The Two Week Notice

The Two Week Notice

Last year I gave Buffalo Groupe a two-week notice. Yep, two weeks. That’s it. Sayonara. I’m outta here.?

I know what you’re thinking.?

It wasn’t the kind of two-week notice you’re probably thinking, though. I’m one of the fortunate that really loves what I do. I was giving everyone on the team advance warning that my family and I would be on vacation for two weeks. It’s the longest break I can remember taking since I started full-time employment.?

Now that I’ve done it, I hope to make it an annual habit. And I encourage everyone else to do the same.

Europe is known as a more vacation-friendly society. Some businesses close for the entire month of August, and people regularly take four to six weeks a year off.?

The United States, on the other hand, has a different mindset. Work hard, then work some more. Overtime is a badge of honor and the path to status, more money … that next big step up.?

I’m not against shorter vacations and encourage any time off. But I’ll admit it’s different for me. One day off is really no time off. I’ve realized I’m not very good at unplugging for just a day. I’m distracted. I’ll peel away for that “one quick call.” I’m in one place physically and somewhere totally different mentally. I’ve been working with a business coach to help me do a better job prioritizing my daily routine and compartmentalizing work, family, personal needs and active recovery.?

So, why two weeks? It is the perfect amount of time for a 100% reset.?

The first few days of an extended break are critical. If you’re like me, you may get a text message that starts with, “I know you’re on vacation, but ….” You’re away, but you’re not 100% gone. It also takes me a day or two (see the above about only taking one day off) to turn it off. The third day signals to your brain and body that, yes, it’s okay to turn it off! Days four through 12 are where the excitement happens. Whether you’re at the beach, traveling through Europe or enjoying a staycation, this is where true recovery takes place.?

How do I spend my time?

  • I’m 100% present in each and every moment with my wife, kids and friends.
  • I read all of the magazines that have stacked up, at least one novel and one business-oriented book.?
  • I exercise (I do that year-round).
  • I enjoy longer periods of active recovery because I’m not bouncing from one intense meeting to another, then to a workout, then back to a meeting, then coaching soccer … all with little time between each activity.?

What does all of this mean for employers? At least in my experience, the magic happens after the person returns. Someone fresh off vacation has had new experiences, which can generate new ideas. They’ve had a chance to truly decompress. That downtime gives their brain’s a reboot. Imagine string lights with rechargeable batteries. After they’ve been on for a day or two, the bulbs are significantly dimmer. People are like that too. When they work for too long without an opportunity to recharge, their skills are diminished.?

Maybe you can’t manage two weeks of vacation, but try to grab as much time as you can. And employers, do all you can to encourage employees to use their time off. The benefits may surprise you!

Sara Killeen

Managing Director at Buffalo Groupe

1 年

Dude! Thanks for the permission and inspiration. I’m on my way to Mexico as I read this. Your post will help me draw the line this week. Thank you!

Kerry Andrews

Marketer. Creative thinker. Competitor. Problem-solver.

1 年

...Jack, just trade the "one business book" for another novel and you've nailed it!

Kelly Knowles

Political Engagement, State & Federal Advocacy and Industry Relations

1 年

Love it!

Andrew Barton

Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Children's Picture Book Author

1 年

I like this idea.

Mark Burris

Advisor, Reader, Busy Body. Retired June 2017.

1 年

Wish I had had this POV. Congratulations, and make sure you follow your own advice.


