TWO GREAT THREATS TO THE WORLD – WHICH THE SPIRIT OF GOD SHOWED How God and Human is Related to Global Warming and Climate Change
Decades back in the 1980s, when I an atheist entered my Research Life, hoping to contribute something to humanity, I began to feel something deeply wrong with the West and its thinking about Life, Nature, and Even God. I felt West is making everything complex beyond human comprehension. I felt deep within a Religion-Political nexus ruling us, moving the world to a dead end.
I was doing well as a researcher being employed with a multinational company, with offers to build and lead applied biotechnology divisions for other reputed companies. My decision to take up a Research career is a conscious decision and I was deeply disturbed by the fact that our knowledge of Life and Nature is wanting.? This eventually led me to revolt and free myself from the system to be in Nature and think independently, rather than being aligned with some schools of thoughts
Being in Nature, my #Common_Sense was activated, and I could visualize #Two_Great_threats to Earth and Humanity. They are
1] By Exponentially Increasing Heat in the Environment and our intervention in Earth’s functioning to sustain her balance
2] Increasing Religious friction leading to destabilization of the Society
1] Exponentially Increasing Heat in the Environment
Light and heat are Critical to Life. Earth receives Light and heat from the sun. Earth also gives out radiation and balances its Temperature within some limit. She has many ways by which she absorbs heat, recirculates, and distributes the heat to sustain her balance and support the biosphere. ?
There is a Parallel and Multiple World Design to Earth.? When one part of Earth awakens to Light and goes into an Unwinding Phase, simultaneously another part of Earth sleeping to Darkness and goes into a Winding Phase. When the light phase peaks in one part it gives way to Darkness and simultaneously opposite happens on the opposite Side. This can be understood from the Day and Night Energy Cycle. We see #Quantum_Entangled_Design here.
Each of these cycles has an Equal Time [12 hours]. There are #Qualitative_Changes in this #Quantum_Cycle. This qualitative change happens every 3 hours. [Morning, afternoon, evening, Night, deep darkness, and Dawn], where heat or energy peaks and falls. ?
This Day and Night energy cycle, which Winds and Unwinds gives a pulsating existence to Earth. This is the first level of Energy and information exchange in the #Quantum_Entangled parts of the system. Carefully observed it forms the #Breath_of_the_Universe. Earth seems to work like a #Double_Pump. It works like a heart. It appears as the #Asymmetrical_Center of a non-linear Living Universe. Let us not go deep into it.
The Day and Night Energy Cycle seems to be included in a larger energy cycle of 12 months, which is expressed as the Climate Cycle, with higher peaks and falls of energy. These we all know manifest as a climatic cycle.
There are bigger energy cycles, such as sunspot cycles, which are cosmic-related. Extended further we can visualize a Universal Time Cycle, where temperature can peak to a great limit and then drop. We are in one such peak. ?
This Universal peak is driven by human #material_centered_actions. Earth is striving to sustain her balance. Thus we see a sudden increase in Temperature leading fire bound accidents followed by floods/snows. The Increase and Fall energy creates a winding force on Earth, thus we see increased Earth Quake and Volcanic eruptions. Unless we change our thinking and adopt #Life_centered_thinking, we are doomed. ?
The change in our thinking calls for reviewing our knowledge reduced to light/energy and matter level. Matter/Gravity is built on mass Concepts and Electromagnetic force is built on Charge Concepts. They are the two conceptual pillars of science, which scientists have failed to Unite. It is time we should know its unity.
Earth has a Vertical Spin Axis. The spin axis forms the energy axis, in which it compresses and expands. It also has a Horizontal Axis that resists this compression but yields to it. It forms the matter axis. To comprehend this we need to visualize the Electromagnetic waves moving in a current-carrying wire.
We see slow periodic Compression and Expansion See Fig.? The figure speaks the basic picture. It speaks of how the Charged particles manifest into matter. This is explored in detail in the article --- “What the Spirit of God Revealed about Quantum Particle, Wave-Particle Duality, the Manifestation of Matter with Mass and Gravity.
We can visualize the above as an H-atom. The existence of H2 Molecules means there are pairs or parallel atoms. Gravity and time mean they tend to compress to form a torus.?
Earth has to be visualized as a Double Torus or Multiples of Double Torus compressed under gravity or centripetal Force. It compresses and expands or #Quantum_Dances around a center point See Fig
It has a Vertical Axis and a Horizontal Axis. The vertical axis is the Energy axis, and the Horizontal axis is the Matter Axis. The Matter axis resists the vertical axis, giving it stability. It ensures slow compression and expansion. When the vertical axis compresses the horizontal expands, and vice-versa. This compression and expansion happen over a fixed time, forming the Day and Night and Climactic Cycle.?
Earth continuously works to sustain the temperature within some limit. She has many ways by which she does it. The Plants on Earth and Phytoplankton in the sea, absorb light and heat and convert it into organic compounds or food, which support all other species. She radiates heat back. She redistributes heat on the surface. Here an Ocean Currant in the equatorial belt named #Gulf_Stream plays a very important Role. The Gulf Stream is known to play an important role in Climate.
There has been a huge cry about CO2 linked to #global_warming and #Climate_Change in the last two to three decades.? The first paper on Global Warming came in 1896. It got attention in the first half of the last century. It is now become the Great Topic in the World. However, it is resisted by the powerful #Oil_and_Coal_Industry.
The exponentially Increasing heat and fall of energy, leading to huge climate catastrophes are evident in reality. We don’t need complex data to understand it. All we need is #Common_sense
I don’t understand why people are not awakening. The only reason I see is the Demon who is Self and Money-centered, controlling our mindset.
What Spirit of God Revealed about Global Warming
The #God I serve revealed it more as a Problem of upsetting the #Energy_to_Matter_Ratio, in favor of Energy. This meant not only #Oil and #Coal but all industries including the #Information_Industry come into the frame. This means it is a much greater and more acute problem than we think. The upsetting of energy to matter ratio is happening in three basic ways.
1] Exponential increase in heat in the system due to reckless human activity
2] Huge loss of Green Plants and Plankton that absorb light and heat and transform into biological mass.
3] Intrusion into the Night Cycle when Earth cools and re-organizes.??
Consequently, we see the global temperature rising, leading to uncontrolled #forest_fires, winds, and #heat_deaths. Earth’s Struggle to sustain her balance and protect life, leading to #Immense_Flooding and Snow. Very clearly, there is a #pattern_change_in_climate.
Decades back from this point of thinking, I had predicted that there would be no decrease in rainfall, instead there would be increased rainfall, with months and seasons’ rain falling in a day or in a few days, causing a flash flood and snow and bringing unforeseen miseries to people.
Since the industrial era, we have been #exponentially_increasing_the_heat of the #environment. It is common sense that heat increases the evaporation rate of water. What goes up has to come down. Thus, it explains the increase in forest fire, wind bound, and increased drought in many areas, followed by #dramatic_floods as the #Heating_Cycle gives way to #Cooling_Cycle. The heating is an unwinding phenomenon and Cooling is a Winding phenomenon. This means the Earth’s Core will be stressed leading to Increased Quakes and Volcanic Eruptions. We can expect the #Mother_Quake and #Volcanic_Eruption at any Time.
I could visualize the Energy of the Earth, peaking and falling violently on the Vertical Axis. This is accompanied by the weakening of the Force acting on the Horizontal axis. Now scientists have reported that the #Gulf_Stream that distributes heat on the equatorial belt and thus plays a critical role in climate is dramatically Slowing Down. This supports what the #Spirit_of_God was revealing to me. We seem to have reached a Critical Point; any delay in awakening could mean huge disasters on Earth.????
