The Two Witnesses at the end of Science
Photo by Alexey Makhinko

The Two Witnesses at the end of Science

TL;DR How Evolution and Quantum Mechanics (QFT) support the idea that reality is not entirely what is beknownst to us through physical sampling. Reality is one big illusion that our mainstream science has not been upgraded to see.

What else we'll cover

  1. Darwinian Evolution
  2. Quantum Field Theory (Quantum Mechanics)
  3. Personality disorders and a Jungian Archetype
  4. Superdeterminism


The idea of the two witnesses draws from the apocalyptic prophetic book of Revelations about two figures who will appear to challenge mainstream ideas, values and beliefs, and in like manner I thought that title fitting for the two ideas summarized from the Lex Fridman podcast #293 that Reality is one epic illusion, and that the stories we tell ourselves, although beneficial in our temporal settings do not represent the majority of everything real. The podcast was with Donald Hoffman.

We live in a world that can be explained by scientific methods and experiments. The tools for observing and measuring the world around us, our visual perception, can be thought of as the result of an adaptive evolutionary mechanism that wasn't optimized for seeking objective truth and seeing objective reality, inasmuch as it was optimized for seeing what will most benefit the survival of the species/individual.

We find that veridical perceptions—strategies tuned to the true structure of the world—are routinely dominated by nonveridical strategies tuned to fitness.?
~D. Hoffman et al, "The Interface Theory of Perception" (2015).

Witness 1: The Evolutionary process

What that means is we aren't given the tools to see past the veiled wall of subconscious processes of how we interact with the world. We are driven by subliminal processes, the result of hormonal instinctive and basal ganglia activity. The involuntary responses we have to our environments shape the ideas we will develop. This is like how the presence of gravity has determined all of our technological advancement on Earth. Now imagine, we are on the Moon, or in space. The assumption of gravity that fueled the way we relate and interact with objects no longer can direct the next wave of technological innovation. Everything we know about how to build effective models is effectively cut off especially from a biological-experiments' point of view because everything is just floating and can no longer sit still in our petri dish, which could bind bio-matter when we worked in gravity-rich Earth. We are these lost biologists who must redefine how to conduct experiments in the absence of gravity, if we are to lead medical advancements from the ISS.

If you think about it, why would your mammalian genes code for eyes that can see infrared, and into the electromagnetic spectrum when the visible light is enough for a human to feed, hunt and live in their respective environments. Now, not all environments are similar which is why some animals need to see into the infrared electromagnetic spectrum, but this insight tells us the nature of our instrumentation foci - our ability to objectively discern with the adaptations we use i.e. our bodily brains, are incomplete tools in and of themselves, as useful for making absolute sense of the world around us.

Witness 2: Quantum Field Theory

Quantum Mechanics asks us a fundamental question about our beliefs scientifically speaking. It asks whether we can truly rely on the objective truth of our own instruments and measurements, when, at the very fundamental level, these measurements reveal something horrid about the nature of the world.

This revelation is nothing can ever be known. There is no way of fundamentally being able to perceive of anything in the physical. The spin and momentum of electrons can never be known neither can the polarization of photons, without employing some probabilistic measuring device. Such a device only helps us extend our ignorance by making educated guesses on where we expect to find the positions, momenta, polarizations of quantum particles; and to extension the nature of all matter. If we can not be sure of what's happening at the Quantum level, how can we be sure of any law of physics we have extracted at the macroscopic level. See, if the foundation of any theory is shaky, then it only stands to reason that the whole structure on which the said theory resides in is up for a violent upheaval.

Quantum Field Theory, or quantum mechanics all posit a reality which can not be known by our "scientific tools" which we esteem to be the only guide to our hunt for objective truth.

What now? What is the message these two witnesses are leaving us with?

Is all hope lost? What will be left standing once we do away with the very aspect of falsifiability, i.e. our observations taken by our very illusory tools exploiting our evolutionary adaptation to optimize for what is beneficial against what constitutes of truth? How will anything scientific any more be believable? How will we recover when we cannot even be sure of what we are retrieving from the world - what we can see and hear?

As we continue to dig, and deeper still uncover an underlying matrix, subterranean to this illusory reality, we must not lose hope. There has to be something magnificent, more absolute than our experiments and measuring tools can tell us. For anyone exposed to the laws of physics, this realization that physics as we know it might only be a representation of our ignorance may tempt many to unparalleled faith-reasoning. For instance, if physics is no longer binding, mainstream i.e., some will immediately be tempted to start walking on water, as did Jesus, but it is not enough to simply break physics and begin to merely walk on water if we seek genuine understanding of whatever this reality holds. It is only the spiritual who are actually unspiritual, who run after miracles and forget knowledge, while the discerning seek after knowledge that will help them make sense of any world they find themselves in. This new reality must also have practical applications relevant to the everyday man. Our veil, through which we saw and made sense of the world, has been torn, what are we left with? Though breaking physical laws sounds rather interesting, do our pursuits from here end with simply just crossing the lightspeed barrier? (Ref. footnote 1)

Psychoanalytic truths

Truth must be stood against our everyday lives to have any meaning worth inheriting the said truth.

