A Twist of Faith
Al Arevalo
A Spiritual leader born of a "Collective Consciousness," destined to unite our worlds of Faith & Science in our pursuit of growth & expansion for the total sum of Hue-manity.
One of the most rewarding parts to having a Spiritual life purpose comes in the form of surrendering one’s life over to something Divine and more all knowing.
A moment in which we must let go of our dreams and what it is that we envision for ourselves in living that life of service.
An act that allows the Source of creation to look into your Soul and see what it is that you are ultimately seeking to accomplish.
In doing so, we open ourselves to the truth of us in their eyes, and allow for the love of that higher power to show us what it is that they see when they look into our future.
It allows us to face our fears, insecurities and anxieties long enough to expose those shadows in earnestness so as to overcome them and gain a new lease on life.
A life that is more in alignment with who you’re Divinely guided to be and one that exposes a better dream space from which to choose the more aligned life path that matches your Souls evolving frequency.
The reason being that each of us is creating the life we’re to experience as we make our way.
The more limited we believe ourselves to be, or the more trapped within the illusions of a negative mind set that we experience the world through, the more we create those situations for ourselves to overcome in the physical dimension (3D).
So we mistake what we are experiencing to be out of our control and in doing so surrender all of our power to that illusion which is in stark contradiction to our Souls truth, that speaks to it always being that driving edge to what’s unfolding before us.
The initial mission then being for each of us to come into this wisdom earnestly and allowing in that revelation the truth of accountability to register within our physical expression, so as to open the world up to our oneness and from that space allow destiny to play its part in the re balancing of that unification between the mind, the body and the Soul.
The release of control here, being the catalyst by which our Soul’s can truly learn what it is that they were designed to accomplish, and use that information to balance that wisdom against what our personal interests show to be strengths or weaknesses.
Though it is admittedly a bit alarming to relinquish our control of something so precious as our lives, who better in the end to entrust it with, than the Creator we are each tied too.
If done through a lens of expansion and learning honestly, and if done with truth, integrity and humility as we proceed, then how we are meant to fit into the universal plan can reveal itself to us with some rather unexpected opportunities, that you would’ve never considered if you hadn’t have surrendered to your Soul in the first place.
The epitome of what they speak of in the Esoteric Theosophy in the physical expression having to relinquish its control to its higher self as a Soul, in order to then be able to reconnect with our Soul’s highest expression in the Divine energy who they believe created them.
A pathway that leads us ultimately home and to our creator, where we finally see the truth of us clearly and in doing so, earn our right to drop the body expression of self and grow back into creation itself.
And that’s where I got lost for a moment recently.
Though I knew that when one completed the third initiation that we would need to let go of this physical expression of life, I had come to understand that a new doorway had been opened to us all, where we could stay and be of service while within that same body, but how would that look?
The answer came in the last year’s journey I’ve just completed. If you all recall I made mention of a point therein where I became aware of a High Council that serves the Divine Will for humanity and that they had specifically taken an interest in my progress along the way.
Though at times I was clear on their being “push back” to my having a seat at the table, it was in the reasons why, I was getting it, where I got derailed.
My Soul wanted to stay and be of service within a transitional role for the Collective, but under normal circumstances to do so, we would have needed to go into the higher realms to become better trained on how to be of service in that way first.
So where there was concern about my bypassing that part of the equation, I guess I mistakenly took it personally, as though they were against my being at that table instead of seeing that in order to fulfill what it was that I was asking to do, that it would require going through additional testing so as to meet the new and unfolding criteria that such a role would now require.
It wasn’t that they didn’t believe in me, as it's never personal, it was just a matter of proving myself to faith, in showing my faith come what may, that they needed to see.
Think of it like this, I was asking to intermingle with the Gods while still in human form, and so it mirrored what happened with Hercules in having been sent on the missions he was sent on, so as to prove his worth to them, while also allowing his journey to be known to the world simultaneously.
The end of which would of course be that no one could claim any form of favoritism then, as he had done the work and no one could challenge that truth in the end.
