Two Stories of Inspiration during Coronavirus
John Dabrowski
Mental Resilience Expert | International Speaker | Trainer | Author | Stress Management Expert
Today I bring you two lovely stories of kindness which beautifully demonstrate that ‘It’s not what happens but how your respond’ which makes all the difference.
These stories bring a message of hope that there are many people out there not thinking about themselves but thinking about the happiness and welfare of complete strangers and this is so encouraging.
Inspirational story 1
A cleaner has washed the windows of more than 700 properties for nothing - in a bid to help local firms "bounce back" after lockdown.
"Scott", who runs a window cleaning-firm, did not accept a penny for the work in the Great Yarmouth area.
Instead, the mystery washer posts a note through letterboxes to say he has been, reports the Eastern Daily Press.
"A lot of people here rely on good weather and seasonal trade - and they are suffering," he said.
Scott - who wants to remain anonymous - told the BBC he had received no government support since businesses were forced to close in March.
He pays his small team out of his own pocket, and estimates the work carried out to date has saved local firms in the region of £8,000.
He started out cleaning the windows of regular clients "to keep things ticking over" before moving on to "next door, upstairs and underneath".
The note posted through letterboxes reads:
In order to support my commercial customers and other local businesses during the current climate, I have cleaned your windows and/or signage today so as to keep your establishment in tip top condition so as to bounce back quickly when this is all over."
Simon Wainwright, owner and head chef at SW1, a restaurant in Gorleston-on-Sea, described finding the note as "a great surprise in these hard times".
"Lockdown has affected a lot of businesses here, especially during this weather, when they would normally earn their money," he said.
"It goes to show there are good people out there.
Inspirational story 2
Coronavirus: Bride-to-be creates Northamptonshire kindness group
“A bride-to-be whose wedding has been postponed due to coronavirus lockdown has created a Facebook kindness page, instead of "moping" around at home.
Lily Honan, 24, from Corby, started Random Act of Kindness - Northamptonshire as a "distraction" when "the worst thing that could have happened to me happened".
Its aim is for strangers to buy someone else a gift to give them a "smile". The private group had grown to more than 8,200 members in two weeks.
She was due to marry Scott Drew, 28, at Burton Latimer church on 30 May.
"I needed the distraction as I am also no longer able to work as a beautician," she said.
The group was created on 5 May after a suggestion from her (sister-in-law) Kate Honan, and has now become a "rewarding, intense, full-time job" with three other friends.
"What is the point of sitting around and moping? I would rather see other people smile," she said. The group has been the pick-me-up that key worker Chelsea McCready, 23, from Wellingborough, needed.
She was due to marry Daniel Borrett in Corby on Saturday.
She said she had been "quite tearful and feeling rubbish” but receiving toys for her two-year-old son Harry made her day.
"When I placed my first order [a present for someone else selected from the Facebook group] and it really cheered me up," she said.
Heather, who did not wish to reveal her surname, 32, from Raunds, also wanted to "bring some joy" to brides whose weddings had been cancelled.
She was due to tie the knot this weekend and has yet to rearrange it.
Being part of the group had "brought some form of happiness", she said.
Lily Honan said: "It doesn't need to be expensive, even sending a £1 gift can make all the difference."
She is looking forward to holding her wedding on 30 May 2021.”
There is sunshine above every cloud.
If you fly above the clouds you will find sunshine. In the same way when you look beyond the problem you will find something positive to focus on.
These two examples of making a difference are just two of many around the world. There are optimists all over the world and they are the ones to see the positive behind the negative.
The happiest people
The happiest people seem to be those who think about others and help them when they can. This brings an inner reward which cannot be achieved in any other way.
I have the privilege of helping a few people in my life who just need a phone call once a week or an encouraging word or some practical help. They aren’t in the best place and I receive a wonderful feeling of peace and happiness just by helping these few people.
One of the keys to happiness is to help others who just need to know that someone out there cares for them.
Thoughts for the week
1. How do you respond to negative situations?
2. Are you able to put things in perspective and see something positive?
3. This week see if you can reframe a negative situation and find a positive.
4. Also think of someone in your life who is struggling a little bit and contact them.
Well that’s it for this week - stay safe and keep Believing
Have a wonderful weekend
Warm and healthy regards
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