Two types of entrepreneurs
Anke Docherty
Senior HR Leader | Wellbeing & High-Performance Coach (ICF) | Empowering Cross-Cultural Leaders in the Middle East
Since I started my entrepreneurial journey around two years ago, I've met a lot of entrepreneurs.
There's two types of people.
There are people who kinda smile when they hear what I do. Some even say that they are totally ok and don't need such stuff.
Then it's my time to smile. I smile because there are still people out there that think that they have it all figured out. That they have all their stuff figured out. And I am the first one that will give them a pad on their shoulder and say "congratulations, this is amazing".
And then there are people that are curious about what I do. People that share stories of how they were burnt out at some point. Of how they struggled. Or still struggle at times. And how they wish they had a bit more time. For themselves. For the family. For hobbies. And how they hope that their business will really take off.
I mean, we all see the world different. And we have different priorities. That's healthy. And normal.
What I find a little unhealthy though is when people sort of see that looking after themselves is an option. When they think that being stressed is part of being an entrepreneur. When not seeing the family on time is a necessity of having an own business. When hobbies are for people that have too much time.
Is that really why we became business owners in the first place? Most of us will say "no".
And I think it's really important to question those beliefs. Not only question, but also reframe them. Because if we don't, most of us will end up in a place where we live for our business. And the business will never be as successful as we want it to be with all the sacrifices we make. Then dissatisfaction kicks in. We have arguments with our partners. We have kids that don't see us. And then the downward spiral starts.
What if we believed that we CAN be a successful entrepreneur and go home on time? Be healthy. Find time to exercise. Find time for hobbies. Find time for anything we'd love to do.
Imagine what this could change for YOU and your business. And if you think that's impossible, that's ok, too! This is where I can help. If you are interested, PM me or visit