Twist or Stick?
Life is about choices. And before we make decisions, we all tend to carry out a SWOT analysis. Sometimes very quickly in our head, sometimes much more carefully with scribbled lists of pros and cons. It might be a choice regarding whether to purchase a new house, or where to go on holiday, or even about choosing a life partner, and more often than not we will make the right decision. (I can say with hand on heart, most of my decisions in these areas have been good ones.) After all, nobody makes a bad decision on purpose! So when we take what turns out to be the wrong option, we learn, we adapt, we move on, and we certainly try not to make the same mistake twice.
When it comes to making that same sort of decision about moving job, we do the same sort of analysis. And again, more often than not we make the right decision. And once again, yours truly has made many sound decisions in his life, working for some truly superb brands and with inspirational leaders Jonathan Geldart Hon DBA Paul Hilton David Sanders Aidan O'Carroll Tony Brian Anna Morgan Louisa Raistrick Simon Smith , where I have learned a great deal, developed a better understanding of a wide range of sectors and skills, and hopefully delivered what was asked of me. Indeed, working with Mike Lally at Freedom Boat Club Loch Lomond has already taught me another set of skills in an exciting new sector to me.
But, not all of my decisions have been good ones, and I am sure some readers will agree that we all fail to carry out adequate due diligence on job opportunities on occasion.
So to all those currently thinking, or actively looking, or being approached, make sure you spend some time finding out more about our potential new employer, asking around, canvassing opinions of others. Don't trust everything you hear, because sometimes their enthusiasm to employ you might conceal a reason why there is a vacancy. And don't always rely on online reviews, after all, you wouldn't believe them if it was for a restaurant or hotel!
#caveatemptor #duediligence #career #choices