The Universe is interrelated and one. The Dramatic Fluctuation of Energy on Earth could be linked to increased #Sun Activity and #Sun_Burst many of which are directed to Earth.? Scientists have warned of increasing #sunbursts can bring down the electric grids, and bring down the information industry crippling our civilized society. The sudden peak and fall of Energy on the vertical axis of the earth and compression on the horizontal axis speak of the heartbeats of a person stressed to the Critical limit.
The Earth’s Ecology in which we live is a Finely Tuned Dynamic System. It is now severely disturbed. We all know species has a #Unique_Energy_Wave or Signature. When the energy of the earth is peaking and falling, many of them are stressed to evolve or die out. Scientists have recorded #immense_loss_of_species. They are warning us of a #Biosphere_Collapse.?
The lower organisms like viruses and bacteria are mutating very fast to thrive in the dramatically changing environment. Some of them are becoming deadly to humans. We saw one virus #Corona locking the world down for more than a year. Unfortunately, the Ruling realm, which is a slave to Money and Business people fails to listen.
God in Control of Global Warming and Climate Change
God is Life-Centered. It is the Life Force that works against Gravity. All life works with God-Field and Force. Observe grass and Plansts, it grows against gravity. All living systems oppose gravity and help #Mother_Earth. They Transform Gravity into #Anti_Gravity in its inner space. They show creativity and evolve. They are Conscious and work connected to the Consciousness.
The Earth with living systems, including we the Humans made in His image and given Dominion seems to take Center stage in the Universe. This may not be a geometrical center, but an off-centered center much like the heart is the center of a living non-lear system.
Humans were given the Dominion of Earth by God. With one resistance, which can be interpreted as
1] Not to lose connection with him. It is a call to live a heart-centered life, inclusive life.
2] Become “self” and Material centered
These are called forbidden paths. God resist Humanity created in His image taking this path. He creates Institutes that send angels to ensure that successive generation of Humans keeps the Memory connectivity with Him. But yet humanity falls.?
Priest and Biblical preachers preach putting the entire blame on Common Persons. The Bible enfolds all Truth Subtly. It clearly says that a powerful Angel develops the #Ego and revolts against God. He falls and becomes the #Satan. He becomes the Cause of the fall of Humanity and the Journey of the kingdom into deep darkness and Death.
Logically it calls for the Intervention of the #Creator, as it is pushed to the Critical limits. The First intervention happened in Calvary. The #Great_Gravitational_Collapse was avoided in #Calvary. We are now in the Expansion State. Thanks to #Jesus and His #Calvary_Sacrifice. Scientists have recorded that the universe is in accelerated expansion.
How to Comprehend God
Spirit or Energy manifests into matter, Matter manifests into Energy is the foundation of Science. Every scripture says God the Spirit manifests into matter or Human form from time to time to lead humanity on the right path. Jesus is understood as the Divine Plan of Salvation of Humanity from the Black Hole it has tried to save humanity and Initialize Humanity into a New Time Cycle. Jesus has to be understood from the Time Cycle or Yuga. It could be understood as a Cycle of Consciousness and Intelligence. Let me not go deep into it here.
God is Light and Life. He calls us to be Life-Centered and resist Darkness. In short, it resists “self”, money, and material-centredness. He resists humanity falling into Darkness. Time is inevitable and humanity falls.
Sould are indestructible, but the Information and knowledge in it can become corrupted. The system becomes unstable when 3/4th of the soul falls to Dark forces. A this point Creator has intervened to sustain, Recreate, and Restore. This intervention happened through Jesus Christ. Thus, there is hope for humanity. The Humanity awakening and becoming conscious speaks for it.
God has to be understood as a spirit or Energy moving in a Current-Carrying wire. Currun moves because of Potential difference. It moves through the atoms in the wire. There is a flow of Charge in both directions. It happens in a Spirla Manner Quantum Manner. This is a #Key_Revelation from the Spirit of God. The Fig summarizes it. Miss interpretation of flow led to visualizing it as a separate Force. I will not go into an explanation of it.?? ?
