Two designers share WFH tweaks for better mindset and motivation
Stephanie Jucar Cooley
Writer, former tech PR professional and newspaper reporter
Not to brag, but these four walls in my home office have gotten a lot of action.
I’ve worked in here for approximately 2,000 hours. Communication hours logged is probably at the hundreds, with a mix of conference calls, video calls, and thousands of emails and chat messages. One job actually required me to have a landline in here so this office saw more 3-way calls than gossiping teenage girls in the 90s. I also pumped roughly 1 million ounces of breastmilk while at this desk. Just kidding… but it damn well felt like it.
On my little brown couch, I’ve read hundreds of books to my kids during breaks. And this workspace is where I’ve brainstormed, wrote, wrote some more, napped, laughed, screamed, cried, and even quarantined.
My office is my home away from home, even though it’s actually located in my home.
I started working remotely
Real talk though. I am still guilty of all of the above.
But just because I’m a WFH veteran, I still get in a rut. I often change what’s in my office, or need to revamp my habits for better focus and, more importantly, more contentment and motivation. In my longing for a workspace re-do, I decided to ask a couple of experts when it comes to redesign.
Lisa Kavanaugh is the founder of?REBELxLABS?and cofounder of?Surf Your Soul?retreats. We worked together many moons ago when she was a CTO of a software company. I remember when she left her executive position to backpack around the world with her husband for a year and I wondered if she’d ever come back (spoiler alert: she did not). It was in this time, her stress-induced ulcers healed and she found what suited her life and needs. She’s now a leadership coach who helps clients redesign their lives
“When you sit down to your workspace it should remind you of what you're really up to,” Lisa wrote to me in an email. “I have a client who is passionate about reproductive rights policy and we've been working on how she names the time blocks on her calendar so that when the time comes for that work she is reconnected with her sense of purpose and impact she is making in the world. Shifting your mindset shifts your energy about the tasks, even if you’re sitting doing taxes or some mundane backoffice assignment.”
Lisa splits her time between countries throughout the year but still has a way to feel at home, wherever she goes. She adds:
“For those of us living a more nomadic life it can be a challenge to stay grounded when the environment is constantly changing. I like to keep a small set of things that always travel with me and get unpacked in whatever work space I am in. For me it's my favorite colored markers & pens, my notebook, my essential oils, bach remedies and my favorite teas. No matter where I am I have these things that are ‘my workspace’.”
Lola Archer Pickett?founded?, where she helps clients design their space, style, and mindset. You’ll find her creating visionary space designs, foster mindset alignment and hosting wellness retreats.
Lola’s design approach for workspaces is to think of all the senses. While these may help you stay focused and productive, I believe adjustments to our work spaces can lead to us feeling gratitude for our work. Some of us are in our offices for a long time and now that travel is much more commonplace now, others are working on the go and still need to stay connected.
We need to make our space, no matter where that is, to make us feel good, am I right?!
Here’s a few tips from Lola, some of which I’ve incorporated in my own space.
“For me, what goes beyond the physical space is how I design my digital spaces so that I can be effective and efficient both at home and on the go,” Lola
said. “For example: saving and organizing my work files
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