I had to pass the final test to become a teaching vessel for the Divine and so by doing so, I was establishing myself as the real deal regardless of it happening unknowingly.
It just showed that we as a Collective are still new to this whole new aspect of ascension and so it's important for me to then clarify what I’ve learned to be part of the new design.
So if you are ascending and trying to reach this new level, just know that it's not that you are being judged or being suppressed in some way on a personal level, it's just that you must prove yourself as unshakable and must keep control of yourself at all costs if you are to achieve this honor.
And that’s not from a space of Ego, it's what I have learned. Take it or leave it,
It is within that period where we must burn through any Karma that we possess in order to reach that level of frequency. And how do you burn through Karma while in the physical world, through action and movement.
When we used to release the body, we used to be in that moment releasing our Karmic debt as we did, but now that we aren’t dying there needed to be another aspect that would serve the same purpose.
That’s where I got lost for a moment. None of us had heard about it yet, so misunderstood it all to be directed at just me, when in truth it was just an additional aspect to the new process unfolding in real time.
Upon the completion of the year’s long Spiritual mission to self mastery, I found myself at a crossroads where its purpose of overcoming my true fears left me with way too many options to choose from, had I not realized that lesson along the way.
As many of you will recall, the point of the mission was to overcome my last fear in life of being left to die alone and destitute after my mother’s passing, and so had to walk into the unknown aware that I would need to face that all and rise above it, as a means of finally letting go of that old Karmic cycle.
The kicker was that I had to also use this year to let go of the negative mindset that I’d come to rely on for logic. Something that blocked my heart from directing my life in the frequency needed for mastery, out of past hurts or related baggage, and something that affected my ability to create a better life for myself and made me ineffective then in helping guide anyone else moving forward.
A perfect example of what this blockage manifested itself as comes in what I shared in my article series on LinkedIn about the journey I was on, when I found myself in Los Angeles without a place to rest my head at the very last minute.
Having expected to stay at a friend's home, the Covid-19 shutdowns caused his roommate to threaten to move out if I was allowed to stay with them and so would have been left without a paddle to swim with, had I not surrendered to the process and just allowed my intuition to guide me out of that problem.
So I intuitively knew when it happened that because of the freak out over the pandemic that most shelters would be impossible to get into, but that I was to seek some form of indication as to which one I needed to start with and so my new awareness allowed me to sense wording as part of this new code.
The catch was that because it was happening in live time, the opportunities would only be present long enough to take immediate action towards them, if I was to succeed.
I am a bit of a planner in life so they wanted to break me of all the premeditated measures that I’d been using to self sabotage and create internal conflict. Something not allowed in mastery, much less if you are deemed worthy of helping advance the Collective in guidance.
Sure enough, as I arrived at the shelter, I found it to be directly on Skid Row and though I could feel my nerves begin to rattle a bit, I listened to my higher guidance to just hold my own and not invest in anything I saw on the way, and in that got confirmation that it was the right choice when I registered that I had opted for the Union Rescue Mission.
Union through this new lens, implying grouping as in Collective, and Mission speaking to what I was in the midst of. Get it?
The moment of greatest clarity on just how blocked I’d been up until that realization came when I went to reach for the door and heard crystal clearly, “You are on my payroll now so are completely safe at all times, unless you believe you that you’re not, in which case you’re then on your own.”
The instant that the door closed behind me after that slight push to get me in, the reality of what was underway finally made landfall in my consciousness.
I had been sent to L.A., where no one would be there for me, to experience the death process alone and destitute so as to finally break myself free of thinking that I needed someone to ever help me overcome my lot in life.
And as I shared in my article series the epiphany I had and God’s words spoken into my ear couldn’t have been more perfectly timed if they tried, as I did overcome it all as I made my way from there.
Why, because I stopped allowing anything or anyone to prevent me from seeing the truth of what was at play honestly and so it freed me up energetically to rising to a place in which I could earnestly see that not only was this all not a form of doubting me, but that it was actually a sign to the opposite, they were betting on me reaching that mastery by helping me prove it in the physical world.