Now see the Figure below. The figure speaks physical Realm and Spiritual Realm. The physical realm is inhabited by humans. It separates the two Spiritual Realm.? The call of God after creation and giving Dominion to His Children is to look to life and be Life or God-centered. It is a call not to lose communion with Him. Dominion means God gave Knowledge and Wisdom to discern the Spirit and called them to align with Good and Resist the opposite.
Everyone in the Physical is interconnected by Thread. In short, they are electrically bound and pulsate, compressing and expanding. There is a lot of creative activity happening in the Physical or horizontal realm.
The physical realm separated the two poles. However, the Life flowing in the Horizontal [Physical realm] is not independent of the Vertical Realm. What happens in the vertical Spiritual realm is reflected in the physical. In short, the thread that inks and binds the matter is not independent of the spiritual. It has to be visualized as two strings would clock and anti-clockwise with one opening in the vertical axis and the other at the poles? – We explore this aspect in detail later.
Humans who were created in God’s image and given Dominion were supposed to look to life and align with God- Field, but they became “self” and material-centered, they drive Time towards Black Hole. Eventually, when the equilibrium is upset in favor of Darkness and Death, the Creators are forced to Recreate and Restore. This Recreation and Restoration is happening through Christ. All three worlds Up, Down, and Middle were dissolved in Christ to be recreated with #Free_Will for all indestructible souls
The Great #Gravitational_Collapse or Big Bang happened in Calvary. An individual act saved the collapse and His Spirit Put everything into an expansion state.? We are in an expansion state in #Christ_Consciousness reaching another Critical limit, where Christ Consciousness would split. This is Duality or Judgment. ?
We are now Undifferentiated Christ's Conscious field with #free_will. Here both the Good and Evil Thrive. Since we are in the Dark phase of the time cycle, evil seems to have an advantage. However, the Divine Plan of salvation and Resoration is unbreakable. There will be Turn around and there will be a Shift in Thinking.
I, an atheist,? keep hope in Christ, lift us from Darkness to light, from Death to Life, from ignorance to Knowledge. He is bound to open our eyes so that we emerge out of the Grip of Religion to see God within and Outside binding everyone as one.
Scientifically speaking he is the #Great_Attractor_State of the Non-linear Living system that Noble Laureate Ilya Prigoine Dope in His book “Order out of Chaos”. I see hope in Christ for Humanity to awaken.
In conclusion
I reiterate that the problem of #Global_Warming, #Climate_Change, #Increasing_Climate_catastrophes, and #Social_Instability needs to be viewed as the problem of disruption of #Energy_to_Matter_Ratio. We have been increasing the heat of the environment exponentially since the Industrial Era, thus disrupting energy to energy-to-matter ratio in favor of Energy. The Earth's vertical axis is gaining much energy and the energy on the horizontal axis is decreasing, making Earth fragile?
We have reached a critical point. We need to know the workings of the Energy or Spiritual Realm and its relation to the Matter realm. Our survival exists in evolving our knowledge of Life, Nature, in the Spirit of God. Our Survival now exists in a #Change_in_Mindset from Material to Living
2] Threat from Religious Institutes and their Hypocritical Leaders?
The failure of Science to decipher and explain the Big Bang sensibly has led to the return of fanatic religious and partially awakened spiritual leaders. They emerge as the #Greatest_Threat_to_Humanity. Einstein visualized this and thus called for the need for the Unity of science and religions. He said “Science is lame without Religion and Religion is Blind without Ccience”
God is an Inseparable Reality. People who speak Unseen God take the highest positions in Society. Their seat is above that of the King/Politicians [Lawmakers and administrative setups], then comes the business-person and money handlers, then comes the Pivot or the Common Man, for whose good God appoints everybody else. Here is the figure I wrote as I began to think of #Root_of_Corruption
I have discussed the Picture at length. I will not go deep into it. At one glance it points to the root of all problems in the world in the Religious/Spiritual institutions.