In psychology, Freud once taught every psychological disorder was a result of some broken father-figure relationship. Fast forward into the modern age where Jung's ideas prevailed and the insights of psychoanalysis have formed the foundation of modern psychology.

The place of the psyche, once thought a place of beyond physical phenomena is active in not only influencing one's own reality but changing that perceived by others. For instance, the story of how one man's faith transformed physical water to wine, or healed the sick. The abundance of evidence as portrayed by numerous reports of NDEs (Near Death Experiences) adds further evidence to the fact that there is a very much tangible experience beyond that of the natural world. This new world bound by its own principles and laws, does not exempt the entrée, the person entering, from certain preconditions to be fulfilled before such an individual can exercise their, for instance, knowledge of gravity to be able to walk, in this case, their knowledge of spiritual laws so that they can be able to glide.

The abundant body of literature available makes it almost undeniable that ancient to modern periods were marked by the exercise of truly Christ-like powers, and the denial of such knowledge is perhaps the only reason many of us are stuck in a 2D world limited by our QFT and evolutionary apparati ability to discern the truth naked all around us. To see is not to see, in fact, when we become doers not only hearers of this spiritual content, when we exercise our rights in this spiritual kingdom and choose to walk by faith not by mere sight we stop seeing, we start seeing. These rights, principles and structures of the new world form the underpinnings required to make sense of this superdeterministic multiverse we live in, and live not only as participants, but also as observers of.

Superdeterminism in conclusion

Superdeterminism is what's left at the end of our psychoanalytic-quantum entanglement babbling. It is not in vain to suppose we really do live in a world with far richer dimensions, that we can experience the passage of time as if we are waving our hands forwards and backwards in any of our manipulatable spatial dimensions. But does this superdeterminacy bind us to our paths chosen to us when we were born, or is pointing us to a non-terrestrial nature we must all seek to radically be transformed into, to allow us to coexist outside the material, observable fuzzy world?

Coming back to Freud, Jung and psychoanalytic theory, identity disorders have been known for a very long time and in many ancient stories. There was one story about a man who was afflicted by a multiple identity disorder. This collective split identity self-identified as Legion. A legion is a Roman troop consisting of 5,000 soldiers trained to fight. That means this poor afflicted man lived with 5,000 personalities ready to kill anyone who entered their domain and challenged their dominion. The people of the city would have him chained up because he would enter such violent states where everyday people's lives would be at stake in his presence. The people reported the chains weren't enough to hold him for he would break such chains.

What's interesting about physics and the fundamentals of our universe isn't how well they interact with some trivial variables, but how they fare against common woes at the plight of mankind. This person with 5,000 split personalities living and a very much strong presence in his life, bowed down at the personhood of Christ.

That is really striking, because now, when we do a backlog it appears this hidden world of symmetry, of order lurking behind the visible has been almost ordained, or placed there by a mathematician who loves coherence, and whose image has been splattered over time immemorial, who has demonstrated proof of our residence in the real world, isn't only concerned with having our power exercised over matter or spirit/personality, but our love and devotion to each other.

If you really come to think of it, what the two witnesses might be pointing to isn't really an end to all science but the continuation into something else, detached from earthly tethers, and underpinnings of relativism. A form of absolutism bordering on supernatural realities lived and experienced by many, culminating in the image of the Christ archetype Jung has written extensively on, the most fitting argument of the nature of true reality.

This is my understanding of the super-substrate that transcends physical indeterminacy at the edge of reality and that transcends our conscious experience. If you think about it, YHWH introduced Himself to a Hebrew once as the I AM. These two words, or new two witnesses pointing to an unfathomable experiential reality, form the foundation of every statement we make about ourselves. In the same breath, I am a god, can also be taken to mean, "I am merely a computer scientist exercising his knowledge on theoretical physics to bring you an understanding of matter-bound reality," or "I am a person acting out the nature of YHWH in him." The words "I am" literally mean that if you were to look for identity, character, self-esteem, ambition, love, look for it through the mirror that is Him. His existence is interwoven into our spiritual DNA, because therein you discover His character alive in you and you become His image, the Christ archetype of Jung, because He chooses to be the only representation of our reality that truly matters. He is Love.


  1. It may be thought of that crossing the lightspeed barrier is what ultimately constitutes the breaking of the most sacred held law of physics. Henceforth this analogy is used as a basis of entry into the new world posited by unseeable/unobservable physics.


[1]D. Hoffman, M. Singh and C. Prakash, "The Interface Theory of Perception",?Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 1480-1506, 2015.

[2]C. Jung, "The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious", 2014. Available: 10.4324/9781315725642 [Accessed 9 July 2022].


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