Two Immediate and Existential Threats to Life: Global Warming and COVID-19

Two Immediate and Existential Threats to Life: Global Warming and COVID-19

“To understand the kind of damage that climate change will inflict, look at COVID-19 and spread the pain out over a much longer period.” 

A timely reminder from @Bill Gates that the world is not dealing with one crisis but two. While focusing on one, we cannot lose sight of the other. Corona might seem more immediate to us now but climate damage, for that is what it is, has potentially the capacity for inflicting immeasurably worse consequences on all of us. And I say this with my thoughts going out to anyone who has lost a relative or a friend through the virus or is struggling to protect their livelihoods, businesses or families.

This is the main difference between the two crises: COVID-19 is local news everywhere and its impact is visible to us all, daily, everywhere. There is practically no community on Earth that has not been tragically affected by the virus and it is right that the international scientific community focus on taming this killer.

Climate damage, on the other hand, impacts communities sporadically, bushfires in Australia and Western USA for example. Or wildlife in remote places such as the arctic. Life for most of us remains as it ever was, although even in Germany winters are now markedly milder and summers drier, and for Australian and Californians soon returns to normal. Global damage is more abstract for many people. But it is a progression and life for all of us will be significantly disrupted sooner rather than later.

The similarity between Corona and climate damage is of course that they impact all of us and neither problem will be solved for any of us until it is solved for everyone. The impact of both is usually harder on societies less well-off too. Given this, and the possibly Armageddon that might be the result of a planet too hot for life, we cannot afford to ignore this issue and focus on COVID-19.

While we search for a long-term solution to COVID-19, tackling global warming can start today. It is not the root problem. It is a by-product of the way we live. The way we live is the problem. Simply put, the way we live is unsustainable, it cannot support over seven billion people on one planet in its current form. 

Unfortunately, solutions will be incremental and success reversing the damage will not be visible immediately but long-term, over generations. Our children know this and this is why it is they who are focusing the attention of the adult world on the serious situation that is unfolding. They simply have more skin in the game and are desperate to be heard. The unsustainability of our current lifestyles and the possibly irrevocable damage to our environment caused by global warming will impact future generations more than today’s political, industrial and economic leaders. 


Sabine Rau

Expert for enterprising families: Board member, educator, advisor, speaker, author

3 年

Very true. We need to establish a governance system accepted by all generations to address immediately the pressing questions. In the worst of all cases, the third crisis - a crisis of democracy - augments the negative outcome of the other two and we end up being unable to gather people behind necessary decisions.

Marco Voigt

?? Greentech entrepreneur since 2000 ???? Founder of Greentech Festival, Green Window, 4E Greentech Holding ?? New York City I London | Singapore | Los Angeles | Potsdam ??♂?

3 年


Gabriele Scholl

Viessmann IT Project Manager CMS

3 年

This is so true, and we should immediately stop pointing at others and waiting for them to do something. We all can and must do whatever we can to help protect our climate, not tomorrow, but today!?

Quirin Hamp, Dr.

Business Development at Stockholm Exergi

3 年

We create individualized thermal comfort experiences. For generations to come. Come and join for a responsible change!

Jeroen Frumau, mba

Now co-creating with Adhlal for Design ???? - Seasoned design-in-business consultant | Co-founder of Talents-4U ????, The Talent-Sprint, ProjectONE00 and more ??

3 年

Great perspective! I really appreciate you recognising that today's younger generation needs a voice, a stage but more ever they need to be empowered to impact a way of living, the world we live in, the planet we live on that is more sustainable than that what we are currently leaving them behind with. It is exactly what motivated me and a team of talented professionals this summer (August 2020) to organise an all virtual event for teenagers. Teenagers4Change, and 2-week all-online summer camp styled event where inspirators, facilitators and motivators empowered participants age 14-20 from around the our planet to co-create possible solutions. The outcome and experiences were so inspiring we have decided to continue with a scaled-up initiative (soon we will announce more) where we also seek the connection with today's leaders and industry motivators. Can we talk Maximilian?


