Two Stories and a Request
Princilla Abena Koranteng
I revolutionize data chaos into a gold mine of insights - Author of Diaries of an African Data Analyst Newsletter
Story 1: Noise cancelling technology in noisy recorded audios are here
Ever been in a teams meeting at not only the most unusual but noise-est places? While this is probably everyone’s dreaded bad dream, a startup called AI-coustics located in Germany seemingly has the answer to turn audio in noisy recordings to crystal clear conversations making digital communications smoother than the touch of powder. And no, it is not only available in English because inclusion … remember? As I understand it, there is a lot of ongoing recruitments right now to ensure that speech samples from every dialect, in any accent or from any background is understood by their AI-coustics to provide the best noise cancelling audio in today’s world even though you are in a noisy environment.
How cool is that??
Story 2: The dating app that helps you find love not STI’s
In other news …
Promise you would keep a straight face?
Tell me what you would you do if there is a dating app that helps you find love instead of those STIs before you get freaky after your Bumble date??
I wish that could stay in your imagination longer but a company called Calmara literally has the solution on a silver platter like it is straight out of a sci-fi movie. All you have to do for STI detection is i=to take a picture of your partner’s private part and Calmara would take care of the rest.
You are probably frowning by now, and yes, even I did frown too. Because how can the pictures of privately private part be used for AI detection. Not only is this only intrusive but it has more red flags than a carnival too.
Annnnd, guess what? I am not the only one thinking this way too. When last did you go to the hospital, the doctor took one look at you, took a picture of your entire body behind a gray sheet and came back with a diagnosis that “oh, you have stage 4 cancer”?????
That is how absurd this sounds like. Don’t we need that thing, oh what is it called? That thing called blood and urine samples instead? (i a, literally saying this sarcastically). Think about this yet again:
Who's seeing those intimate photos? How long are they stored? And what about minors?
Personal opinion is: there should be no shortcuts to sexual health.
What do you argue too? Write me back!
… and thank you for being a subscriber - xoxo
See you next Tuesday!!