The Role of religious leaders is to grow spiritually and bring Light and Life to the world. They are supposed to be light warriors for Humanity. They are called to fight Evil or Bind Evil forces in Society. They are appointed to manifest the kingdom of God on Earth and sustain it. They are called to help people connect to their Consciousness and walk the path of Life, Love, Peace, Truth, and Justice, without compulsions. They are called to help people grow towards Light and Life rather than Darkness and Matter.
However, if we stand back and observe, we see this faction of the society breaking the #Law_of_God. Most priests as they gain the priestly robe seem to develop an #Ego and become slaves to money and material aspects. They become power mongers. They strive to build religions with numbers and cultivate political motives. They join hands with #Dirty_Rich and Dirty Powerful persons in society and end up empowering the Dark Forces. A society deteriorates when God’s institutions and the people therein deteriorate.
Today our society exists divided by many Gods and Religions. All of them are striving for numbers and working for power. ?Religions are emerging as the #Greatest_Threat to #Humanity. I am sure my stand will not go well with the powerful religious leaders and their cohorts.
However, it is a Truth, that my consciousness forces me to speak. At the forefront of the present situation is Christianity, the religion of the West to which I was tagged with my Birth. I, an atheist and scientist have accepted Christ but have given up my Tag to Christianity. I have accepted Humanity. Whether my soul goes to heaven, or hell or remains here, I Leave it to His Will? ??
My observation and study tell me that Religions are formed and scriptures are written around Great Souls manifested on Earth to lead humanity on the right path. Religions are formed around these Great Souls by their followers to preserve the Memory and Message of the great souls. However, in time after a few generations, religions tend to deteriorate giving way to power-hungry evil minds.
From History, we can perceive Religious /Political Institutes molding our thoughts. I could perceive the hand of religions, especially Christianity, behind the cutthroat, self, and material-centered mindset of the world. We must note
1] Christianity is the most powerful religion, holding more than 2 billion souls. The number can double when we include the unorganized New Life Churches.
2] It is the Religions of the West. The mindset of the West rules the world. The cutthroat material-centered Life of modern man, which is disconnected from Consciousness and Life-Force is the contribution of the the West. The West and thus Christianity have to take responsibility for the deteriorating world. ??
If you dwell deep into the Bible and the teachings of Jesus and then stand back to observe Christianity we note that there is nothing of Jesus in religion called Christianity. Mathew 23 appears to hold good even today. I see the mind of a Jewish priest who killed Jesus still working in Christianity. Today? they are trying to stop the #Spirit of Christ or God from awakening Humanity and Leading them from #Darkness_to_Light, from #Death_to_Life
In saying so, I am not saying the whole of Christianity is wrong. There is a core of people in it, who are striving to keep the Memory and Message of Jesus alive. I salute them from the depths of my heart. Christianity is Like a Mother carrying a Child. It is time she delivers.
The name has changed; everything else has remained the same. Churches have become MARKETPLACE. Even God is marketed now. I have seen Christian Priest cheating, the government and misleading people, for little fame and money. I have seen them standing with evil and desecrating the Sanctum Sanctorum, for attaining more power. It is disgusting to see Christian Religious leaders blessings the Weapons of Mass Destruction!
When you introspect and look back one sees God’s Spirit at work and in Control. History speaks of 1000 years Dark Age of Christianity, where Christian clergies ruled people with iron fists mercilessly killing anyone who opposed them and went about amassing wealth. During this phase, we also saw God sending a prophet warning of the judgment come.? A new and powerful religion called Islam formed around this Prophet. Then we saw the birth science that put a break on the hypocritical religious people. This took place right in the West the heart of Christianity.
Religions have survived in the scientific world because
1] Science could not explain many things and left many #Big_and_Vital_Questions.?