On the one year, to the day, anniversary of this mission having begun I found myself now at another fork in the road that appeared to the external world to be in the same situation again.
The project room key that I was staying at suddenly decided that it would close and we were back on the streets.
The difference was that I had spent a year overcoming any fears I had so when this appeared to be some sort of test I knew more, and knew better than to let it bother me. The reason being that I was nowhere near the same person that first arrived on mission, and this new higher frequency person facing a similar blockage, changed the very nature to it, splitting timelines as it happened.
If I would have not finished the mission and would have gotten stuck somewhere along the way, I would have seen this situation as a point where I had to start again, but because I had succeeded, instead I saw that it was an entirely different portal this time, and opted to commit to that knowledge when passing through it.
So I kept writing and working knowing that my faith had been proven to be justified in the recent past and that I was on God’s payroll this entire time, so it would all be resolved as long as I held my frequency in place.
And of course as you all know, it did.
I am moving to some place in Norwalk on Monday and had to give up a job I’d just gotten in Van Nuys because of the 3 hour commute back and forth which instead of feeling some kind of way about it, I just let it go as an obvious indication that I was being directed purposely to something I could not yet see.
Trusting that awareness made me wonder why not take this little transitional point in time to signify my graduation and just focus on what I was building so as to truly help the universe funnel me the right energies that matched my new upgraded experience?
Which then brought me a million possibilities from which to choose from and threatened to have me get stuck in which direction to go in for sometime to come.
That is until my higher self pointed out that all we needed to do, is make it known to the cosmos that though grateful for all of the wonderful opportunities they’d been showing me, that I had chosen to live my life in service of the Divine plan and for the Collective, and so had decided to release it all to that energy, to fit me in where it needed me to go, and so would allow that to direct me forward at this time.
That was on Wednesday the 20th of January and so as I waited, just went about packing and getting excited for what was next.
On Friday the 22nd, as I sat in my room resting and thinking back over things, a friend that was still here, randomly stopped by to say our goodbyes and so on.
Nothing all that unusual I know, but it was in what he decided to share with me out of the blue that I wanted us to focus on at this time.
As he sat with me and we talked he suddenly turned to me and said, “Hey I want you to see something that I know that you’ll be interested in.”
Which I immediately focused in on the wording there, and so it peaked my interest to go along with it.
Having gotten the green light already, he pulled up an “Interview with a Catatonic Schizophrenic” on YouTube , and wouldn’t you know it, I was after all, rather intrigued.
It wasn’t what I was seeing though, as he was on his small mobile phone, it was what I could hear in his voice that held my interest.
And so I wondered if any one of you would do me the favor now and head on over to that interview on YouTube so as to listen to what he says before we go on into what this all meant to me.
Insert Interview with a Catatonic Schizophrenic video, duration 10 min.
As I sat there and listened to what he was saying a picture began to take shape in my mind that was rather intriguing.
As you listened to him, you began to realize that he was primarily still stuck in that space of a young boy who desperately wanted to play the piano.
Obviously his mother encouraged it, but the father was completely against it.
The father appears to have been the epitome of an overly toxic masculine presence that at the very least beat that boy into disconnecting with the world.
Though schizophrenic, he is clear when speaking on what brought on the condition when he spoke to how he would sit and stand in relation to the piano, as meaning that he was overly effeminate and embarrassing to his father and others, shaming him for what it may have meant to his sexuality.
The more that he spoke the clearer it sounded to me that he had disconnected from the memory itself, and had begun using the idea of seeing it from his mothers eyes.
This could mean that his mother more than likely had passed away,
The most revealing moment to me, was when he reached the point in the interview where he says that because of how others view him, in relation to how he sits or stands to the piano, that they think he deserved more than just being sent to this insane asylum. They think he deserves worse!
That speaks to his being informed that Homosexuality is a sin, and that he must change it if he is to be forgiven or loved by the religious parent in question. To that parent, he didn’t belong in an institution, he belonged in hell.
Is that what you all got from the interview?
