Two Options for Growing Your Business: 1) With IIoT and Remote Monitoring / Alerting, or 2) Without
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Is your business growing at the pace you want it to? As a business owner or manager wanting to grow his or her business, there are various considerations, with financials being only one (yet important) consideration. For example, you may have a company mission, values, and culture that sets that growth pace. However, financial considerations are also critical, as "profit is to a company like oxygen is to a human". What is your growth trajectory? Is it following the market? Let's look at some growth rates for various industries:
You will observe a trend for 3 of the top 4 growth industries. They embrace IIOT or Remote Monitoring & Alerting. The compounding effect on growth is astounding. For example, look at a $1M business over 10 years. Companies which embrace IIOT have a ten year compounded growth of 90%-330%, compared to 30%-90% for legacy approaches.
What are some reasons for this? What are the drivers separating high growth companies from those in the status-quo?
What does this mean for you? Can your business embrace Industry 4.0 to set itself apart from its peers? Contact SPI and read our case studies here.