napoleon. They have led to great victories and terrible travesties alike.
There are two words that can only be uttered by a true leader. The very use of them indicates that you are a leader. In fact, you cannot speak these two words without being a leader. Perhaps these two words do more than indicate you are a leader, they are the beginning of making you a leader.?
Using these words has nothing to do with your position, status or hierarchy. They have no bearing on whether you find yourself in the corporate world, a social arena or out playing as a kid in the backyard. They rise above all context and cut past all rhetoric to the very heart of what it means to be a leader. They are not dependent on education, breeding, rank or right. They are the purest form of leadership. They are available to be spoken by princes and paupers, by old men and children alike.?
They are: “Follow Me”?
They have been spoken by great men and women of the past in every area of our lives. From Jesus to Gandhi, from Hitler to Napoleon. They have led to great victories and terrible travesties alike. But they were spoken, and others followed. There is a heavy burden of responsibility that comes when you speak them, for you are sealing not only your own destiny but inviting others to join you on your perilous path. You had better spend a sober second thought before you utter them.?
If you cannot say them to those around you, you are not a leader. But just saying them does not make you a leader either. Those who hear you must act, they must follow. Your words must ignite their imagination, inspire them to act and motivate them to move with you. If not, the words are hollow and you, my friend, will be walking alone.?
The great mystery is that these two words can be spoken by the unlikeliest of people. They are not chosen to speak them, they are not schooled or prepared, coached or educated to say them, they just say them. They are somehow ordained to lead. If nothing else, they cannot keep the words from escaping, from sharing their vision of something in the future to which they are pointed and headed. They are inviting others to join them.?
Those two words are being spoken every day in every walk of life. You will hear the calling to follow in your office, on your social feed, in your faith and in your chosen lifestyle. There are many voices calling out the same, and we, the followers must choose whom to follow.?
Do you call yourself a leader? If so, ask yourself, when did you last utter these words?
The world needs leaders. Collectively there are many, while at the same time they are few and far between. And we must each choose who we will follow. But who will we follow if they don’t call to us.?
Do you call yourself a leader? If so, ask yourself, when did you last utter these words? It may not have been a verbal calling, but it was clearly by example, by demonstration or by action. When you use them you’ll quickly see if anyone is following. Are they imitating you, are they sharing in your vision, are they casting their lot with you? Are you casting a shadow of influence on how they speak, think and act? If so, you will see it.?
My fear is that you have fallen silent and have not spoken the words for a while. Do you feel the calling to shepherd those around you to someplace? Do you have a message to share, a point of view that needs to be heard? Can you see how your vision will help others? Can you see the way to a better and brighter future? If so, you are called to lead. You are ordained. But first you must speak the words.?
Where are you going, my friend? Are you headed to a better place? Do you want the companionship of those around you? Do you need them to get there safely? If so, speak the words...clearly...loudly...bravely…”follow me”. They are waiting for you.
Mark Frezell inspires leaders weekly, subscribe at Check out his new book Superpower: Release the Potential in Your Team for a proven four-point strategy to build your best team ever.