There are Two Types of People in this World...

There are Two Types of People in this World...

The FIRST is the one that enters the ocean on their tippy toes. 

They want to go in, but they are scared. Sometimes they are scared of the waves, sometimes they are scared about other people watching them and sometimes they are just scared that the water might be cold or the waves might seem a bit rough and that it will therefore be uncomfortable. 

So they enter the ocean one mini-step at a time, going deeper just one centimetre at a time in order to ease into it, to get a feel for it, to get used to is, to get comfortable. Most often they end up fully immerged and loving every minute of this. They might even end up thinking, I should have just jumped in, this is awesome! 

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Some again, might retreat, judging the water as too rough or too cold, and hence decide to rather stay on the sand, watching as others brave the waves and the cold water as they enter the ocean, wishing that they could just jump in, that they could be THAT ‘strong’ or THAT ‘brave’ as ‘those’ people seem to be having so much fun ‘just’ jumping in…

The SECOND type of person enters the ocean as if it was a warm welcoming hug from a loved one. 

They just run and dive in. That’s it. Done. All wet in one easy go.

Often, they might even start running whilst still on the sand dunes, allowing them a nice run up and momentum as they enter the ocean. The moment their feet hits the first wave, they instinctively lift their knees higher as they start stepping over the waves coming their way.  

Once the waves become too big, they instinctively turn into Olympic high jumpers throwing themselves over the waves and crashlanding into the calm of the post-wave flow. It is as if they have no fear. It is as if they know this place so well. They make it look so easy, so effortless… like they are actually having fun.

And I see these two approaches play out in the business of private practice. 

I myself started my private practice as the FIRST type of person – on my tippy toes. I was new to Australia and new to the Australian private practice landscape, which is like 100% different to South Africa where I’m from. So, I guess, it made sense to tip toe into this new and unchartered waters. Truth be told it is NOT my usual approach, but when you are new to a country that is what is needed – and you have to do what is needed. 

Similar to myself, I speak to a lot of practice owners who tell me that they tippy-toed into the world of private practice, to quickly find themselves fully submerged in the ocean of private practice. It is an ocean that is both brutal and giving all at the same time and hence it makes sense to tip-toe initially.  Once you get to know the rhythm of the waves, the predictable cycles of high tide and low tide it becomes more easier to ride the waves, to know when to hold your breath and when to come up for air. 

Until the next king tide….

And THAT….

THAT is often where I see the SECOND type of person immerge.

This is often the solo practitioner whom has settled into private practice, built a reputation, and now has a waitlist of clients to be seen. They have felt the welcoming hug of the ocean. They have mastered the high jump that gets them into the calm post-wave flow and they are ready to support more clinicians to enter the private practice ocean as they decide to build their team, their practice and their impact. 

And I personally LOVE bearing witness to this. 

And I love it even more when I am there – with them – holding their hand as we run into the waves together. 

Knowing that together we are stronger.

Knowing that together we are faster.

Knowing that together we can withstand even the highest of king tides. 

Yours in Private Practice Success,


PS: Why not join my 12 Month Inner Circle Mentoring & Coaching Program, which offers the PERFECT floating device to get you through the constantly crashing waves of the private practice ocean as it takes you towards calmer seas….? 

Join BEFORE 1 December to lock in the 2019 rate. 

To Apply: Email me at [email protected] and tell me why you want to run into the private practice ocean with me :)


After starting her PhD on the topic of "Psychologists as Practice Owners: Current Challenges, Coping & Success Predictors", Gerda was appalled at the lack of support for Allied Health Professionals going into Private Practice and decided to do something about it. This was the start of Private Practice Success Australia.

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?E: [email protected] | W: | W:

WINNER: Adult Allied Health Private Practice Excellence Award

WINNER: Queensland MENTAL HEALTH Achievement Award for Best Small Business 

WINNER: Best Professional Services Award - Logan Chamber of Commerce


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