Two Important Trees
Maureen Chukwurah
Community Service Leader | Infodemic Manager | Project Manager | Public Speaker
I was reading my devotional last Tuesday on ‘A Tree to Heal’ and most of today’s blog is uniquely inspired by my read and the long conversation I had in my head and out loud.
Permit me to take you to Church for a bit, shall we?!
Plant a tree they say – Planting a tree can mean a variety of things to us.?
A tree I can find shade under to sit on a sunny day.
A tree beautifies the environment, keeping the air fresh.
A tree for firewood to keep me warm at night when it is cold or for cooking.
Lucy Larcom?said and I quote ‘He who plants a tree, plants a hope.’
The first of the trees I would be writing about today is the tree that speaks to temptation and deceit in the garden that promised you and me the soft life. (If running around in our birth suit was part of this soft life, I’d take it! Ps: We would not have known any different).
This temptation brought woman pain at childbirth and man, to toil the earth in sweat for food.
The second tree, is nothing fancy, however, truly significant.
The tree of the cross on which Jesus Christ was hung.?
This tree speaks salvation for all (You and me who believe). He said ‘It is finished’ – an empty grave, redemption, and a new life in Christ.?
Noteworthy to say, it does not promise all without pain, but that even in all of the struggles, He would comfort us, stand in for our deficiencies and provide a window of escape.?
We can still have a soft life in Christ. Or to what you reference as the Supreme Being in your life. As a Christian, I talk about Jesus Christ who died on the cross (tree) so that I am saved.?
Ever tried to watch your favorite TV show and listen to someone talk to you at the same time?
Almost impossible, because your attention would most likely drift to one. Kudos to all who say ‘I can multitask’ Do you? Or do you do several things one after another?
I have a very naughty nephew that I try to give the correctional African eye to when he is stepping out of line and almost every time he thinks we are having the starring game.?
The holy book says He neither slumbers nor sleeps and I’d like to add that He never blinks or lose sight of anything. God can see all things because His eye is over all He created.?
This is why I call Him;
Omnipotent?– meaning having unlimited power
Omniscient?– meaning knowing everything
Omnipresent?– meaning present everywhere at the same time (the real multitasks champion)?
I call you into a conversation with yourself on what these two trees mean to you and what deeper conversations they stir in you and what that translates to in the choices and decisions, we make on our daily ins and outs of life.?
Especially, when you are the first in your lineage that gets a seat at a table or a job opportunity or travel opportunity and you make that intentional wrong move that blocks the door to several others coming after you.?
Be different, do differently.?