Five of Ten of the Most Common Mistakes in Leading Change
James Bradley
Providing experienced, unbiased, and technology-agnostic advice to help medium-sized organizations in Western North America achieve their business transformation goals faster, with less risk, and lower cost.
Leading change initiatives can be challenging, and certain common mistakes often hinder success. This article covers two common mistakes and the remaining common mistakes will be covered in future articles.? Overall, ten common mistakes for leading change initiatives will be covered in future articles. The goal of this article is to provide insights to help you plan, design, and implement change solutions for any type of change including technology implementations such as ERP, CRM, electronic health records, and process optimization.
1. Inadequately Linking the Change Initiative to Business Strategy
Many organizations manage multiple change initiatives simultaneously, ranging from minor adjustments to major transformations. However, a common challenge arises when employees are asked to change without a clear understanding of the underlying reasons. This lack of clarity can lead to a perceived resistance to change, which is often, in fact, a result of insufficient understanding and lack of commitment.
To foster commitment, it is essential to align the change effort with the broader business strategy. Leaders must articulate a clear and compelling vision, coupled with specific and measurable goals. By effectively communicating the purpose and desired outcomes of the change, organizations can ensure that all stakeholders understand "the why" and remain focused on achieving success.
2. Unclear Change Leadership
Effective transformation requires governance as meticulous and thoughtful as the organization's daily operations. Clearly defined roles are essential—what roles are necessary to lead the change, and who will assume these responsibilities? Additionally, it’s crucial to determine the specific duties of those in charge and who will be granted the authority to make critical decisions. Clarity in these areas is vital for driving a coordinated and efficient change initiative.
In the haste to initiate transformation, some leaders may push for immediate action or establish project teams without granting them the authority to make key decisions regarding the change process. This approach often leads to unintended consequences, such as delays and inefficiencies, as time is consumed resolving uncertainties about roles, responsibilities, and decision-making authority.
Good change governance and leadership can counteract these challenges by establishing clearly defined change leadership roles, including sponsors, change process leaders, change process teams, project teams, and change consultants. Each role should have well-delineated responsibilities, often structured around frameworks like RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed).? Each role can be structured to expediates their ability to act and lead in a coordinate way.? This can be done by agreeing on levels of decision-making and decision styles that best support the change.? ?
Equally important is the shift in organizational culture, particularly concerning how power is exercised, and decisions are made. All stakeholders must align with the new cultural norms, relinquishing outdated practices. Without this alignment, the change will lack credibility, as leaders may advocate for new cultural values while demonstrating adherence to old ones. How you govern and lead your change initiatives should reflect the desired future-state culture, serving as a model for the organization’s transformation.
3. Ignoring the Organizational Culture
It’s a big deal when it comes to change. If you don’t consider the current culture, you’re likely to face pushback. Leaders need to understand and respect the culture while steering it in the right direction. So how do you do that? Well, culture influences everything: your structure, systems, processes, technology, and even how people behave and interact. One key move is to clearly define your values and guiding principles. If the current values and norms align with where you want to go, use them to help shape the change. But if there’s a disconnect between the current culture and the future state, or if leadership actions don’t match up with the stated values, it might be time to change the culture itself. Define values and guiding principles for your change effort and be sure your change developer develops programs that reinforce them.? ?????
4. Not Involving Key Stakeholders??
Stakeholder commitment is essential for successful transformation. During periods of transformation, individuals often experience emotional concerns, fears, doubts, and anxieties, which can manifest as resistance. A key responsibility of change leaders and change management advisors is to minimize this resistance and transform it into alignment and support. Resistance typically arises when individuals perceive that the change will not fulfill their core needs. Universal core needs include:
1. Safety/Certainty
2. Inclusion/Connection
3. Power
4. Control
5. Competence/Growth
6. Justice
This resistance is often rooted in deep-seated emotional issues. It's important to recognize that people do not intentionally resist change; rather, they (or their egos) are fearful that their core needs may not be met.
For example, Red Pill Labs recently revitalized the implementation of an ERP system. Initially, the project faltered because the company took an approach which was a finance-first initiative. This approach involved only financial stakeholders focusing solely on financial requirements of the company. The exclusion of stakeholders from other business areas resulted in significant resistance, contributing to the project's failure. When Red Pill Labs was brought on board to rescue the project, our first task was to involve stakeholders (and their needs) from across the organization in contributing to the project. With broad stakeholder involvement, the ERP project was back on track and a change management program was integrated with the project management process helping to reduce resistance and increase adoption of the change.
Successful transformation requires an understanding of human dynamics that goes beyond traditional change management methods. Change leaders must comprehend the emotional processes people undergo during change and, rather than merely managing reactions, provide opportunities for these reactions to be expressed and transformed.? ???
5. Neglecting to Address Resistance
Resistance to change is a natural response, but failing to address it proactively can jeopardize the entire process. Instead of reacting to resistance as it arises, leaders should focus on identifying and managing it effectively. We recommend creating a safe environment where concerns can be openly explored and addressed through active listening. Genuine listening is one of the most powerful ways to reduce resistance.
Change-related communications and engagement strategies present valuable opportunities to listen to employees and ensure they feel heard and valued. Middle management, often the change leaders, is particularly important in this process. They need support in addressing resistance, which can be provided through tools, tips, and techniques. For instance, middle managers could help manage resistance from their teams by identifying “champions of change” within their department. These "champions" can facilitate peer groups where individuals experiencing resistance can express their feelings in a supportive setting, without the pressure of doing so in front of their superiors.?
The second set of five additional common change management mistakes is found here: