Two Failed Epiphanies
"For we know that the Law is spiritual, but I was born of flesh, and cast into bondage to sin. For I do not contemplate what I am doing; for I am not acting as I should, and I do the very thing I hate. However, if I do the very thing I do not want as I should, I agree with the Law, that the Law is good. But now, no longer am I doing so on my own volition, it is the sin that dwells in me. For I know that my lusts, that are of my flesh; for the will to fulfill the Law is present within me, but the ambition is not. For the spirit to remain true, I abandon, and practice the very thing I do not wish to do. But if I do the very thing I do not wish to do, I am no longer acting upon my own volition, and the sin that dwells in me overtakes."
---Romans 7:14-20
Following the crucifixion, Jesus blessed two maidens within the wombs of their mothers and asked 10 sons of Christendom to protect their virtues the day each of the maidens were conceived. Atom, Aram, David, Apollo, Asaph, Malachi, Isaiah, Zachariah, Germain, and Timothy were those sons and each assured Christ our Lord they would protect the maidens' virtues.
Mellow's wedding and Athena's peace offering each provide signs of the harm Mellow and Athena experienced under Atom, Aram, David, Apollo, Asaph, Malachi, Isaiah, Zachariah, Germain, and Timothy's care. Mellow's wedding was arranged by organized crime syndicates and Athen's peace offering was orchestrated by the Roman Catholic Church. Both maidens bore the embarrassment and heartbreak they experienced with grace.
Mellow once encapsulated scripture with one sentence. She said: "Go out the way you came in." Those were the wisest thoughts this son of the Son of Man ever heard spoken.
Athena once did the same. She once said: "Live each day as if it's your last." Those were the second wisest thoughts this son of the Son of Man has ever taken to heart.
Mellow's words echo Jesus' reminder to sons and daughters of Christendom: "Every son must stand alone before The Father." (The Book of Kelts 1&2:10:100), "Every son is accountable for his being." (The Book of Kelts 1&2:10:7), and "every son is accountable for his own doing." (The Book of Kelts 1&2:10:9). Athena's words echo the same.
Every son of Christendom will stand before The Father as they entered the world: transparent and bearing the blessings The Father bestowed upon them at birth. What we have done to share the gospel and carry our church will determine our worth. Atom, Aram, David, Apollo, Asaph, Malachi, Isaiah, Zachariah, Germain, and Timothy forgot these commands long before Jesus called His first epiphany.
In the years that followed that first epiphany, Athena's true was slain in the forests of Parthagenia defending 10 infirm sons of Christendom Atom abandoned, 10 infirm sons of Christendom Aram abandoned, 10 infirm sons of Christendom David abandoned, 10 inform sons of Christendom Apollo abandoned, 6 sons and 9 daughters of Pure Asaph abandoned, 100 wounded swordsmen Malachi abandoned, Isaiah's mother, the son of Christendom that begat Zachariah, 1,100 sons and daughters of Paramore Germain abandoned, and 77 daughters of Christendom Timothy abandoned. This is barely a mention of the harm Athena herself experienced after Atom, Aram, David, Apollo, Asaph, Malachi, Isaiah, Zachariah, Germain, and Timothy allowed Athena's kingdom to perish.
In the years that followed the second ephiphany, Mellow's true was tormented by men, women, and children of the Holy Roman Empire from the age of four; by men and women of the Masonic Order from the age of seven until the age of 14; by Cosa Nostra captains from the age of 14 until the age of 83; and by members of the Irish Mafia from the day he arrived until the present day. This doesn't begin to touch upon the harm Mellow experienced after Asaph stole Mellow's mother's fortune and Atom, Aram, David, Apollo, Malachi, Isaiah, Zachariah, Germain, and Timothy allowed Mellow's mother to marry the son of Canton that stole Atom's war hammer, once molested Aram, traded David a jackass for his Stallion, murdered Apollo's mother, molested Malachi's true, poisoned Isaiah with with Lyme, once scalped Zachariah, extracted Germain's teeth with a shovel, and had Timothy placed in prison for 40 years. That man's name was Sil.
