Zakaria Kouloughli
Working toward making illness history! Creating smart health and wellness products. Partner with influencers & affiliates for speed
A few years ago, when I was in alternative health training in West Virginia; a couple walked into my mentor's office informing the assistant they wanted to see the doctor. They informed my mentor their health was deteriorating and the medications they were taking were not being effective anymore. My mentor began to gather some background information about their health and eating habits. Then the assistant directed the couple to the bathroom where they could provide a sample of urine and saliva for the test.
While I was overseeing the testing process, the assistant wrote the results on a notecard and took them to the doctor.?Upon seeing the numbers, my mentor walked up to me whispering the following: "Zak, come check this out. Pay close attention to the tongue."
My mentor called the woman first and asked her to open her mouth.?The tongue was blue with stairs-like shape edges.?I've never seen something like that before in my life.
Then he remarked to me: "Can you see it." I nodded "yes".
My mentor knew what was going on but he wanted me to see and hear from his patient.
"Tell me about your activities during the day, and what you usually eat for breakfast, lunch, and supper? the doctor asked the couple.
One of the details that remained stuck in my head was, I remember the woman mentioning while her spouse agreed, nodding his head, that they liked to eat chocolate.
Upon hearing their story; my mentor went on to explain to them to rules of eating, the no-no food, gave them a diet to follow, and some dietary supplements to take and ask them to come?back in two weeks for a re-test. ??
After they left, I ask him, what caused the tongue to have the color it had and the shape it had.
"Both their livers are fried", he said. Then he added: "they do not have much to live."
Shocked, I asked: "what do you mean, what makes you say that, how long?
"two to three years max", he answered.
Surprised, I asked: "what about the diet program you put them on; was it a bunch of "feel-good stuff"…….?
"Absolutely not", he answered. "If they followed the diet religiously they will get well but do you think at their ages, they will follow a strict diet? Experience taught me they won’t." (The man was 64 and the woman 61)
"What could have possibly caused their health situation to deteriorate this bad?", I inquired.
"Diet. Did not you hear them say, they like to watch TV at night and nibble on chocolate and nuts? He responded.
"Wow", I was in shock.
Seeing me in shock, he added: "everything has to do with the diet." ?Then he went on to explain to me that eating the wrong food over a long period of time, causes the person great loss of energy; and that is the definition of disease in our field, and that is what we actually measure when we do a urine/saliva test.?He also explained to me that chocolate, just like tea, contains tannin / tannic acid that is a substance hard on the kidneys as it causes the capillaries to shrink; and as for nuts; they are hard to digest and causes the liver to be sluggish. These are just two of the food they mentioned they eat regularly.
Those words reminded me of Dr. Steven Gundry's book "The Plant Paradox." In the book, the author explained that nuts contained a substance called lectin; and that lectin is harmful to humans. He advised those who like to eat peanuts to boil them first to render lectin harmless.
My mentor (who passed away unexpectedly in Feb 2020) liked to finish his comments with: "Remember Zak, the secret is in the diet."
Dr. Zakaria Kouloughli is among the very few in America who specialize in Bio-Electric testing and therapy. His natural therapeutics program helped many of the chronically and the terminally ill restore their health.? To ask questions, email:[email protected]
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