I know that the doctor would prove a bit distracting in asking all those leading questions for which the man couldn’t respond to properly if in a catatonic state, and while speaking to us all through the lens of his mothers eyes, but aside from the therapists lack of experience in all that, the fact that I could hear so much of what lay behind the words being spoken meant something special to me in that I might have come into a new form of awareness that could be of use to the Divine universe.
Something that I had spoken to the entire time I’d been on mission but that I’d overlooked from being so close to it all.
I’ve always had a strategist's mind set in that I have a clear gift for connecting the dots between things that most would see as unrelated to each other.
If I was a computer program, I would be the program utilized to detect pattern abnormality within a system which would indicate something being hidden behind that code, or indicative of something having been removed after installation, see? My task would be to fill in the blanks.
And it was that skill set that I utilized in researching all the religious texts, scriptures, occult information and related general faith driven materials where I learned how to discern what truth laid within each tale and how that truth would then tie into another.
It’s what made me so proficient then in seeing through the veil of lies and deceit surrounding the current world events that I spoke to in each article.
And so as the dominoes began falling in my mind, connecting each lesson or experience to the other, I realized something about it all that would be best summarized in this clear question that follows.
How many people within our Collective have endured a life lesson that called for a self preservation mode to be triggered where they needed to check out of life long enough to allow for their faith to be rewarded when someone down the line could be drawn to them so as to help them back?
Which then led to, and how many of those individuals inadvertently tapped into a higher awareness than what was known to humanity at that time, trapping them somehow in a form of prison because of extrasensory abilities that had been gifted to them by God, almighty?
This man from the interview had been sent to an insane asylum because of a disconnect he suffered as a result of external forces that traumatized him into feeling that it was best to remove himself from life in Schizophrenia than to suffer the will of men he’d been exposed to.
Now in and of itself that doesn’t mean anything really, but it does beg the question if by knowing that and by approaching him from that perspective, could I have been more effective in establishing a real connection to the lost soul inside?
The idea being that like Autism, an earnest Soul that seeks the light from within the shadows of disconnect will still see the light coming from within a person who earnestly stands before them in the name of true Divine light as safe energy that can be trusted because they possess the true Will of God they’ve been waiting for, and so will be something that they would more than likely respond to immediately.
What a difference that could make in establishing a connection to them from which to bring them back into the present moment and allow them a space for which to feel safe in, and from that feel safe enough to come back fully into our reality.
And then it came to me like a bolt of lightning, how many of our Spiritual brothers and sisters now sit in insane asylums because of extrasensory skills that had been gifted to them by the Divine as a means to be of service somehow to us all, but that were so foreign to those around them that they got institutionalized so as to be cured, when it was us that needed them instead?
We have to remember that up until about 5 years ago, the concept of Ascension was not known, and those who arrived early to it were publicly crucified as New Age freaks and sent to the fringe of society.
It wasn’t until enough of us were awakened to the illusion around Spirituality that the Collective itself began changing its concept of what it could mean to truly connect to Source that way.
Remember that it was only in the last 5 years or so, that our youth reached a point in which what they believed began to make itself known in our markets and was what led us all to include some form of charitable aspect to our business models, if we were to succeed in gaining their loyalty.
That movement changed the game, and those youngsters then went on to accept the truth of the Esoteric Theosophy without question. A by product of greed on the part of those who sought to discredit such thinking .
I then wondered something interesting, if you had been granted the truth of life in some way shape or form but sought to capitalize on that awareness instead of use it to help others, then anyone who you thought would threaten that corruptive setup, would need to be dealt with in a way that hid them in plain sight so as to not arouse suspicion that they held something of merit to what they brought forth, right?
Exactly how many of our prophets have we sentenced to these mental prisons in the past because of our inability to understand what it was they were trying to tell us at that time?
I hear the voice of God just like a lot of people do now, but what about 7 years ago before it became more well received to speak on?
Anyone who heard it beforehand might be then seen as insane and a danger to the status quo, right?
Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder characterized by continuous or relapsing episodes of psychosis. Major symptoms include hallucinations (typically hearing voices), delusions, and disorganized thinking. Other symptoms include social withdrawal, decreased emotional expression, and apathy.