Sil beat Mellow's mother in front of mellow and pressured Mellow to consume alcohol at the age of 11. At the age of 15, Mello met her true and introduced him to true. Sil refused to look that son of Christendom in the eye, and later threatened to "murder" Sil's mother if she ever "called him again."
Sil forced Mellow's mother to consume alcohol under threat of "a beating" if she refused. During that time, Sil returned Mellow's adopted sister to her mother Sun Gou. Sun Gou preceded to torture Mellow's adopted sister each day for 44 years. Sil verbally abused Mellow and said that Mellow was "ugly", "a tramp", "a whore", and a "diostopholes." Mellow cried herself to rest each night for 7 years.
At the age of 16, Mellow enrolled and was accepted into college. During her first semester, Mellow studied applied mathematics and developed patents for the nuclear launch sequence codes used by NATO. Sil stole those patents, told Mellow she was "stupid", coerced Mellow into dropping out of college by threatening Mellow's mother, and coerced Mellow into accepting work as a Sylvania television assembly worker. Sil, himself, assigned Mellow to that factory and tasked Mellow with filling filament tubes with liquid mercury.
Mellow's supervisor given name was Gyp. Gyp was rebirthed 12 times through No Ah, had had a 45 caliber bullet shot into his skull by in 1954 by a male go-go dancer after he and the go-go dancer performed sodomy upon one another. Gyp asked Mellow out 7 times and each time Mellow said "No."
After the 7th attempt, Gyp poisoned Mellow with tar and threatened her job if she said "No." Sil had threatened to "beat" Mellow's mother if Mellow "failed to perform satisfactorily." Upon that, Mellow agreed.
Gyp took Mellow to movies on three separate occasions and poisoned Mellow's soda with THC each time. Gyp made advances on Mellow after each poisioning and Mellow resisted.
After their third evening out, Sil asked Gyp to arrange a vacation day and meet him at Mellow's mother home. Gyp agreed.
Sil suggested Gyp ask for Mellow's mother's hand in marriage, spoke to Gyp of Lucifer, and suggested the world would be his for the taking in an afterlife if Gyp forced Mellow to commit suicide.
Gyp asked for Mellow's hand in marriage and Mellow said "No." Afterward, Sil beat Mellow and held a Derringer pistol to Mellow's mother's forehead and threatened to murder Mellow and her mother if Mellow did not marry Gyp.
Mellow and Gyp were married on Saturday, December 16th, 1961. Gyp selected that date at the request of his brother nephew Mick Mac. Mic Mack is an Irish Mafia Fairy Princess and used the name Thomas Anthony Williams at the time. Mic Mac rigged the Chicago Bears NFL football that afternoon in Chicago's favor by having Gyp and seven other members of his wedding party perform fellatio upon Chicago Bears football players and giving the players cocaine.
It took eleven months to plan the wedding. Atom, Aram, David, Apollo, Asaph, Malachi, Isaiah, Zachariah, Germain, and Timothy were invited to the wedding and each offered to assist. Each offered the same during Athena's peace offering with equally if not more disastrous results:
What followed for Mellow and Athena is equally if not more unsettling to what has been presented here. Atom, Aram, David, Apollo, Asaph, Malachi, Isaiah, Zachariah, Germain, and Timothy were rarely if ever around to safeguard Athena's virtue. When they were, it was usually to ask for money.
The same was true for Mellow. Mellow was frequently beat by Gyp, often abused, and was molested by Gyp's siblings Crud, Loda, and Niel. Niel molested Mellow on two separate occasions whilst Gyp's sibling Hoda witnessed, laughed, and ate Cheetos. Atom, Aram, David, Apollo, Asaph, Malachi, Isaiah, Zachariah, Germain, and Timothy were nowhere to be found.
"Protect your brethren."
---The Book of Kelts 1&2:7:71
"Protect your sisters."
---The Book of Kelts 1&2:4:41
"Protect sons and daughters entrusted to you from harm."
---The Book of Kelts 1&2:4:70
#faith #freedom #wellbeing #recovery #scripture #endtimes #Armageddon #apocalypse #KingdomofHeaven #IsReal