The ‘Two State’ Answer is No Solution for Israel.


Who among us would want a neighbor living right next door, to us, and who announced that they wished to burn our house to the ground and murder our entire family?


Who? ??


Three thousand years ago a young Israelite shepherd boy dressed only in his robes carefully selected a stone, placed it in his sling and slung it full force at the armoured Philistia giant Goliath. The rock struck Goliath in the head and warring giant fell headlong to the earth. Stone cold dead. The Israelis of today descend to us from that shepherd boy. Palestine comes to us via the word Philistia and Philistia was where Philistines lived.?????????


Palestine versus Israel is an age old conflict. That was not the first time the Jewish peoples and the people who would eventually become known to us as the Palestinians warred against one another. Just one more in a series of battles. ?


War is a manmade tragedy that Mother Nature could never hope to equal even if she was silly enough to conspire to do so. Yet knowing this man continues to make more war and even worse war. Perhaps thinking the thoughtless thought that their war is THE Just War that will bring an end all wars. Mankind has refused to learn the lesson that hostilities only inspire worse and even more hostile behavior.


No one knows this better than the Jewish people and the Israelis and the Israelites. Do you recall the Second World War? Some of our parents lived it. But, increasingly, the Second World War is becoming a dim memory. Those things didn’t really happen… did they? They did. And while the rest of the world may be forgetting this war’s horror the Jewish people never will. And rightly so. Because World War Two was a time when all Jewish people and in fact any person with even one tiny drop of Jewish blood, though that one drop may have been inherited courtesy a lone forgotten ancestor from a distant generation long since departed, faced immediate death. Genocide. Extinction. No one would help the Jews. Oh, there were a few brave individuals. With names like Raoul Wallenberg and Oskar Schindler and Irena Sendler and Dr Jan Kartski and… but entire religions, nations both giant and small and even next door neighbors shuttered their sanctum sanctorums, closed their shores and barred their doors to the Jewish peoples of the world. And their plight. An incomprehensible number of innocent people died when the world turned their back on a people who had harmed none. In 1938 more than 3,300,000 Jews lived in Poland. By 1946 there were less than 300,000. In 1933 Germany approximately 565,000 Jews lived there. By 1946 that number of Jewish people living in Germany was reduced to less than 15,000. Similar population losses of Jews occurred in nations all over Europe. Yet much of the world seems to have forgotten this. Or are ignoring this. But the Jewish people have not forgotten. And will not ignore this. Ever. And why should they? When they reached out for help the world slapped their hand away. ?


In 1948 when the nation of Israel reappeared on world maps the citizens of Israel promised themselves that they would never let a never holocaust happen. When a threatening saber was rattled they would strike back. And when slapped they would slap back. No longer would they turn the other cheek. Oh, they would pray for peace. But always be prepared for war.?


But because the nation of Israel long ago disappeared from the world’s maps there are a great many people who feel the nation of Israel has no right to exist in this day. Yet no one feels the same way about Poland. By the late 1790s the once powerful Poland disappeared from then current maps. This once grand nation was slowly partitioned into a memory by the Russians, the Prussians and the Austrians. But even though the nation state of Poland disappeared from maps the Polish people still existed. They were still here, they just did not have a home to call their own. And with the end of World War One the nation of Poland reappeared again on the maps of the world. And just like the Polish people did not disappear neither did the Jewish people. They were still here, they just did not have a home to call their own. And with the end of World War Two the nation of Israel reappeared again on the maps of the world.


You would think that Israel would have some sympathy for any people who are searching for a land to call their own. As the Jewish people have done more than once. And they do have some sympathy. But they don’t. And why don’t they? Because Palestine and the many terrorist organizations that the Palestinian people participate in, protect and support have openly stated that the focal point of their existence, their mission statement, is the annihilation of Israel and the death of all Jews. They are not shy about stating this. To this very day many in the Arab world, Nations, Organizations and individuals, openly call for the destruction of Israel and the mass murder of all Jewish peoples. This is no secret. On October 7th 2023 a military wing of Palestine operating in the Gaza Strip entered Israel and, indiscriminately and randomly, slaughtered over one thousand unarmed men, women and children. As well they kidnapped hundreds and hundreds more. To be held for ransom. On October 8th 2023 Israel declared war on Palestine. A blockade of the Gaza Strip was put into effect. Nothing would be allowed in. UNTIL, Israel announced at the time of instituting the blockade, all hostages were released. That was all Israel asked for to remove the blockade. For the Palestinians to release all the men women and children taken hostage. Palestine, its people and their military wing refused. Today the people of the Gaza Strip have and are suffering unimaginably. Electricity, food, water and medicines are in short supply. If available at all. But, still, Palestine, Palestinians and their military wing refuses to release any hostages.

And the World is outraged.

At Israel.

How dare they make innocent people suffer! And by innocent people the world does not mean innocent civilians taken hostage. The world means the people who harbor hate and take innocents hostage. The Palestinians. For making a territory that plots the destruction of Israel and publicly calls for the mass murder of all Jewish peoples, suffer. For making the people of a territory that knowingly and willingly harbours a multitude of terrorist organizations, suffer. For making a territory that currently holds innocent civilians hostage, suffer. Accusing Israel of conducting genocide. Though the record shows that Israel warned the Palestinian people to evacuate the Northern part of Gaza as they would soon be entering to war against the militant. Palestine gave no such warning to Israel when they attacked unarmed civilians. The World has accused Israel of indiscriminate and random bombings to effect this accusation of ‘genocide.’ In a true genocide the peoples are not warned in advance to leave, so that they can find safer ground. In a true genocide events are not random or indiscriminate. They are planned. They are targeted.


Israel is no more guilty of conducting a genocide then the Palestinian people and the terror organizations they protect are innocent of the same.?? ??????


Do we really want an end to all warring in the Middle East? Do we really want the Palestines of the region and their terrorist proxies to stop attacking Israel? Or do we just really want Israel to stop defending itself?


Nazis are people who wish to remake the world in their own image. To the exclusion of any thing or person that does not fit their ideals. Which is exactly what terrorists plan to do. Remake the world in their image. The difference between Nazis and Terrorists is that Nazis have a state to operate from while terrorists live within the borders of another nation and very often operate on the good will of their hosts. Terrorists are stateless Nazis.??


Is that who you want living next door to you? A neighbor who wishes to burn our house to the ground and murder our entire family? If you answered, “No” then how can you blame Israel for wanting the same??

I am still fighting the crooked auditor from 2017. Now they are threatening to take my home if I don't pay $37k. I am a senior and recently widowed and they know I don't have that kind of money. I have a rural property and that is really what they are after.



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