Two Wars, One Solution?
Joey Ortega
Investigator, CSI and Cyber Crime Analyst, Investigative Reporter and Media Personality
As a result of my radio show and investigative work both online and offline I have had many people either write or approach me is some way asking my opinion about either the "War of Terror" or this "Info War" that seems to be concurrently raging globally.
Here is a recent rant of sort that came out in a recent talk with colleagues. Since I have many readers, friends and contacts here who are in both fields, I would love to hear your thoughts about this and what can be done in response.
Despite our technological advances in cyber security and physical security people in general often remain first line of defense in both cyber and terrorist attacks against an organization, corporation or even governments....and often the first attack point for both groups. Though sadly very few see that until after the fact when they fell victim to social engineering attacks. A potent tool also used by both groups.
Both groups are essentially guerrilla groups which mean both use asymmetrical warfare strategies. All effective asymmetrical warfare attacks first require the same thing, good reconnaissance and good intelligence.
When you are out manned and underfunded then social engineering is the way to get it done and to make sure the enemy is carry the costs and doing most of the labor for you.
I wish more security organizations, Infosec groups, corporations and even governments spent more time and money offering more conferences, articles, discussions and even outright training (even if only in the form of regular published tips in Social Engineering) because is seems clear to me that even the most minimal of training can go along way in cutting off an attack when it is at its most vulnerable and identifying the culprits when they are at their most visible.
Editor and PHP developer
8 å¹´Governments (and all other organizations) can do nothing if they fight against terrorists and info terrorist who use one of the oldest "social engineering" - religion. Muslims on the middle east or orthodox Christians in Russian Federation, even communists in xUSSR countries (yes, communism there look more like totalitarian religious cult, not like political party) - they all vulnerable to social engineering tricks, used by they pastors. In this case believers look like peoples with incurable mental illness. And you have limited options for counter-work: isolate this peoples or... or return to darkest times of religious wars.