That could apply to any one of us who is flighty or who hears frequencies that are not commonly heard like all believers do when they hear God. Social withdrawal and apathy could also be attributed to depression or a byproduct of ascension or the Long Dark journey of the Soul, in which everything and everyone around you is turned against you so as to push your soul back towards the Divine out of sheer faith that you can make it.
Better still , what about anyone who is in the midst of the higher initiations to mastery who would have been sent on a pathway that tested their faith from the get go? In fact, that is one of the initiations that I went through myself when I was left to perish alone and feeling as though I’d been forsaken.
It was part of the Dark Night of the Soul when it first came into my awareness that the illusion would be that my God had turned his back on me, and it wasn’t until I made it through the initiations that it was revealed to me, that it was a part of the design to it all.
Every Soul must pass through the rite of passage where they must rely solely on their faith that somehow, someway they will be heard and that they will find their way out of that period.
And what better example of such a test of faith could there be in our world than to be left feeling all that in an insane asylum?
Who the hell would ever think to come for them there?
The reality is that until very recently, ascension and the idea of the awakening was kept secret so as to not be hunted down and vilified, so anyone who spoke of it would have been seen as dangerous or needing some help to rectify that disconnect.
The brave Souls, who let’s say had been born naive to the costs of truth would then all have been sent to places of torture to them because you can’t un-know what you know. Truth is truth, so they couldn’t ever then be changed.
They would have seen the light and once that happens there's no going back. Regardless of which lifetime they are in.
Which triggered something I had read a while back in the Emerald tablets and echoed in Scientology, when it spoke to Earth having imprisoned some very important Souls that the universe would be needing to break free when it was time so as to re-balance the scales for humanity.
Say as in the example of us not seeing the Soul itself, and only seeing them through the lens of the human experience instead, and so mistaking them to be damaged when they weren’t. They were designed that way. They are forerunners y’all.
Oh my God, how many Masters or Elders have we thereby sent to this type of prison?
Holy Shat!
A returning master or elder would not come back asleep would they?
They would come back knowing that they were on a specific mission that until you read this would have sounded ridiculous and so would have been institutionalized wouldn’t they?
It would be a test for humanity to one day have someone rectify it, and that person is me!!!!
I am to go in and find them wherever they are so as to connect them to resources that can get them heard and brought out of that hell, and I am to do it somehow in a public fashion so as to help re-balance the scales for the Collective.
And it was only when I saw it in writing that the truth of what I was saying made mental landfall and the path of service that the Divine was asking me to follow became crystal clear.
I am to sift through all the cases where there is clear indication that the patient in question is somehow connected to the Divine and discern if they are who I think they are.
Which is how you all come into this.
With this new path opened to me, I am committing to the mission at hand with all of my life force and so will be diving right into this wholeheartedly.
I have begun putting together a press packet in which I will be sending this all to every major or minor motion picture or television company worldwide and selling it as a docu-series or on going show called The Initiates for now, in which the cameras will follow me as I make me way throughout the world to these places where I have discerned these brilliant minds are unknowingly being held, and you all are going to help me do it!
If you know anyone that works with any of those types of networks who you know to be Spiritually minded, send them this particular article as they will see the truth in what I said and more than likely jump on the task with me.
I know that I may be sounding ridiculous to some of you, but that will not stop me from succeeding in the end.
It is now clear to me that there are innocent people who have been sentenced to a mental prison in our world, and who as it turns out, may be the Disciples of God.
We know that Matraiya (the expected world teacher) and the other Masters were expected to arrive back into our world in the late 1970’s so what if they did and we didn’t see them, because those they were around were not believers!
It was foretold that only the true believers would be able to see them for who they truly are and that anyone else would be forsaken for turning their back to that possibility in God's plan.
Somehow, someway it was my destiny to be the person who would hear their truth and see them for who they are and help them be freed of a sentence they don’t deserve.
That is the high crime that has us all facing final judgement at this time then isn’t it?
