TWO GEMS TUESDAY...Time for your weekly jewels...????
Kerri L. Davis
A results-driven professional with a robust background in Human Capital, blending analytical prowess with a keen people-centric approach.
Hey there... it's TWO GEMS TUESDAY!
1. Perfect creativity is an oxymoron. Perfection is limiting... it means you must abide by some rule of thumb, or law, of how things "work". Creativity generally means FINDING A WAY. The only thing I feel is worse than expecting perfection in creativity, is being so paralyzed by the need to be perfect that you don't execute anything at all. ??
2. Use the good china, wear your new shoes, put on the glitter eye shadow, laugh out loud, go to the beach... what are you saving it for? LIVE! TODAY, NOW, in the MOMENT, because that is all that you have. Somewhere in this world today, someone will put on their shoes to head out for the day not knowing that the Coroner will be removing them before tomorrow. Stop waiting for the perfect time...THIS IS IT! ??
No Preach, No Teach... just TWO GEMS to add to your crown! ??