Frank Casteel CEO MBA
Power Quality Expert With Over 40 Years Of Electrical Industry Experience. Eliminate Your Electrical System Problems And Dramatically Increase Your Facility Efficiency Levels And Profits.
In 2004, an electronic chip manufacturer was experiencing "ravaging damage" from voltage spikes causing significant manufacturing equipment damage, life safety alarm systems, I.S. computer systems and to the actual product being manufactured. The site losses were in the tens of millions of dollars per quarter. After installing a complete Total Protection Solutions product in a "Cascaded" or three level manner, the problems were completely removed. The customer reported that his "return on investment, ROI" was less than two months. That meant that the millions of dollars that they saved in losses were turned into increased profitability and substantial increases in net profit levels. These profits continue to be realized today, nearly 15 years later.
In 2015, the Federal Express Company enterprise Data center, which is the crown jewel of their 13 operating companies, experienced a "massive" equipment failure. This interruption of service was due to internally generated transient voltage spikes. These transients cause equipment lock ups, data language corruptions, electronic component damage,circuit board failures etc. After installing a complete three tiered level of our TPS Surge Protective Devices, all of their systems were back operating as expected. The corporate project engineer stated that "TPS is one of the best product applications that he has discovered in his 25 years in the high tech industry". TPS is now the standard and only SPD product used at this companies locations.
How is your facility electrical, IT, and all other equipment systems operating ? Do you have all of your equipment operating at a 100% level all the time? Do you have motor failures? Computer system issues? Work stoppages? Lost production? Increased maintenance costs? Lost profits? All of these issues and others can be corrected with a TPS product installation.
Since the first microprocessor was produced in 1970, the proliferation of electronic devices installed on our electrical systems have grown at dramatic levels causing incompatibility with our traditional "linear" electrical system. Simply put, sensitive modern electronics and processors cannot tolerate today's high frequency transients, surges and noise present in all electrical systems. Properly networking Total Protection Solutions surge protective devices, or SPDs, will solve many of the electrical problems you may be experiencing at your company. These products will increase system reliability, extend equipment life, reduce equipment downtime, cut electrical maintenance and equipment repair costs, increase prductivity and increase your profits. Visit our website at and watch the short video on the home page.
Contact us today for a free consultation. E: [email protected] or call me on my cell phone at: 616-633-1805.