The Two Essential Tasks for a Fulfilling Life

The Two Essential Tasks for a Fulfilling Life

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel lost or overwhelmed by the demands of work, social expectations, and everyday responsibilities. Many of us wonder how to truly live a fulfilling life, one that aligns with our values and passions.

Drawing inspiration from the ancient philosopher Epictetus, I want to share two core tasks that can help refocus your life toward what truly matters: being a good person and pursuing a profession you love.

Task 1: Be a Good Person

Epictetus teaches that living a virtuous life is foundational to fulfilment. But what does it mean to be a “good person” in today’s world?

The answer isn’t always straightforward, as the concept of good and bad can be subjective. However, at its core, being a good person is about kindness, compassion, and integrity.

In practical terms, this means contributing positively to the lives of others, being present when people need you, and approaching relationships with empathy and honesty.

It also involves self-control—mastering your emotions and reactions, particularly in challenging situations. It's a constant practice of self-awareness and mindfulness, which can be nurtured through meditation, reflection, and actively seeking to understand others' perspectives.

The pursuit of goodness is not just an external goal but an internal one, requiring you to align your actions with your moral compass.

This commitment can be demanding, but it sets a strong foundation for personal growth and fulfilment.

Task 2: Pursue What You Love

While being a good person shapes our character, pursuing a profession you love gives life direction. It’s about aligning your daily actions with your passion and purpose. In an age driven by social media, instant gratification often skews our perception of success.

We’re bombarded with success stories that happen in an hour-long movie or a few Instagram posts. But in reality, pursuing your passion is often a long-term journey that requires discipline, dedication, and time.

Consider the journey of Rocky Balboa: it’s depicted in a mere hour and a half, but the real-world equivalent might span years, even decades. The key is to put in consistent effort, especially in the early stages when no one believes in you.

Success isn’t about how fast you achieve your goals, but about how deeply you commit to them, even when the results take time to materialise.

This requires cutting out distractions and reclaiming your time. Whether it's social media, notifications, or peer pressure to conform, these are all obstacles that steal time and energy from pursuing your passion.

It’s crucial to say 'no' to things that don’t align with your goals and to set boundaries—even with family or friends—if their plans clash with your aspirations.

Embracing Discipline Over Instant Gratification

One of the toughest challenges in pursuing your passion is managing the distractions and temptations of instant gratification.

The meme I recently came across captures this perfectly: "The path to hell feels like heaven, but the path to heaven feels like hell." Immediate pleasures often have long-term costs, while enduring temporary discomfort (like working hard, eating healthy, or studying) pays off in the long run. In short, the harder path today can lead to your dreams tomorrow.

For instance, instead of partying on weekends, I focus on building my YouTube channel and marketing agency. While my peers might be enjoying temporary pleasures, I'm investing time in my dreams.

It’s not that social activities are inherently wrong, but if they don’t align with your passion, they can become distractions. Remember, fulfilment comes from investing your time wisely and consistently in what truly matters to you.

Finding Your Ikigai

A useful tool to discover your passion is the Japanese concept of Ikigai, which translates to “reason for being.” It’s about finding the intersection between what you love, what the world needs, what you’re good at, and what you can be paid for.

The book Ikigai is a valuable resource for understanding this concept and applying it to your life. Once you identify your Ikigai, make sure the people around you understand and support it, even if it means making sacrifices to focus on your goals.

Final Thoughts

Living a fulfilling life comes down to two core tasks: being a good person and pursuing a profession you love. These tasks may sound simple, but in reality, they require consistent effort, discipline, and self-awareness.

Start by cultivating kindness, compassion, and integrity in your interactions. Simultaneously, take the time to identify your passions and pursue them relentlessly, regardless of the obstacles or distractions you encounter.

Remember, success is a journey that often feels like "hell" in the short term but leads to "heaven" in the long term.

Embrace this journey with dedication, and you’ll find fulfilment both in your character and in your career. So, reflect on what you truly want, set your goals, and pursue them with purpose and passion.

Let’s redefine fulfilment together—one task at a time.


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