Twitter Tips for NFT Sales
With all the new fangled apps coming in to address the needs of the NFT space, NFT folk are quite confused. Especially because there’s so much to do and precious little time. So which app will fulfil the unique NFT needs of both creators, collectors and platforms?
Well, there’s no doubt that Twitter still remains the goto app for the NFT community.
Why Twitter?
Networking. Twitter is the hub for the NFT space: Collectors, Creators, Platforms- everyone is here.
Twitter allows you to communicate quickly. In just a couple of minutes, you can type out a few sentences and you’re done.
NFT community is small and its most active on Twitter.
Low barrier to entry. All you have to do is create a twitter account and get started. It’s free.
Sales are being made here. Twitter Spaces are very popular and always on 24/7. Although they’re time suckers, it’s still the place where sales are made. The other is Clubhouse but its popularity seems to have waned because it’s quicker to grow an audience on Twitter. Collectors also show off their collections on Twitter and create hype.
Learning. Twitter is a better place to learn on than Google, because there’s live interaction.
NFT investors are looking for people who are active in the space and are capable of promoting themselves and their projects. Effort they put in builds value for the NFT over time. And they get to talk to them in person, like on the phone.
Twitter is the quickest way to update yourself on the NFT Space.
So now that you’re convinced that Twitter is the place to go to, what do you post?
Provide Value. Post anything that provides value- either information, education or entertainment. In the case of NFTs, it could be about gaming, comics, films or music NFTs.
Opinions. Remember you can’t please everyone. Some people will agree and some people won’t. Of those who agree, some will follow you. The trick is to write in a non-confrontational way. Remember, you’re just a step away from a time wasting argument.
News about the NFT Space. This is something that all NFT folk need, because there’s so much going on at once.
Promote your projects. Stick to the 80/20 rule. 80% Value, 20% sales promotion.
Do not spam others posts in their replies with your promos. That will put people off and won’t get you anywhere.
Engage with others and make friends. Once a day is good enough. (It’s difficult to manage even that!) Keep away from getting into spats.
Build an audience before it gets super crowded…Which will be real soon!
Be Committed.?Do what you need to do. Set up your Twitter account correctly. Add a bio photo, a written bio, your links to buy your art. And keep showing up as often as you can. Ideally everyday. You can’t just turn up when you want to sell something. You can’t make a few tweets and expect to sell anything. To make Twitter work for you, you need to post regularly and interact with people within the NFT community there and then build your own community.
Be Consistent.?Consistency means showing up every day. Doggedly. The most successful folks on Twitter show up on Twitter while walking their dogs, cooking, driving (they shouldn’t, really!) or even waiting in queue at the grocery store.
Be Interesting. Too many NFT artists simply tweet ‘buy my stuff’ or just post a work with its details. Frankly, that won’t get you a second look. You need to share more about yourself, your ideas and opinions, your artistic vision, where you live, why you make art- basically your life. Stories connect. It’s as simple as that! Share photos of where you live, work, how you make your artwork, what selling a piece of art does for you and your family.?Be somebody they want to hear from.
Show Interest in others.?It’s like meeting somebody interesting in a cafe. People love to talk about themselves but want to be heard as well. Ask them questions, discover common interests (there are plenty in the NFT space) and share art and experiences with them.
Be Patient.?It takes time. People need to get to know you and your work and trust you and your vision before they feel comfortable buying from you.?
Be Remembered.?To be remembered, you need to differentiate yourself from others. Just like those bags of chips on the shelf! This can be done by being yourself, because you’re unique and nobody can be YOU! Find out what makes you special. Are you funny, do you know a lot? Can you entertain or teach or do you have unique skills and experiences? Share them!
Collaborate.?It’s tough doing all this on your own. Find others you can work with. This way you can get visibility with each other’s audiences. You can also share ideas, get feedback, retweet and support each other.?
Be Known, Liked & Trusted.?Be seen and heard and remembered for your style of work. People like to buy from those they Know, Like and Trust. And they like to buy but don’t like being sold to. This takes time. This goes back to being consistent and committed. Help and support others, retweet and share others’ work. This way, you will get support too.
Utilise Twitter to the Max.?There are lots of opportunities on Twitter. You can start a Twitter Space on a topic of your choice and invite your friends. These are audio rooms on Twitter. Helps to build up your visibility and connects you with others in the community.
Twitter lists.?Start a Twitter list and add all the members of your community into it. You can then create a search column and then see them and engage with them, share and support them.
Twitter Live.?The NFT community seems to have forgotten that Twitter has a live video option as well! This is perfect for helping you get visibility and build credibility and trust. You can also invite others onto your Live. (I do Instagram lives every Wednesday and often invite artist friends to join me).?
Twitter Giveaways.?These are very popular. Giveaway NFTs every time you hit a milestone, like a certain number of followers or a big sale. Find others to do collaborative giveaways with you. If someone does a giveaway for you, then a good idea is to reply to all of the people who replied to that post. Engaging with them helps to build trust.
Everyday, there are hundreds of Tweets of people asking to see NFT art. Reply to them with images of your NFTs. Add the relevant details and hashtags to your posts.
Twitter is where you build your audience and sell your stuff. Discord is where you gather your community. To sell more on Twitter, you need to engage more.?
Yes, I know this is tough. Yes, I know this takes time and effort and energy. But that is the only model that seems to work. Twitter is a free platform. But you need to put in the effort to reap any benefits. And, to be honest, it’s tougher than selling art through a gallery.
Good luck!