Two Methods to Build and Configure ?nfrastructure on AWS Cloud: CloudFormation and Ansible

Two Methods to Build and Configure ?nfrastructure on AWS Cloud: CloudFormation and Ansible

? In this article, I will summarize how to build and automate a Grafana and Prometheus Server running in container structure on AWS by using Ansible and AWS EC2 Module and Git Module in Ansible.

? As can be understood from the title of the article, I will use 2 different built and configuration methods for 2 different instances that I want to create and configure on the AWS Cloud.: Cloud Formation and Ansible Tool.

? First of all, it is important to define the actions we will take to progress step by step. The figure you will see below is a summary of the processes we will do.

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Process 1 :???Create a control node (Ansible Instance) Infrastructure on AWS Cloud by using Cloud Formation Service on AWS.

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? a.??????We will first create an instance to use as control node which is ansible installed.

???????? b.??????Ansible is pythonic and its modules are also written in python. So,to work with AWS modules in Ansible, we need to download and install the following (which is below) specific prerequisite items on the machine when creating our Ansible Control machine. (written on Ansible Documatation) The Boto, boto3 and botocote are as a customer-contributed library to help developers build Python-based applications in the cloud, converting application programming interface (API) responses from AWS into Python classes.

? ???????????????(1)????boto

????????????? ???(2) ???boto3 >= 1.15.0

???????????????? (3) ???botocore >= 1.18.0

???????????????? (4) ???python >= 2.6

???????? ???????? (5) ???python >= 3.6 ?

???? c. So after all these explanations, what we will do is create an EC2 using AWS Cloud Formation Service on AWS to use as a control node (ansible instance).Let's look at the cloud formation template below which named is "CloudFormationTemplateForAnsibleInstance.yml"

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-0

Description: >
? This template aims to create an ubuntu instance on AWS with ansible installed on it.

? KeyPairName:
? ? Description: ali_key.pem # chance it with your own keyname
? ? Type: AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName
? ? ConstraintDescription: Must one of the existing EC2 KeyPair

? ServerSecurityGroup:
? ? Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
? ? Properties:
? ? ? GroupDescription: Amazon Linux machine
? ? ? SecurityGroupIngress:
? ? ? ? - IpProtocol: tcp
? ? ? ? ? FromPort: 22 # SSH port must be open to connect to managed node(s) 
? ? ? ? ? ToPort: 22
? ? ? ? ? CidrIp:
? ServerHost:
? ? Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
? ? Properties:
? ? ? ImageId: ami-0e472ba40eb589f49 # Copy the image id of the instance you want to use on the AWS Cloud
? ? ? InstanceType: t2.micro # Change it according to the machine you choose.
? ? ? KeyName: !Ref KeyPairName
? ? ? SecurityGroupIds:
? ? ? ? - !Ref ServerSecurityGroup
? ? ? Tags:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
? ? ? ? -? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
? ? ? ? ? Key: Name
? ? ? ? ? Value: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}??
? ? ? UserData: # We install specific prerequisite items on the machine during creating our Ansible Control machine.
? ? ? ? Fn::Base64:?
? ? ? ? ? !Sub |
? ? ? ? ? ? #! /bin/bash
? ? ? ? ? ? apt-get update
? ? ? ? ? ? apt-add-repository -y ppa:ansible/ansible
? ? ? ? ? ? apt-get update?
? ? ? ? ? ? apt-get install -y ansible
? ? ? ? ? ? apt install python-pip -y
? ? ? ? ? ? pip install boto boto3
? ? ? ? ? ? apt-get install python-boto -y
? ? ? ? ? ? pip install --upgrade requests==2.20.1

? ? ? ? ? ??
? WebsiteURL:
? ? Value: !Sub?
? ? ? - https://${PublicAddress}
? ? ? - PublicAddress: !GetAtt ServerHost.PublicDnsName
? ? Description: Control Node (Ansible Instance)

? d. Upload the above cloud formation template to the AWS CloudFormation Service and run it. Via AWS Console, see if ansible-instance is running and SSH port (TCP 22) is open.

? e. Assign role by using IAM Role Service on AWS to be able to connect and acsess on other instances on AWS. Shortly, we authorize the ansible machine through the Iamrole service to be able to connect and acsess on other instances on AWS.

? f. We now have an Ansible instance (controle node) that we created by using Cloudformation on the AWS Cloud. Now we can move on to the next process (process 2).

?Process 2 :???Create a new instance infrastructure on AWS Cloud by using Ansible Tool

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a. Create a playbook which named is playbook_1_create_a_new_instance.yml" (which is below) on ansible instance's /home/ubuntu directory

?- name: Create Ec2 instance
? ?hosts: localhost # "localhost" as target will make Ansible to infer it has to make a "local" connection. When you don’t have access to a managed machine, you can use your Ansible host to run playbooks against itself.
? ?connection: local # It is to execute the tasks locally on the same host (i.e., the controller) where the playbook is run.
? ?gather_facts: False
? ?tags: provisioning

? ?vars:
? ? ?key_name: ali_key # chance it with your own keyname
? ? ?instance_type: t2.micro
? ? ?image: ami-0e472ba40eb589f49
? ? ?wait: yes
? ? ?group: monitoring servers?
? ? ?count: 1
? ? ?region: us-east-1?
? ? ?security_group: Security group for grafana server
? ? ?user_data: "{{ lookup('file', '') }}"

? ?tasks:
? ? ?- name: Creating security group for grafana server
? ? ? ?local_action:
? ? ? ? ?module: ec2_group
? ? ? ? ?name: "{{ security_group }}"
? ? ? ? ?description: Security group for grafana server
? ? ? ? ?region: "{{ region }}" # The AWS region to use
? ? ? ? ?rules: # necesary rules for prometheus and grafana server
? ? ? ? ? ? - proto: tcp
? ? ? ? ? ? ? from_port: 22
? ? ? ? ? ? ? to_port: 22
? ? ? ? ? ? ? cidr_ip:
? ? ? ? ? ? - proto: tcp
? ? ? ? ? ? ? from_port: 8080
? ? ? ? ? ? ? to_port: 8080
? ? ? ? ? ? ? cidr_ip:
? ? ? ? ? ? - proto: tcp
? ? ? ? ? ? ? from_port: 80
? ? ? ? ? ? ? to_port: 80
? ? ? ? ? ? ? cidr_ip:
? ? ? ? ? ? - proto: tcp
? ? ? ? ? ? ? from_port: 4000
? ? ? ? ? ? ? to_port: 4000
? ? ? ? ? ? ? cidr_ip:
? ? ? ? ? ? - proto: tcp
? ? ? ? ? ? ? from_port: 8090
? ? ? ? ? ? ? to_port: 8090
? ? ? ? ? ? ? cidr_ip:
? ? ? ? ?rules_egress:
? ? ? ? ? ? - proto: all
? ? ? ? ? ? ? cidr_ip:
? ? ? ?register: basic_firewall
? ? ?- name: Launching the new EC2 Instance which is created for grafana server
? ? ? ?local_action:? ec2
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? group={{ security_group }} # Security group (or list of groups) to use with the instance.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? instance_type={{ instance_type }} # Instance type to use for the instance
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? image={{ image }} # ami ID to use for the instance
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? wait=yes # of true Wait for the instance to reach its desired state before returning.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? region={{ region }} # The AWS region to use.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? key_name={{ key_name }} # Key pair to use on the instance
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? count={{ count }} # Number of instances to launch
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? user_data="{{ user_data }}"

? ? ? ?register: ec2
? ? ?- name: Add Tagging to EC2 instance
? ? ? ?local_action: ec2_tag resource={{ }} region={{ region }} state=present # A hash/dictionary of tags to add to the new instance or for instances to start/stop by tag.?
? ? ? ?with_items: "{{ ec2.instances }}"
? ? ? ?args:
? ? ? ? ?tags:
? ? ? ? ? ?Name: New Instance for Grafana Server
? ? ? ? ? ?Monitoring: New Instance for Grafana Server-        

? b. Configure default static inventory (host) file by adding “localhost”

- ?????Sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts

????? [localhost]

????? Local

c. Create

Create a user data file which named is "" on ansible instance's /home/ubuntu directory. Use the index which is below. Using the below script, we update and upgrade our instance during the installation phase. We are also installing docker and docker compose. Thus, in the next step (in process 3), we will be able to deploy the docker compose file that we will pull from our github repo. Then we will create the container infrastructure.

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install python3.7
apt install python-pip
apt-get update
apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
add-apt-repository \
? ?"deb [arch=amd64] \
? ?$(lsb_release -cs) \
? ?stable"
apt-get update
apt-get install -y docker-ce
usermod -aG docker ubuntu
curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
service docker starth        

??? d. Copy your own “…….”key.pem to /home/ubuntu directory

e. ?Run "sudo ansible-playbook playbook_1_create_a_new_instance.yml" command on terminal

??? f. Check if new instance running or not on AWS Consol

??? g. Check security port and tags (open or not)

??? h. Open a new terminal for new instance and check if docker and docker compose installed or not by using below commands

????? -? docker --version

????? -? docker-compose --version

???? ?-? sudo service docker status

???Process 3 :???Create a new instance infrastructure on AWS Cloud by using Ansible Tool

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? a.? Add a new dynamic inventory file and see the dynamic hosts?

???? ?-? To copy dynamic inventory file which named is aws_ec2.yml to /home/ubuntu directory

?????? ?-? sudo cat > aws_ec2.yml

?????? ?-? copy the index of my aws_ec2.yml into

???? ?-? To see the dynamic inventory file running hosts' list run the command which is below

??????? -? ansible-inventory -i aws_ec2.yml --list

??? b.? Create a playbook which named is "playbook_2_configure_instance.yml" on ansible instance's /home/ubuntu directory. To configure new instance, execute the following processes/ commands in order.?

-? sudo cat > playbook_2_configure_instance.yml

????? - copy the index of my playbook (below) into.

?- name: Download grafana last version of image and pull docker compose file from github repo and run
? ?hosts: all
? ?gather_facts: False
? ?tags: download grafana image and run docker docker compose file
? ?vars_files:
? ? ? - secrets.yml
? ?tasks:
? ? ? - name: pull the latest version grafana image to configure grafana container server
? ? ? ? become: true
? ? ? ? command: "{{ item }}"
? ? ? ? with_items:
? ? ? ? ? ?- docker pull grafana/grafana
? ? ? - name: Download the Docker Compose File from the Private GitRepo
? ? ? ? become: yes
? ? ? ? git:
? ? ? ? ? ?repo: https://{{gituser}}:{{gitpass}} your own github repo)/update-a-grafana-server-ansible-git-dockercompose.git
? ? ? ? ? ?dest: /home/ubuntu/docker-compose
? ? ? - name: Run docker-compose up
? ? ? ? become: true
? ? ? ? command: "{{ item }}"
? ? ? ? with_items:
? ? ? ? ? ?- docker-compose -f /home/ubuntu/docker-compose/grafana-docker-compose.yml down
? ? ? ? ? ?- sleep 30
? ? ? ? ? ?- docker-compose -f /home/ubuntu/docker-compose/grafana-docker-compose.yml up -d-        

c. After adding the docker-compose file that installs the Grafana-cadvisor-prometheus container you see below to your github repo, you can add the link of your own public or private repo into the "playbook_2_configure_instance.yml."

version: "3.7

	    image: prom/prometheus
	    container_name: prometheus
	      - "8090:9090"
	      VIRTUAL_PORT: 8090
	      LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL: [email protected]
	      - scarlet

	    image: grafana/grafana
	    container_name: grafana
	      - "4000:3000"
	    user: "$UID:$GID"
	      VIRTUAL_PORT: 4000
	      LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL: [email protected]
	      GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER: scarlet_admin
	      - scarlet

	    container_name: cadvisor
	      - 8101:8080
	      - scarlet
	      - /dev/kmsg

	    name: scarlet


d.? Create your own secret file which named is secrets.yml for security of cridential (for gituser and gitpass). To create secret files which named is secrets.yml execute the folloving process and command.

- ansible-vault create secrets.yml

?????? - copy your own cridential username and pass (gituser: XXXXX and gitpass: YYYYY)

e. run sudo ansible-playbook -i aws_ec2.yml?playbook_2_configure_instance.yml -u ubuntu --private-key=ali_ilk_key.pem --ask-vault-pass command on terminal

? f. Check 4000 port and 8090 port of grafana server running of not

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Process 1 :???Create a control node (ansible instance) by using Cloud Formation Service on AWS.


a.??????We will first create an instance to use as control node which is ansible installed.

????????b.??????Ansible is pythonic and its modules are also written in python. So,to work with AWS modules in Ansible, we need to download and install the following (which is below) specific prerequisite items on the machine when creating our Ansible Control machine. (written on Ansible Documatation)


????????????????(2) ???boto3 >= 1.15.0

????????????????(3) ???botocore >= 1.18.0

????????????????(4) ???python >= 2.6

???????? ????????(5) ???python >= 3.6


????????The Boto, boto3 and botocote are as a customer-contributed library to help developers build Python-based applications in the cloud, converting application programming interface (API) responses from AWS into Python classes.

????????c.??????So after all these explanations, what we will do is create an EC2 using AWS Cloud Formation Service on AWS to use as a control node (ansible instance).Let's look at the cloud formation template below which named is "CloudFormationTemplateForAnsibleInstance.yml"

?brahim Karata?

Cloud&DevOps Engineer

3 年

Good job congratulations.


Cloud / DevOps Engineer at Sainsbury's Digital, Tech and Data

3 年

congratulations, a well-design solution...

Sezgin Erdem

Platform Engineer @ Chillipharm

3 年

Impressive work ??. Thanks for sharing.


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