The Two Rs: Reach Out & Remember Others
As we continue this journey on exploring the crisis of connection, the next step for leaders seeking to connect with their team and colleagues is to reach out.
Well, actually, you have to identify who you want to reach out to first.
It is important to take your time in this step. It is imperative that you are deliberate about who you identify and your rationale for doing so. It is not helpful if you jump in without thought or care. In fact, it would be counterproductive to the reason for connecting in the first place.
There is a fine line between appearing compassionate and caring versus condescending and manipulative, especially when the people you are talking to are already feeling vulnerable.
You may be methodical in your choices; maybe you intend to visit with all of your team members and you simply are going through them alphabetically.? Or perhaps you have had a few folks to stand out based on prior conversations or interactions.
It is best to start with a small number, three to five people, and allow plenty of time to connect on their terms. Whether it’s by phone, a virtual meeting, coffee or lunch, the point is to make the connection genuinely.
Remember to focus on others FIRST. This is a lesson in nurturing your people and probably exhibiting more patience than you are used to. There are lessons for everyone in this process; lean into it. I promise you will learn things you never anticipated about both yourself and others. Be open to receiving the insights that come forth during this time.
Your goal is to connect at a human level. We’ll talk more next week about the details of who you need to be in this process to be effective and strengthen your relationships for long-term impact.
Patricia V. Hayes, JD, is an Executive Advisor, Leadership Empowerment Coach and Authentic Networking Strategist who guides female professionals, entrepreneurs, and their teams to take empowered action in their careers and businesses by creating and building sustainable professional relationships authentically and purposefully.