2] Further, the #Human_Experience of going into the fold of the unseen spiritual Realm operating behind the physical and surrendering to it has always prevailed over Science. Behind every consecrated, Idol [Both Physical and Organic] seated in Temples and Churches is a field, called Consciousness and Intelligence that whooshes Love, compassion, and Life. It responds to the Tears and Faith of the people who come before it in surrender. Thus, Temples and Churches have thrived and I respect and revere them. It is an inevitable part of Society, which has to be sustained.
There was a spontaneous awakening to the Spirit of Christ or God in individual Souls at the beginning of the last century. This became a movement called the Pentecostal Movement. It led to the formation of many New Churches and Ministries. The organized Church resisted it, but it grew because of Miracle healing, prophecy, and Transformative Experiences.
Post 1950’s few priests and clergies in organized Christianity accepted it in the name of Charismatic Movement. The Old Traditional People in the Church resisted them, but it too thrived. All this speaks of God and His Spirit at work.??
This revival of Christianity by the Spirit of God influenced all other religions. The movement is now known by the New name of #New_Life or? #New_Age_Spirituality, which dance and worship God. Even scientists stepped onto this bandwagon under the name #Intelligent_Design_movement.
I see a general awakening of people to their Consciousness and Intelligence, here and there, what the world needs most as a #Collective_Awakening of Consciousness and Intelligence. ??
The spiritual movements of the 20th century faded when many leaders of it fell for the pull of the material world. Today the Satan Ruling Earth has transformed #Gospel_of_Life into “Material_Prosperity_Gospel”, thus stressing Earth to its critical limit. The old hypocrites in all religions thus have emerged. This is leading to Religious friction. There is friction between various sections of one Religion and there is inter-religious fiction among the #three_major_religions. It is boiling like a volcano that can erupt at any time.
The Demon, Satan, and Devil whatever we call it, and God exist in all of us. However, because of material affliction, we fail to connect to the God within and empower it. The religiously split world that is working to advance one’s religion and Power ensures that people exist enslaved to God seated in Idols, in temples, and in Churches under their custody. They resist people getting connected to God within and finding Freedom.
The world just escaped a possible #Third_World_War. The increased #War, #Terrorism, looting, and killing in the name of life-giving and Life-sustaining God speaks of a Devil operating in our society.
Our jails are filled with people who stole a piece of bread out of hunger, resorted to stealing and cheating under the sheer pressure of living in this competitive world, or were severely hurt or killed out of spontaneous anger, or in self-defense. The real intelligent evil culprits hide and operate from the high offices, looting Earth, looting and killing People in the name of War.
The Devil has kept us entrapped in a material and self-centered vortex. Hardly anyone looks beyond themself to see the dead end to where we are collectively being led. Anyone who speaks this Truth in this world is considered #LUNATIC. The Allegory of Plato’s Cave speaks this.
The type of killing and looting in the name of God, calls to know God beyond Religions. We need to know God-Wihtin all and between all. This is an impossible reality, for no religious leaders, would like to let go, of their position and Chair and their hold on the people. ?The Only other Option to Know God beyond Religion is Science. There is an immediate necessity to know #ONE_GOD to whom all can look to save the world. ????
The Role of Science and its Failures
Science emerged as a new Quest of Children of God to Know God the Father and His Mind. However, in the last century when scientists entered the Spiritual or Energy realm behind the Physical, their Foundational Thinking broke down. All development in science since then pointed to a Conscious and #Self_Organizing_Univesre.? It pointed to depth in ancient spiritual scriptures. Must recall here the words of Max Planck “A Conscious and Intelligent mind is the Matrix of Matter” ?
Science left behind many vital #Fundamental_Questions, as they went behind applied aspects. The physicist failed to answer
1] Why and how a particle dances,
2] Why and how Particle show both wave and particle nature
3] Why and how particles manifest into matter with mass and Gravity force.
