The two questions burning in every student’s heart and mind
Dear Teacher
Here is the situation I have in mind.
You would be happy if your students put down their phones, looked up at you and listened to your lesson. But they are facing away from you, looking at their smartphones, becoming gradually less smart.
It’s frustrating.
You have tried showing a little muscle, and it has worked, briefly, sometimes. But as soon as you turn your back, the phones are out again. Still. Again! It seems like some students are playing a game of looking at you, as long as you are looking at them. Others have given up the pretence.
There IS a game being played. It is called Teacher and Student, Adult and Teen, or Mentor and Mentee. It is a deeply personal game. It is one that you played and won! And you have forgotten about it.?
The game requires that you answer two burning questions. When you have found the answers, the attention-consuming fire is quenched.
Now you can put all your energy into answering other questions, like “How do I pay the bills?” and “How do I get these students to pay attention?” and maybe “What made me become a teacher in the first place?”
For the students, they have not answered the questions and they are spending all their energy on looking at their phones in the hope of finding answers. The answers are not there. The answers ARE in your classroom, and as their teacher it’s up to you to guide them towards finding their answers. Until you do, they are unlikely to pay much attention to you or your lesson.
In this free resource I remind you of the burning questions that you have already answered.
And I offer step-by-step guides for engaging students in quenching their burning questions so they can return their focus to you.
Bonus: There is an advanced guide for teachers and students who are courageous.
With love and respect
Martin Richards
Teacher, Coach and Author