Two things are known for sure at this time, the first of which is that if a Soul is pressured enough that it cannot fulfill its own journey that a safety out can be triggered whereby a step in is allowed to take over.
Something that used to freak me out as after everything I’d been through I would have been damned before allowing someone else to get the perks of all the work I’d have done.
But in this light, I see something else to that. Of all the ways in which to truly put pressure on one's Soul, can you think of any more restrictive than being sent to an insane asylum or existing in this world as an Autistic person?
No matter who you were, both would require a key holder to break through the blockage in order to hear them clearly. And it would need to be someone truly trustworthy at that.
And that's when I saw it, someone like me.
Someone who had mastered the physical restraints of this lifetime on just faith alone. Only that mind, and souls’ journey would have the skill set to see what no one else can see and be guided by the Divine on how to reach them because I’d register the faith frequency in them that I held in me.
If you all recall, part of my whole journey has made a special place for our Autistic community because I did not see them as mentally handicapped, I saw them as souls who were designed with specific brilliance unknown to us before.
I have always held that I was to break through that blockage somehow or to fund the research to do so come hell or high water. It was my destiny, and it turns out I was right.
This mission will require a specific Soul tribe to accomplish it all, and so is why I need you all to help me reach those types of decision makers.
They will know the truth upon reading it herein and be called to step up immediately, if I am correct. They may or may not have known who I am prior to this piece but something in all this screams of destiny and allows it to play its part through all of you.
It must be go time, it must mean that the dominoes have begun to fall in it being time to pass this test or fail it once and for all.
Regardless of that notion, what I am to focus on is to be transparent as to what I am doing so as to free us all to work on something truly inspiring.
We are being gifted the opportunity to re-balance the scales in our favor by finding them and helping them be freed to be who they are meant to be.
And so here are the four names that came to me as people the Divine feels may be of service in this mission.
The first two are rather well known, and so a bit harder to possibly reach, but seeing as I’m now on mission feel no fear in naming them as a means to trying.
My gut speaks to Tyler Perry for a plethora of reasons but let's just say we share aspects to our journey that almost mirror each other and so come across for some reason as a Soul brother.
Next up would be Oprah, as she has done some amazing work in helping the race expand in this way, but again is almost impossible to reach.
Then there comes two networks that jumped to mind.
The first being the Leo King, headed up by David Palmer and his partner Ann. Their High Vibe brand is well done and obviously more in alignment with the Divine plan.
And last but not least is a network I have no idea how to reach but that is known for this type of programming called Gaia.
Any one of those I am being directed towards, but have no clear path too. So if anyone one of you is connected to them, take a moment to consider what it is that I am presenting and seek your highest guidance on if it is in alignment with something you’d like to help accomplish.
If so then please share it with those people, and let the energies carry us the rest of the way.
This is truly the most terrifying thing I’ve ever done in my life in putting this all out there, but that is why I’m here nonetheless and so I’m being called to try new and creative ways to accomplish it all.
Ironically the fact that I wouldn’t keep quiet about all of what I was learning through this ascension process in documenting it which I figured was hurting me in being accepted within this community, turns out to be exactly how I was meant to stand out.
I was not meant to fit in, I was meant to stand out and document the journey from that angle so as to establish myself without a shadow of a doubt.
It's why I wrote all those books, why I kept writing articles and why I agreed to face my fears once and for all, because now I can hold the light of truth and am on a mission to find some very important Souls that it appears are trapped in a setting that they are needing to break free from!
In case you're wondering why the television aspect is needed, it's because we were foretold through the Esoteric Faith that when the Masters came back that their journey would be different. This time the entire world would see them and this time the world would cheer them on in faith.
This time we will do just that, won’t we?
Food for thought as I close, there was a running joke not that long ago that made mention of “If God was alive today, we’d know exactly where to find him….In an insane asylum.”
Better still what if God was really one of us, would you help Him or pass up the chance to get Him out?
Up to the Collective I guess.
Love, Peace and Light.
Al Arevalo
The But Queen
Leo Rising/Cancer Moon
(818) 984-5449