Two Tablespoons of Positivity
Brad Deutser
Founder + CEO at Deutser | Speaker | Executive Coach | Bestselling Author and Author of Belonging Rules
Somewhere along the way, positivity became soft. It was better left for the leader who mastered the back pat and expertly timed attaboy. It was ideal for the cheerleader who wears the plastered smile through the pain of a loss. It was for the coach of a team that had no chance to win.??
Unfortunately, positivity has never been fully embraced by corporate leaders. I have always wondered about the reason for this. And, I have surmised that likely there is a multifold answer. It has been branded as squishy (and potentially costly). It is often confused with being overly happy or the idea of “toxic positivity” which doesn’t allow enough space for challenging conversations or emotional expression. Most important, it is hard to define, never-before measurable and has no connection to the bottom line. On a “positive” note, each of these have been debunked.??
My team of researchers has extensively studied positivity and surveyed more than 25,000 people. That work includes researching the history and early definitions – often defined as ‘lack of negativity.’ How can such a powerful concept have no real or sticky definition? Through our research and study of positivity as a leadership power tool – especially for the human-centered leader – we have created a definition. The best part of the definition is that it is attainable and measurable. Importantly, it has a direct correlation to performance, retention and the bottom line.??
Deutser defines positivity through an aggregation of 5 concepts:??
Each is attainable and measurable. I recognize that there are days when it may feel impossible to be happy, but we have found that one can still be positive.??
The Positivity QuotientTM is a powerful tool to keep a regular tab on the attitudes of the workforce and positivity in an organization or company. It measures each of the 5 areas and sets a threshold for the company, based on the score, that tells a company of its likelihood to achieve its desired future state. It also directly correlates to internal Net Promoter Score (the likelihood of a person recommending your company to a family member or friend). It is that powerful of a tool and a predictor of success.?
Simply score on a scale of +10 to -10 each of the 5 areas of positivity. You can average the score and divide it by 5. Then, you can keep track of your daily scores OR more impactfully, you can identify one area – a high or low score – and choose to do “one positive thing” that day to lean into it. Remember, there is no good or bad – it is what it is and gives you a place to build from. Infuse positivity in how you read, see and interpret things around you, and how you lead your own life!?
Here are 5 things I do to drive positivity, even on the darkest day:?
Positivity is as much a part of my personal and leadership routine as anything else I do. I have built a company and culture around it – and work with leaders to embrace the business potential of it. The best part is that it belongs to each of us as belonging leaders.??
Have an amazingly positive day!?