The wisdom of the fathers
There are several passages in the N.T which refer to the two classes of believers who are designated as carnal and spiritual. The apostle Paul speaks of the class of Christians that he calls babes in Christ, who are carnal, and governed largely by their natural feelings and opinions. He speaks of others as "being spiritual," as "being perfect," as being "able to discern all things," and these are governed by the Holy Spirit, who have pure motives and pure intentions, and who live according to the power of Christ ruling in them.
There are two words whereby the apostle refers these two classes: one is the word "soulish," translated NATURAL, and the other is the word "spiritual." Multitudes of Christians are religious in their souls or natural feelings and sentiments, but they are not spiritual and do not see or act according to the Holy Spirit. There are other Christians who have been purified from the carnal mind and received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and who work in the spirit and not in the flesh.
...Although many Christians believers are building on Christ, the true foundation, yet the materials of their building are of a mixed character, partly carnal and partly spiritual in many cases, and this mixedness enters into every part of Christian life and service, and it will never be known until the judgement, which things are of gold and silver and precious stones and which things are of wood, hay and stubble. For instance, Christian ministers who are not thoroughly purified and illuminated by the Holy spirit, will put into their sermons truth and error, Christ and self, the things of the Spirit and the things of the flesh, seeking in some measure to glorify Christ, and at the same time in many ways seeking to glorify self and to advance their own material honor and reputation and self-interest.
(from "God's Eagles" by George D. Watson)