Two directions?

I am certianly not claiming credit but yesterday's post was followed soon after by the announcement of the new government. As expected the architects of the 4th Republic (the two year period PiS ruled together with Giertych and Lepper) have taken on the so called power ministries (defense, internal affairs, justice) and will pursue imaginary foes.

On the other hand the economy ministries have been taken by sensible, and indeed surprising people given PiS's populist stance. A new super ministry of development has been created/ proposed which will oversee the ministries of trade and industry and others (but NOT the ministry of finance). The new minister will be Mateusz Morawiecki currently CEO of one of the largest banks - BZWBK (previously owned by AIB and now Santander) with Jerzy Kwieciński as deputy minister (the only deputy to have been announced yesterday). I first got to know Jerzy back in 1993 on the EU PHARE funded export promotion programme. He is highly articulate and knows Brussels inside out. So it does look as if in line with expectations PiS is not interested in controlling the economy. We will wait to see how things actually work out.