4] What is the source of Life and Creativity
5] What is Consciousness and what is its Origin?
6] What is Time, How universe conquer Time and Death or Self-organize overcoming the Black Hole singularity and Destruction? In short, it failed to comprehend the Big Bang or the Creation and Sustenance Process of the Universe in Time.
The scenario forced Einstein to give a call to go back to the fold of Nature and God. He called our generation to evolve both sciences and Religions and unite them.
The Physicist with their Partial knowledge has empowered the same Old Evil Relgion-political minds ruling Earth. There is #Urgent_Necessity, to evolve to know Truth and Awakening to One God, and His Creation and Sustaining Process.? ?
These aspects are explored in detail in the links below other write-ups? ??
“WHAT SPIRIT OF GOD REVEALED ABOUT -Quantum Dance, Wave-Particle Duality, Manifestation of Mass and Gravity” ?
The Future of the World – Knowing One God
The future of the world exists in evolving sciences and evolving religions to know
1] Earth and Nature Biosphere works to sustain balance and sustain life on planet Earth. It exist in developing a New Thinking, Culture, and society that is life-centered rather than material-centered. It exists in giving birth to a generation that is connected to Consciousness and walks the Path of Truth and Justice.
2] The objective is only possible when we know #One_God, His Spirit Soul, His Heart, and Mind of which we are all Part. It possible only when we come out of the hold of religion and Know God who is Seated within working as a Life Forcer in all and also between all
I, an atheist/scientist who went in search of truth, today believe in Jesus as that #One_God – the Rest is defense. The #Spirit_of_God that touched me very clearly has been calling me to bring the #Spirit_of_Jesus beyond religion as a #Science_of_Consciousness_and_Intelligence that works in the whole system Creating and Sustaining the system eternally. Christ's Consciousness is working to Conquer Time and initializing the whole system into a New Time Cycle. ??
In Christ, we are in the #Recreation_and_Restoration process. The Christ consciousness is unfolding in 7 steps leading us from #Darkless_to_Light, from #Death_to_Life, from #Disorder_to_Order, from #Ignorance_to_knowledge – The rest is details.
Jesus sacrificed His Life such that we all can have a New Life and come out of the bondage of Religion to Know God as a Life Force operating within all and between all. Jesus has to be understood in relation to #Time_Cycle written in Indian Spiritual Philosophies. Time according to Indian Philosophy goes in four phases. See Fig.
The first of this cycle people were in communion with God and had the Knowledge of the higher order. People lived a Peaceful life, walking the path of Life, Truth, and Justice. The whole society had peace and Life. People lived in peace with Nature and had higher knowledge of Life, Nature, and God.
However, this knowledge deteriorated after several generations, when the institution and people responsible for upholding this light and Knowledge, developed #Ego, Self and broke the #Law_of_God. They thus lost connection with the #Great_God_Field and in time, they lost connection with their Conscious field to become a salve to Dark Forces operating from the Side. In short, they took the #Forbidden_path.?
As time entered the last phase and deep darkness, God the Father and Mother had to intervene to recreate and restore his Kingdom to the Initial state. This process is happening through Jesus Christ and His Great Calvary Sacrifice. Jesus had immense Power, but he showed no Ego, that comes with such power. He did His Father's will and thus became the Pivot of the #Self_Organizing_Universe.
This has to be understood as the Consciousness, intelligence, and Informational backbone of the universe, shrinking to become one in Christ. When Christ sacrificed His Life in Full awareness of all the powers bestowed on Him, He did Atonement the failure of God's appointees.
Since Calvary, Consciousness, Intelligence of God the Father and Mother, and the Original Information are unfolded as a New Template within the Old, with #Free_Will to all souls to Transform to take #New Life and Translate into #New World. The Rest is the details???
石理福, Owner, Global Assistance International Inc.
1 年Just curious: Why and who put the David star in the pic's center?
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