Twitter is adding an edit button!
No one really expected it to happen, but in the end, the voice of the masses reached Jack Dorsey’s platform, and the users might finally get what they asked for.
Since Twitter’s launch in 2006, users have been requesting a feature that commonly appears on other social networks.: An option to edit their tweets. On paper, it sounds simple and effective. After all, who wouldn’t want to edit that impromptu, sleep-deprivation fueled 3 am tweet with seventeen spelling errors within the 280 character limit.
However, Twitter was very clear about its intention to not implement such a feature, since it would undermine the social network’s image of spontaneity, thus damaging the Retweet function: Twitter wants to avoid the very plausible scenario of a user being taken out of context for retweeting something that is later edited by the original poster.
In fact, Jack Dorsey was so firm about the editing function never seeing the light of day that he said “We’ll probably never do it.”
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Who would have thought, however, that now Twitter may be introducing an “Undo” button: This button would allow users to cancel something they are about to post, which is something we have similarly seen with Gmail’s recall functionality, which allows users to cancel an email from being sent up to 30 seconds after pressing the “Send” button.
This exceptional functionality is perfect for those fast typers who realise at the last minute that they did something wrong and don’t want to share mistakes, or potentially, misinformation. Twitter changing its stance on such a feature could encourage users to put more thoughts into their tweets, or perhaps, even increase the quality of the platform’s content.
Not all is good news, or at least, this applies to free users: This functionality is rumoured to be a part of a potential subscription service Twitter may be introducing. Bloomberg’s report indicates that the social network is trying to tackle the ambitious goal of doubling its annual revenue by 2023, and this subscription service might be the first step towards the said goal.
The subscription could also include more profile customization options, and more business-oriented features such as newsletters, announcement and branding options.
“Over the course of this year, you’ll see us test subscription products in public,” Twitter Investor Relations states, “You’ll hear more about them. And hopefully, you’ll see some of these products roll out as well.”
Twitter is also exploring the possibility of users paying one another for exclusive content, a feature we have seen on streaming services such as Twitch or YouTube. Content creators are very likely to surge on the platform if this were to happen.
Subscription business models have significantly risen in the past few years, with anything from gaming to even airlines introducing this model that so excellently introduces predictable revenue streams within businesses. The possibility of exclusive content within social networks is for sure an exciting prospect for content creators or business owners.
Although the information above is accurate at the time of writing, we’d like to remind that this functionality is in development and may be subject to change when (Or if) officially released.twitter un