? Twins ? Give ? Train ? Pull ? Lowest ?
Jeff Frick
Engagement in an AI Driven, Asynchronous World | Builder | Top Voice | Video Virtuoso | Content Curator | Host, Turn the Lens podcast and Work 20XX podcast
Got out for an in person morning coffee chat with my friend John Morley . Love his perspective on the news of the day as an immigrant, long time resident, and recent citizen of the US of A. And were sharing thoughts and updates, sharing 'must read' and 'must watch' suggestions, geopolitical concerns, history, and more.
So I was thinking, were we veting, or venting? And I had to admit, I wasn't 100%, so I asked ChatGPT the difference. Learned something new. Thought I'd share.
Q - Where does the expression 'to vet' come from? Or should it be 'to vent?'
A - The expression "to vet" originally comes from the term "veterinarian." Historically, when buying horses, buyers would have a veterinarian check the animal's health and soundness. This practice of having a horse "vetted" gradually evolved into the general term "to vet," meaning to examine, scrutinize, or evaluate someone or something thoroughly.
The term "to vent," on the other hand, has a different origin and meaning. It comes from the Old French word "venter," which means to blow or air out. In English, "to vent" typically means to release or express emotions, often anger or frustration.
So, "to vet" and "to vent" are quite different in both origin and meaning!
Hmmm. That said, I think we were doing both, at the same time. Releasing emotion AND thoroughly examining, scrutinizing, and evaluating some of what's going on, the future consequences, and scenario planning future possible paths.
Do we need a new verb, combining both, and supersizing, 'To Vetente!' both vetting and venting.
Thanks again John, always good to catch up over a coffee.
This Week's Friday Five
Digital Twins ... of you
Imagine a digital simulation of human biology, where treatments can be tested virtually without the need for long, costly physical trials. This technology allows companies to cut years off the drug development process, eliminate reliance on animal testing, and ensure faster and more ethical innovation. It's about precision, safety, and ethics. - Sabine SCHEUNERT
Digital Twins, Virtual Twins.
In large complex systema development like aviation and utilities, the benefits are obvious. Take it to life sciences, medicine, biology, with the potential of pre-tested individualized medicine and treatments, takes it to another level and the future starts to look very different.
Having peeked at the future, Sabine's excitement is palatable. What will you do with your biological digital twin?
Full Length Keynote Opening Keynote
Sabine SCHEUNERT | 3DEXPERIENCE Conference 2024https://lnkd.in/gSQV2ecw
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Give back to the Community
The good feelings I get just by contributing. You can't buy that. That's being part of the community. And so I have a challenge for everyone is to pay it forward and be a part of your community, whatever that is. - Rob Castaneda
There are so many opportunities to give back, and youth sports is a fantastic option, it touches so many kids.
Done right, it's a place to experience and over come challenges, take risks, build resilience, increase confidence, build friendships and gain new experiences. Rob adopted American football and answered the call when organizational changes necessitated new leadership. From purchasing a souvenir hat, to organizing a 5 team club that often earned a trip to Nationals in Orlando. Youth sports is a great way to give back and support the young people in the community.
Full Length
The Atlassian System of Work with special guest Sierra Dasso, Head of Work Management, Sales EMEA/APAC Atlassian by ServiceRocket | Executive Series | Sydney
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I Trained and I Practiced
As a CEO, my number one, number two, and number three jobs are communication... I knew this was important. I hired a coach. I didn't let my ego get in the way. And I trained and I practiced. - Dave Pottruck as recalled by Jeff Frick at the The Wharton School Zweig Executive Lecture Series Event
I have enjoyed many phenomenal speakers over the years, from interviews, to keynotes, on my shows, and others.
I lessons I learned from Dave over the course of a talk, and dinner with Q&A, set a foundation on which many of my communication fundamentals are based, and the importance in leadership in everything from business and well beyond.
And the straightforward acknowledgement that's it a skill, it's important, so I'll hire a pro, and train and practice and get reps, and follow the process and up my game. Check the ego at the door, and start practicing.
Thanks again Dane.
Investing time, energy, and focus on improving teamwork, is more important than where people plug in their laptop.
Improving communications, from internal documentation to leadership and the mission, can make a huge difference.
Full Length Episode
Integrating Technology Into Teamwork with Jeff Frick: The Future of Teamwork Podcast with Dane ?? Groeneveld brought to you by HUDDL3 Group
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFovS39M010&t=523s&ab_channel=TheFutureOfTeamwork -Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/episode/5lZE54e1gPKjN9AhU9m7N3?si=9u2W2KlQSa-jvbagKMZ3uw - Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/integrating-technology-into-teamwork-with-jeff-frick/id1629738493?i=1000674872621 - Show Notes and Transcript - https://thefutureofteamwork.com/episode-113-integrating-technology-into-teamwork-with-jeff-frick/ or wherever you podcast
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Pulling hard, or just not that into it
The difference between somebody with discretionary effort really in the boat rowing hard versus I'm really not that motivated is somewhere between 10% and 10x - Toby Eduardo Redshaw
I quote this clip all the time.
What you want in intrinsic motivation. Leaning in with extra effort because I care.
(we're not talking about attendance)
Thanks again Toby. Great interview Gamiel
Full Length Interview
Toby Eduardo Redshaw , Former SVP, Enterprise Innovation & 5G Solutions, Verizon | The CXO of the Future Podcast with Gamiel Gran , Mayfield -
Transcript and show notes - https://www.mayfield.com/toby-redshaw-former-svp-enterprise-innovation-5g-solutions-verizon/ - or wherever you podcast
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Lowest bid doesn't equal lowest total cost of ownership
A lot of people go for the lowest bidder, that's not always the cheapest. -?Wayne Achen
Pay me know, or pay me later.
Invest in maintenance, or problems grow and fester. Something a wise grandparent passes along to their grandchildren.
And we're not just talking about multi family building maintenance.
Timeless advice from someone who's job is to peel back the exterior and check underneath. Thanks Wayne. Great interview Greg Frick
Full length conversation:
Wayne Achen: How to Tell When Your Multifamily Asset Needs Updates - YouTube - https://youtu.be/Wd3vy_FTE0k?si=YaOMs9CBQCBc8JVi&t=742 - Article - https://www.hfore.com/multifamily-building-exterior-maintenance/
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Bonus - Thanks for the shout out ?? Cathleen Zappulla, MBA
What work looks like is changing. Where we work is changing. Why we work is changing. How we work is changing. When we work is changing. Who we work for is changing. It's all changing. It's quite literally, a perfect storm. ?? - ?? Cathleen Zappulla, MBA
There are so many powerful voices in the future of work space I learn from...
?? Speakers/Authors/Podcasters: Jacob Morgan, Heather E. McGowan, Sophie Wade, Jeff Frick
?? Real Estate & Workplace Strategy: Chris Early, Ryan Anderson
?? Tech/Software/AI: Zain Kahn, Annie Dean, Dave Cairns
?? Consulting & Academia: Brian Elliott, Phil Kirschner, Nick Bloom, Dr Reg Butterfield, Sam Sahni
?? Corporate changemakers: Henrik Jarleskog and Tony Jamous
And so many more not mentioned.
And to all those names tagged above, thank you. ?? I've learned so much from your content and teaching. I applaud you for being trusted voices spreading the gospel.
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Bonus - Thanks for the shout out Team AVUITY
Future of Work and Innovation Experts - Pioneering the conversation around how work is evolving, these thought leaders explore the intersection of technology, culture, and business. They focus on emerging trends, workforce transformations, and innovative strategies that shape the future of industries and organizations. - AVUITY
As the modern workplace continues to evolve, leaders across industries are redefining how we think about space, technology, and the future of work. At AVUITY, we’re proud to highlight experts who are at the forefront of these transformations—innovating in areas like commercial real estate, workplace strategy, smart building technology, and flexible work models.?
These thought leaders are shaping how businesses operate, how employees engage with their environments, and how technology drives productivity and growth. Whether it’s through leveraging data to optimize office spaces or pioneering new approaches to remote work, these professionals offer valuable insights into the future of workspaces and beyond.
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Full List - Click Here
Thanks for the shout out for the Work 20XX podcast. I'm just a vessel for the knowledge, experience, wisdom, and insights of my guests.
Original Post - Click Here
That's a wrap on today's edition.
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I go through gallons of Peet's Coffee putting posts together. Someone finally created an app, where you can buy me a cup of coffee.
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Senior Managing Director
1 周Jeff Frick Thanks for sharing this insightful post. I agree with your perspective on this topic.
Reignite Your Organization From The Middle ??
1 周It’s such a confusing time. So a vet or a vent with you will always help, Jeff! Next coffee is on me!
Engagement in an AI Driven, Asynchronous World | Builder | Top Voice | Video Virtuoso | Content Curator | Host, Turn the Lens podcast and Work 20XX podcast
1 周Bill Schmarzo > Were your ears burning? We'll have to coordinate and have you join us via tech next time.