Two Smart Ways to Find Truly Professional Financial and Legal Experts
John F. Thompson, CPWA?, CIMA?
Private Wealth Advisor / Owner @ Congruent Wealth | Certified Investment Management Analyst?
Key Takeaways:
Caveat emptor—Latin for “Let the buyer beware.”?
The phrase is sometimes used as a disclaimer for products and services you buy. But it can also apply to the professionals who provide products and services to you. Essentially, it is up to you to do your homework when selecting, say, a financial or legal professional.?
And as an accomplished entrepreneur, you probably rely on various professionals (or will at some stage of your business life cycle). That’s because your talents and skills, considerable as they may be, are probably not in money management. Or tax minimization strategies. Or wealth transfer to heirs.?
Nor should they be. Focusing on what you do well as an entrepreneur will likely allow you to achieve your highest level of success possible. Therefore, it’s probably in your best interests to turn to financial, legal and lifestyle professionals to help you address issues around your wealth and assets.
Here’s a system we’ve developed for identifying the right types of professionals for your needs and ensuring you work only with them.?
Four types of professional advisors
When it comes to their intent and capabilities, all professional advisors can be grouped into four categories (see Exhibit 4). But only the advisors in one of these categories are in a position to help you become seriously wealthy—and keep that wealth.
Two ways to find the true professionals
Obviously, you want to work with consummate professionals who are recognized experts and who are sincerely committed to delivering the solutions that best meet your needs, preferences and goals.
So how do you find these exemplary professionals—especially when so many financial and legal advisors do not fit the bill??
You look for two characteristics.
Characteristic #1: They are thought leaders
Successful business owners—and most everyone else, for that matter—want to work with exceptional experts. Very, very often, the exceptional experts are thought leaders.
Definition: A thought leader is a professional who is seen as an authority in his or her field by peers, other professionals, and the people he or she serves. Moreover, thought leaders freely share their expertise—with the intent of providing real value and raising the bar for everyone.
Thought leaders are quite confident in their knowledge and skills, so they are willing to readily share cutting-edge information, insights, ideas and actionable strategies.?
Thought leaders typically demonstrate three key qualities:
Probably the most effective way to determine if a professional is a thought leader is to see if he or she regularly introduces you to new ideas, concepts and potential solutions that may be beneficial to you. By sharing new perspectives that might prove advantageous—and doing so often—these professionals demonstrate their breadth and depth of expertise and that they are regularly thinking about ways to bring value to you and your situation.
Important: True thought leaders will also share information and insights that are useful to you but do not financially benefit them. For example, a thought leader might help you understand what concierge medicine is all about if a member of your family is having health issues—even if he or she doesn’t earn any money from sharing that information.?
Characteristic #2: They know the top professionals you already work with
Our research into the Super Rich (net worth of $500 million or more), family offices and ultra-wealthy business owners reveals a telling trend: These extremely successful, wealthy individuals rely on their existing professional advisors. They may occasionally ask a friend, associate or peer for a referral to an advisor, of course. But overall, they much prefer to turn to professionals who have already proven themselves.?
When it comes to choosing a financial or legal professional, there are a number of reasons successful individuals rely on the opinions of professionals they currently work with.?
The professionals are much more likely than you to know the thought leaders. For example, an exceptional wealth manager will probably know which private client lawyers and high-net-worth accountants are thought leaders in your geographic area.
When a very particular type of expertise is required, they tend to know the most adept specialist for the job. If you are dealing with a complex situation, you are going to want the expert who knows the key issues and answers inside and out—not someone who might be learning as they bill you.
They usually know the personalities and working arrangements of these other experts, so they can introduce you to someone you will feel comfortable with. To get optimal results, you not only have to work with a consummate professional who is a thought leader as well, but you also have to find the experience itself rewarding.
The professionals will refer well, knowing they have “skin in the game.” If the referral a professional makes is a bad one or a poor fit, the trust and relationship between that professional and his or her client can be damaged. Therefore, professionals are highly motivated to make very certain that they refer only to experts who can do an exceptional job for their clients.
The Next Step
You can explore the topic further with your legal or financial professional to help you consider the right next step for you given your unique situation.
VFO Inner Circle Special Report?
By Russ Alan Prince and John J. Bowen Jr.
? Copyright 2018 by AES Nation, LLC. All rights reserved.
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The information contained herein is accurate to the best of the publisher’s and authors’ knowledge; however, the publisher and authors can accept no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of such information or for loss or damage caused by any use thereof.
Unless otherwise noted, the source for all data cited regarding financial advisors in this report is CEG Worldwide, LLC. The source for all data cited regarding business owners and other professionals is AES Nation, LLC.?
Securities offered through LPL Financial. Member FINRA / SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through NewEdge Advisors, LLC, a registered investment adviser. NewEdge Advisors, LLC and Congruent Wealth, LLC are separate entities from LPL Financial.