Two Surveys Confirm Business Leaders Value ESG Practices
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Stay informed of ESG trends by following StartingUpGood and reading our articles on LinkedIn. This article was originally published on August 1, 2023 in the StartingUpGood Magazine on
Using the term ESG to describe the consideration of such factors as climate impact, sustainability, fair pay for employees, and diversity on decision-making has been the topic of much scrutiny and (undeserved) derision of late. However, the principles of responsible business practices remain a priority for asset managers and corporate leaders alike, two recent surveys from PitchBook and 安永 reveal.
2023 Sustainable Investment Survey
PitchBook’s fourth annual 2023 Sustainable Investment Survey, released in early July, “provides a window into (the) overlapping and sometimes conflicting views on Impact and ESG.”
Survey respondents were more polarized about their ESG views than in previous years, but most (75% of asset managers) still believe that the consideration of sustainability is important. Differences by geography exist, with allocators in Europe and Asia-Pacific being more likely to utilize ESG investing frameworks than their North American counterparts. Climate and environmental impacts topped the charts for focus areas.
On July 26, 2023, Hilary Wiek and Anikka Villegas representing PitchBook’s Fund Strategies & Sustainable Investing group, hosted a webinar to highlight the report’s key findings.
Key Findings Highlighted During 7/26 Webinar
****Please note: these findings are copied directly from the slides presented during the webinar on 7/26/2023 ****
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EY Global DNA of the CFO Survey
In June, EY released its Global DNA of the CFO Survey that highlights the complex and contradictory demands CFOs face as they strive to drive long-term value and find short-term cost efficiencies. ESG was one component of this survey.
The survey of 1,000 financial leaders from 21 countries found that ESG is the top long-term investment priority globally. However, respondents indicated that they would be more likely to cut ESG investments in order to meet near-term goals.
Key ESG Findings
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ESG is a far-reaching and and comprehensive strategy that encompasses more than a company’s eco-friendly measures. Both surveys referenced above demonstrate that key business decision-makers understand the positive correlation between ESG practices and company performance.
Corporate leaders will need to continue to measure and manage the impact of ESG-related activities, especially over the long-term, even if the future of ESG terminology is in question.
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