Two days before the cup final Scotty was training fiercely with the rest of the team.?
He was practising very hard when he had to make a difficult diving save. As he caught the ball and fell to the ground there was a loud “riipppp”.
He jumped up and looked down. His shorts were torn from top to bottom! What was he to do?
He ran home as fast as he could and in tears, showed his mum what had happened. His mum tried all night long to sew up the huge tear but alas, it was no good. The shorts were simply too old and there was no hope of saving them at all.
Scotty felt awful. Without his magic shorts he was lost and the final was only a day away. How would he be able to play without the bright yellow shorts to help him?
Poor Scotty went to bed extremely disappointed.?He couldn’t sleep, and tossed and turned all through the night until he woke up just as the moon was saying goodbye.
He put on his clothes and decided to go for a walk. As he wondered what he was going to do, he lost track of time and before he knew it, he was standing in front of the local park. And there, in the middle, was a lone soccer player wearing some very old sports gear.
Although he had never seen the player before Scotty couldn’t help thinking there was something familiar about the way the player walked and bounce the ball.
At that moment the soccer player looked up and saw Scotty standing there watching him.
“Hello”, he said. “I was just about to practice, would you like to kick a few balls at me when I’m in goal?”
“Sure” replied Scotty. And so, for the next half an hour, Scotty kicked, hammered and booted ball after ball the other player.
However no matter how hard he kicked the ball, the other player have no trouble catching it