Twin Cities Real Estate Agents of the Month
By Susan Cushing
Some might perceive Kristin and John Beise of RE/MAX Advantage Plus, as workaholics, but those close to this industrious and compassionate couple know better. Hardworking? Certainly. Passionately involved? Unquestionably! And, it’s true they spend seemingly endless hours working with clients or volunteering in the community. But making money has never been their priority. This husband-and-wife team known as The Right REALTORS?, approach real estate (and everything else) with a focus on helping others. As so often happens when one is doing the right thing, though, success and financial gain seem to follow.
“Minnesota Nice,” might be an overworked phrase, but Kristin and John fit it to a T. Both have long-time roots in Minnesota. John is a life-long resident of Mound (his family’s roots there dating back to 1925). Ask him about his home town’s charm and history and there is very little he doesn’t know! Kristin, born and raised in Washington, D.C., comes from strong local roots as well with both of her parents originally from South Minneapolis.
“I’m proud to be a D.C. native, but also proud to return to my Minnesota roots. My family came here almost every summer so it was a natural to make this home,” she says.
Fate is a funny thing, and it’s hard to conceive that anything other than providence was at work in bringing these two perfectly matched people together.
John was busy working both as a manufacturing engineering technician at a Fortune 100 company in Burnsville, and, in his spare time, teaming up with his brother buying and selling fixer-upper homes. Meanwhile, Kristin, who had just graduated from Marquette University, was encouraged by her sister to join her in Minnesota. Six months later, the two met.
“We were set up on a blind date,” she says with a laugh. “I was with all my girlfriends, dressed for beer and burgers and they were all dressed up. I sure didn’t know I was about to meet my future husband, I can tell you that!”
“I got to meet the real you,” John chimes in lovingly.
Now married for nearly a quarter of a century, they still celebrate the day they first met, and send a thank you note to the friend who introduced them. Even the date of that encounter seems prophetic – 9/3/93.
It wasn’t just the beginning of a love story, but also embers that would quickly spark into a wonderful shared passion and career. John made the move first. As he became more and more involved with the business of fixing homes for resale, he wanted to learn more about the business. So, he began by taking real estate classes, quickly absorbing and mastering every aspect.
“It got to the point that I realized I had taken every class necessary and had enough credits to take the real estate exam,” he says. “So, in 1995, I quit my job and made it official. I loved the business right from the start, and still do!”
It was always part of their plan to bring Kristin into the business, but, just as they do everything, the couple methodically planned just how and when.
“I was working downtown for a company that does corporate real estate consulting,” says Kristin. “I loved what I did and loved the people, but John and I really wanted to follow our own dream.”
Seven years after John, Kristin came on board. “I just remember that while he was taking all those classes, John did so much research on his own, something he continues to do,” she says. “He’d run into people, and regardless of what question they had about real estate, he had the answer. He has an amazing memory that way. When I joined him in real estate he gave me great resources and tools to get me up to speed that I still utilize!”
“About that time, we started writing our own newsletter,” adds John. “It seemed like a great way to keep our clients and potential clients informed about what’s going on in the real estate arena.”
The Beise Team and “The Right Reader” newsletter were both off to an auspicious beginning. Currently, their mailing list exceeds 300 copies and unlike many similar publications, everything printed in the Beise newsletter is original and of real use to their readers.
“We’ve been personally writing a newsletter almost every month for the past 15 years,” says John. “We found that people were hungry for the kind of information we provide. It’s not canned, it’s pertinent to our local market and what our readers want to know. When we’re out and about, it’s easy to pick up on what people are talking about, what concerns them, what worries or excites them and we stay current by responding to that.”
Another thing that sets this husband-and-wife team apart is the fact that, unlike many other couples, they are full and equal partners. Neither one serves as backup or office support, they are both full time REALTORS?. They frequently meet with clients together, but it’s not unusual for John to be showing a home in one area, while Kristin is showing another across town.
“What is nice, though,” says John, “is that at those times we stay in close communication. For instance, I might call Kristin and say, ‘How’s your showing going?’ and if she says, ‘No, this home is not a fit for them at all, I’m about to finish up.’ I’ll tell her that my clients are ready to buy and if she gets to the office before me, she’ll have all the paperwork ready to go. The reverse happens just as often. We both know all of our clients and all of our inventory. We’re a team, 100 percent!”
Just as they are committed to one another, the Beise Team is equally committed not just to their clients, but to the community at large. During the dark days of 2007- 2010, when many other REALTORS? were either scrambling to find any way to hang on and others giving up, Kristin and John were literally giving away their time and expertise in order to help their neighbors.
“We felt more like counselors during that time,” says John. “It was horrible to see so many people upside down or losing their homes. Everyone was panicking and didn’t know what to do. We definitely went to a lot of comedy movies as a sort of therapy during that time.”
“We sat around a lot of kitchen tables,” adds Kristin, “trying to help our clients figure it out. The happy news is that, most of the folks that we advised and guided through those times, are now coming back strong. It’s been very rewarding.”
Their generosity isn’t exclusive to hard times, however, both John and Kristin are heavily involved in their community. One of their “babies” has been the annual Spirit of the Lakes Festival. The event was traditionally sponsored and organized by a different business or group each year. By 2006, however, the volunteers seemed to have faded. Kristin and John were happy to pick up the reins. For nine years they’ve served as board members, helping to re-imagine the event.
“It’s rewarding to watch the kids and families enjoy the stage shows and amazing fireworks, knowing we helped make that happen!” says John, who has also served on the Mound city council and as acting mayor.
With their many other duties and commitments, the couple finally had to pass the baton this year.
Not being solely committed to the festival has opened up the Beises’ time for other things. “We can devote more time to our clients and contribute in other ways to our community. And we’re just starting to figure out that we need to take vacations and recharge once in a while,” says John with a laugh.
What’s next for this dynamic team? Aside from a goal to grow their business and their team, John says, “We are excited for 2017 and helping many more clients get into the type of house they are excited to come home to.”