Twin Flame Relationship --The ultimate Alchemical marriage

"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.

They're in each other all along" ~rumi

Twin flames, also called twin souls and twin rays, is 'one soul' that was split into two souls. Twin flames  are often referred to as being the other half of one's own soul. This does not imply that each twin is only half of a soul on earth, for each individual soul is already whole. What a Twin Flame does imply is that at one time, the two individual souls were one.

Love's Philosophy

The Fountains mingle with the Rivers

And the Rivers with the Oceans,

The winds of Heaven mix forever

With a sweet emotion;

Nothing in the world is single;

All things by a law divine

In one spirit meet and mingle.

Why not I with thine? --

See the mountains kiss high Heaven

And the waves clasp one another;

No sister-flower would be forgiven

If it disdained its brother,

And the sunlight clasps the earth

And the moonbeams kiss the sea:

What is all this sweet work worth

If thou kiss not me?

We each have only one twin. In the beginning, the One soul was split into two and each went their separate ways. Each twin may continue to reincarnate  into the physical realm over and over to gather human experience and to balance Karma before being re-united with the other half of their over-soul in a lifetime. Eventually, the Twin Flames will merge back into the One soul that they were before the split into the two twin souls. The early stages of this reunion usually happens in both of their last lifetimes on the planet so they can complete the Ascension  process together.

Each twin is a complete soul, not half a soul. It is their task to become more whole together, balancing their female and male sides (masculine and feminine energies), and ideally become enlightened, before reuniting with their twin. This reunion is of two complete and whole beings. All other relationships through all our lives could be said to be "practice" for the twin, the ultimate relationship. The Twin Flame connection is the ultimate Alchemical Marriage

I Carry Your Heart With me

I carry your heart with me (I carry it in

my heart)

I am never without it(anywhere

I go you go,my dear; and whatever is done

by only me is your doing,my darling)

I fear

no fate (for you are my fate,my sweet) I want

no world (for beautiful you are my world,my true)

and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant

and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows

(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud

and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows

higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)

and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart , I carry it in my heart 

~ e.e. Cummings

Most people mistake a soulmate for a twin flame, or vice versa. The term 'soul mate' and 'twin soul' are often used synonymously and there is much confusion between the two. A soul mate and a twin soul (twin flame) are two different concepts. Throughout a lifetime one has many soulmates, but throughout eternity, one has only one twin soul or 'twin flame'. The idea of the Twin Flame Soul Mate is often romantically idealized, but the dynamic of this sacred and spiritual union is based on unconditional love and oneness. Twin flame relationships can be more challenging than soulmate relationships because of the intense energies involved in preparation for the spiritual work they will do on earth.The feeling of deep or natural affinity, similarity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, or compatibility are often signs of a soulmate connection, but these dynamics can also be intense in a twin flame connection. The twin flame connection should not be romantically idealized. At its spiritual heart it is a divine and Unconditional love that that is extended from Source and exists beyond the physical. The more ego that is involved, the less harmonious it will be. 

When our twin soul is incarnated on earth at the same time as we are, usually they are not an ideal mate for a long term romantic relationship unless much of the spiritual inner work has been completed by both of twins prior to meeting, and continuously while together. The twin flame relationship can be heaven on earth or complete chaos.

Although in the past it has been rare for twin flames to be incarnate on earth at the same time, this will become more common as the consciousness of humanity ascends as a whole. When both twins are not incarnated together, one twin is usually in physical experience while the other is in non-physical, often acting as a guide or caretaker to their embodied twin on earth. No matter what the distance between two twin souls may be, they are always connected, always a part of one another.

Your twin flame is literally your 'other half' and embodies everything you are on a higher soul level. On the level of personality, they usually reflect everything you do not like about your self. Twin flames are each other's mirror and often on a subconscious level. It is not always easy to face one's self honestly in all aspects, negative and positive. To live harmoniously with your twin flame you have to be very comfortable with your self for a romantic relationship to work.

There can be several challenges in a twin flame relationship for many reasons. Problems in Twin flame connections can be anything from age difference, being in different locations, one twin is already committed in a soulmate relationship, and often one or both twins will have serious issues and may be afraid to open up the energy of the twin flame connection because the bond is too intense on many levels if one has not completed much inner spiritual work prior to the meeting.


Throughout the course of your life you may have had unusual or powerful dreams, visions, or fantasies of a mysterious person. You get a particular feeling and the energy of the individual feels familiar, as if it is someone you have already met in the past or someone you will meet in some unknown future. You have a vague feeling that this person is real even if you can not see a face or invent their physical appearance in your mind. You have a feeling as if this person is 'out there somewhere' and may even know who you are on the same level.

There may be an unusual synchronicity or event that surround the initial meeting between first flames. Often you have a feeling or 'knowing' of something that you just can't quite put into words. Twin flames often encounter each other for the first time (whether in person or online) in an unusual way. The twin flame comes into our life in an unexpected way out of the blue and usually there are synchronicity and strange occurrences or major shifts in energy the same week of the initial meeting.

Most twin flame couples are physically at a distance or live in different countries. Often there is something that prevents the twin flames from being physically together in the beginning. This is usually because there is much energetic work to be done on the mental and emotional levels before the physical meeting can occur. If the physical meeting were to occur too soon the energy can often be too intense.

The relationship is immediate, as though no time had been lost since you were last together. You feel comfortable with them and you feel you can truly be yourself with them. Sometimes conversation seem to last forever and there is not much that twin flames are not willing to talk about. It's as if you could share your entire life with this person and there is a level of openness and understanding between you that brings a comfortable yet intriguing sense of familiarity.

You feel an overwhelming sense of love and attraction. This love is genuine and heartfelt and you feel magnetically drawn to their energy. This is not to be confused with lust or an obsessive love. Twin flame love is unconditional and transcends the ego. If you have found your twin flame it does not mean that the relationship will necessarily be free from issues or personal conflict. There may still be lessons and healing that must take place between the twin souls. Twin flames are still human beings on the physical level.

You feel a sense of completion that goes beyond words. This feeling is about wholeness on a soul level that is beyond the physical. Each twin flame is still an individual and is not 'the other half of your soul' as if you are a complete soul now that you have found them. You are meeting an energetic mirror of your own soul. You share a vibration and you resonate with them. You even feel an attraction to the sound of their voice and it may even sound familiar to you.

The Sea Hath Its Pearls

The Sea Hath Its Pearls

The sea hath its pearls,

The heaven hath its stars;

But my heart, my heart,

My heart hath its love.

Great are the sea, and the heaven;

Yet greater is my heart,

And fairer than pearls or stars

Flashes and beams my love.

Thou little, youthful maiden,

Come unto my great heart;

My heart, and the sea and the heaven

Are melting away with love!

  ~Henry Wordsworth Longfellow

Sarmistha Mukherjee

Academic content writer

1 年

Unique and divine bonding. Surrender to Divine, inner work and shadow work can bring harmonious reunion.


And here is another PEARL.... E.E. cummings lovely poem set to music!

Debbie Courville

Online Sales at Fatima Rosary

6 年

I just lost my Twin Flame. He pastway January 5 th.??

Naida Kundurovic ??

Gestalt Therapist | Transforming Deep Patterns & Unlocking Authentic Presence

6 年

Dear Satya, Thank you for these words. Blessings, Nai

Muthu Kumar

Business Development I Business Strategy | Pharma Marketing I Brand Plan I Launch Initiatives I In -licensing I Market Access

7 年

It really takes a dispersion of self or surrender to one to get the kind of feeling , it is an amazing experience and at that state one feel self sufficient


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