Two Pointers - Design Approach
Manas Rath
Principal Software Engineering Manager , Gen AI, LLM Leader @ Microsoft| PGP Texas Macomb in AIML | AIOPS | MLOPS, Network Automation, Product Engineering, Microsoft Certified AI Specialist
Two Pointers: A Powerful Technique for Efficient Problem-Solving
The two pointers design pattern is a versatile algorithmic approach that utilizes two pointers to traverse or manipulate data within an array, string, or linked list. This strategy fosters efficient solutions by avoiding redundant computations and often reduces time complexity from O(n^2) to O(n) in many cases.
Imagine you have a data structure like an array or a string. The two pointers act as iterators, pointing to specific elements within the data. By strategically manipulating these pointers, you can perform various operations on the data in an efficient manner.
Types of Two Pointers:
The specific implementation of the two pointers pattern varies depending on the problem at hand. Here's a general breakdown:
1. Finding the Maximum Sum Subarray (Python and C#)
Problem: Given an array of integers, find the subarray with the maximum sum where the subarray size is fixed to k.
def max_sum_subarray(arr, k):
Finds the subarray with the maximum sum of size k in the given array.
window_sum = sum(arr[:k]) # Calculate sum of first k elements
max_sum = window_sum
left = 0
for right in range(k, len(arr)):
window_sum += arr[right] - arr[left] # Update sum efficiently
max_sum = max(max_sum, window_sum)
left += 1
return max_sum
# Example usage
arr = [1, 4, 2, 10, 6, 3, 5]
k = 3
max_sum = max_sum_subarray(arr, k)
print(f"Maximum sum subarray of size {k}: {max_sum}")
public static int MaxSumSubarray(int[] arr, int k)
int windowSum = arr.Take(k).Sum(); // Use Linq for concise sum calculation
int maxSum = windowSum;
int left = 0;
for (int right = k; right < arr.Length; right++)
windowSum += arr[right] - arr[left];
maxSum = Math.Max(maxSum, windowSum);
return maxSum;
// Example usage
int[] arr = { 1, 4, 2, 10, 6, 3, 5 };
int k = 3;
int maxSum = MaxSumSubarray(arr, k);
Console.WriteLine($"Maximum sum subarray of size {k}: {maxSum}");
This example demonstrates how the two pointers efficiently calculate the maximum sum subarray.
2. Finding the Longest Substring with K Unique Characters (Python and C#)
Problem: Given a string, find the length of the longest substring with at most k distinct characters.
from collections import defaultdict
def longest_substring_with_k_distinct(string, k):
Finds the length of the longest substring with at most k distinct characters.
char_count = defaultdict(int)
left, max_length = 0, 0
for right in range(len(string)):
char_count[string[right]] += 1 # Increment count of current character
# Slide window if we exceed the allowed distinct characters
while len(char_count) > k:
char_count[string[left]] -= 1 # Decrement count of leaving character
if char_count[string[left]] == 0:
del char_count[string[left]] # Remove character if count becomes 0
left += 1
max_length = max(max_length, right - left + 1) # Update max length
return max_length
# Example usage
string = "eceba"
k = 2
max_length = longest_substring_with_k_distinct(string, k)
print(f"Length of longest substring with at most {k} distinct characters: {max_length}")
public static int LongestSubstringWithKDistinct(string str, int k)
int[] charCount = new int[128]; // Assuming ASCII characters
int left = 0, maxLen = 0;
for (int right = 0; right < str.Length; right++)
charCount[str[right]]++; # Increment count of current character
// Slide window if we exceed the allowed distinct characters
while (CountNonZeroElements(charCount) > k)
charCount[str[left]]--; # Decrement count of leaving character
maxLen = Math.Max(maxLen, right - left + 1); # Update max length
return maxLen;
private static int CountNonZeroElements(int[] arr)
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
if (arr[i] > 0)
return count;
// Example usage
string str = "eceba";
int k = 2;
int maxLen = LongestSubstringWithKDistinct(str, k);
Console.WriteLine($"Length of longest substring with at most {k} distinct characters: {maxLen}");
Additional Problems Solvable with Two Pointers: