Twin Pregnancies Double Heart Disease Risk for Mothers in First Year After Birth
The Doctorpreneur Academy
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Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it also comes with health challenges. A recent study published in the European Heart Journal has found that mothers of twins have double the risk of heart disease-related hospitalizations in the first year after childbirth compared to mothers of single babies (singleton pregnancies).
Key Findings of the Study
Researchers analyzed 36 million hospital deliveries in the US Nationwide Readmissions Database (2010-2020). They found:
Why Does This Happen?
What Can Expecting Mothers Do?
A Consultant Obstetrician in Mumbai, emphasizes that India’s rising fertility treatments make this study highly relevant. Health professionals should monitor twin pregnancies closely and ensure proper postpartum care.
A doctor from Brigham and Women’s Hospital highlights that the first 12 weeks after birth (the fourth trimester) is a critical time for preventing long-term heart disease. Collaboration between obstetricians, cardiologists, and healthcare providers is essential to improve postpartum care and reduce risks.
Final Thoughts
If you are expecting twins or have recently given birth, prioritize your heart health. The risks are higher, but early detection, regular check-ups, and a heart-healthy lifestyle can help keep you safe.
Talk to your doctor today about postpartum heart health and take steps for a healthier future
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