Two Things Tuesday
"One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done."
Marie Curie
Preparation always beats planning.
Planning is based on the expectation of order. Preparation is based on the expectation of chaos. Plan for order and you'll be destroyed by chaos. Prepare for chaos and you'll thrive in any condition.
Attitude reflects leadership, Captain.
This is one of my favorite quotes from the movie Remember the Titans. It is the responsibility of the leader to set the tone, to set the expectations, to set the environment of respect. If a leader achieves that, attitude follows.
Human interpersonal skills may become more valuable than technical skills in an AI future.
Interestingly, in a world where more and more of our interactions are with technology, the most important skills become those that are uniquely human. The ability to connect, to care, to love should be fostered in ourselves and in our children, now more than ever.
Shahil Bloom
Have a great week!
Amateurs have a goal.? Pros have a process.