<<We are all suffocating in the heat of global warming. A study showed that if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise as they do, by 2100 74 % of the world’s population will be exposed to deadly heatwaves.

The only solution is to reduce our carbon footprint, but first we need to measure it.?

Internationally agreed ISO standards for quantifying the carbon footprint of products were published in 2018 and 2020.

According to the Global Footprint Network, an international non-profit research organization offering insights and metrics to advance sustainability, we are falling into ecological debt, and if we keep consuming the earth’s resources at the current rate, we will soon need the equivalent of 1.7 earths to survive.

Rising greenhouse gas emissions – mostly caused by our rapace consumption – have resulted in the climate chaos and consequent food and water supply disruption we see now. But much can be done to reverse this, by reducing our carbon footprint.

ISO 14067:2018, Greenhouse gases – Carbon footprint of products – Requirements and guidelines for quantification provides globally agreed principles, requirements and guidelines for the quantification and reporting of the carbon footprint of a product (CFP). It will give organizations of all kinds a means to calculate the carbon footprint of their products and provide a better understanding of ways in which they can reduce it.

Daniele Pernigotti, Convenor of the working group that developed the standard, said measuring the CFP is considered by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change as a key way of contributing to the achievement of international climate action goals.

“It allows organizations to more accurately see where the main impacts on their carbon footprint are generated related to the production of their products, and thus take appropriate actions to reduce it,” he said.

“For example, if it is related to raw materials, they can investigate using others, or if it is related to transport, they can look at improvements to their logistics model or investigate suppliers or distributors closer to home.”

Key changes from the technical specification include greater focus on quantification, moving other topics such as communication to standards in the ISO 14000 environmental management family; greater clarity on a range of aspects such as calculating the use of electricity; and the introduction of specific guidance for agricultural and forestry products.

ISO 14067 is part of the ISO 14060 family of standards for quantifying, monitoring, reporting and validating greenhouse gas emissions to support a low-carbon economy.

The standard was developed by working group WG 8 of ISO technical committee ISO/TC 207, Environmental management, subcommittee SC 7, Greenhouse gas management and related activities, the secretariat of which is held jointly by SCC, ISO’s member for Canada, and SAC, ISO’s member for China. It can be purchased from your national ISO member or though the ISO Store.>>


<<ISO 14067:2018 Greenhouse gases — Carbon footprint of products — Requirements and guidelines for quantification


This document specifies principles, requirements and guidelines for the quantification and reporting of the carbon footprint of a product (CFP), in a manner consistent with International Standards on life cycle assessment (LCA) (ISO 14040 and ISO 14044).

Requirements and guidelines for the quantification of a partial CFP are also specified.

This document is applicable to CFP studies, the results of which provide the basis for different applications.

This document addresses only a single impact category: climate change. Carbon offsetting and communication of CFP or partial CFP information are outside the scope of this document.

This document does not assess any social or economic aspects or impacts, or any other environmental aspects and related impacts potentially arising from the life cycle of a product.

General information?

Status:?Published; Publication date: 2018-08

Technical Committee: ISO/TC 207/SC 7 Greenhouse gas and climate change management and related activities

ICS: 13.020.40 Pollution, pollution control and conservation

This standard contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goal: 13 - CLIMATE ACTION>>

Additional information:


ISO 22948:2020 Carbon footprint for seafood — Product category rules (CFP–PCR) for finfish


This document specifies requirements for calculating the carbon footprint specific to finfish product category rules (CFP?PCR).?

This methodology builds on the requirements of International Standards for life cycle assessment (LCA) and products' carbon footprints.

This document is applicable to the calculation and communication of finfish products' carbon footprints from fishing and/or cultivation of feed ingredients to the consumption of finfish products.?

It is applicable to the carbon footprints of products from both fisheries and aquaculture value chains.

This document used alone does not apply to specifying a product's overall environmental or sustainability characteristics.

General information?

Status: Published Publication date: 2020-12

Technical Committee: ISO/TC 234 Fisheries and aquaculture

ICS :?67.120.30 Fish and fishery products

This standard contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals: 2 - ZERO HUNGER; 11 - SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES; 12- RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION; 14 - LIFE BELOW WATER

Additional details:


George Florin Staicu

Global Sustainability Ambassador;

International Finance Corporation - Grow Learn Connect Directory of Training Professionals; USAID banking scholarship recipient; Green Forum member; Independent banking, microfinance, SME lending, ESG, UN SDGs, EU Green Deal, Fintech promoter, Public-Private Partnership promoter, circular economy, green - blue inclusive sustainable development & finance, blended finance, gender equality, social performance, learning & development, strategic planning, risk management, team leader, senior project manager, consultant, trainer and business coach

Member of the International Finance Corporation - Grow Learn Connect "Directory of Training Professionals" (

Signatory of the International Finance Corporation - GLC Principles for Learning (

Global Ambassador of Sustainability - initiative - partnership UNESCO, UN Habitat and American University of Dubai -

Member of the Green Forum managed by the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership led by the?Global Green Growth Institute,?Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,?UN Environment Programme, United Nations Industrial Organization and?The World Bank?Group. -

Expert and Mentor at the "Anticorruption Solutions Through Emerging Technologies" (ASET) Tech Sprint project (June 10 - 24, 2022) a partnership between the Alliance for Innovative Regulation, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs and the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes -

Member of UpLink, the open innovation platform of the World Economic Forum -

Post-graduate (March-May, 2022) of the Siena International School on Sustainable Development sponsored by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN), the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS); Santa Chiara Lab – University of Siena; Enel Foundation; the Italian University Network for Sustainable Development (RUS) and the SDSN Europe -

Writer on the International Finance Corporation's Grow Learn Connect Blog -

Owner, creator and administrator of the LinkedIn group "Best practices in UN SDGs, EU GD, ESG, circular economy green blue sustainable development finance"

Owner, creator and administrator of the LinkedIn group "Microfinance Best Practices"

Member of the Social Performance Task Force standards projects - responsible finance -

Member of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Group (


Member of the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) DGROUPS -

Ossama Ismail

#24'900# Follower, Freelance Business Consultant & ISO MSS Instructor │Quality , Environment , OHS , Food Safety , Lean Manufacturing ,& Warehousing.

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