The Two Child Benefit Cap: "If your circumstances change, you can't send your third one back!"
Much like the Labour Party, Mumsnet users are divided on Keir Starmer's approach to the two child benefit cap. ?Some are in favour of a cap in principle:
While some that aren't in favour are still sympathetic to the argument that a lack of cash prevents immediate action:
But other users feel the cap is deeply unfair, and that its removal should be a priority for the new government:
?Having children growing up in poverty does no-one any favours.. Starmer needs to rethink this one. We can afford to reverse the cap.?
And many are particularly troubled by the fact that the cap disproportionately affects single parent households (and thus single mums). We hear repeatedly on Mumsnet from women who have found it almost impossible to get the money their children are entitled to from ex-partners via the Child Maintenance Service, and users feel that ensuring absent parents pay their fair share might be a more effective way of tackling the state's costs: